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Everything posted by VF25-F

  1. For those that can't get enough of May'n during Sunday's broadcast - 'graphite/diamond' and those that missed it, we'll fear not as the Galactic Fairy performs an Acoustic ver. (First time ever!) for everyone! Stay home, Stay safe! Very well sung and look at all those Hippos! XD
  2. Special online event by Anime Festival Asia tonight 26th April at 8pm - featuring J-pop artist including May'n. From the line up, it looks like last year's concert where May'n duet with Minori Chihara and other artist from HoriPro Intl.
  3. Diamond Crevasse from May'n Home. As usual Mu-chan (the guardian of the keyboard) keeps a watchful eye...
  4. May'n singing from home. This time it's Phonic Nation, (with accompanying 'audience's singing') XD I hope she does more of such videos. Hmm, her cat Mu-chan is probably tied up or asleep (otherwise it would jump on the keyboard and disrupt the playing) Look at all the Hippos on the top of the cupboard! XD
  5. Big News! Horipro has release (for a limited time only) May'n Christmas Special Concert 2018 - Day 2 Enjoy
  6. More free time and different hair styles!
  7. With most of the concerts and events cancelled, she goes to have a hair cut and get her hair back to it's natural color. The first pix, she looks like a small child! XD https://ameblo.jp/mayn-blog/entry-12584118736.html?fbclid=IwAR2DJzO3nX3lj_IX_JQJq-LbIHngzbJCnSVTOm1uftK55Rq05FXlVcUhiW8
  8. March is a month for students graduating in Japan and apparently they play this song. So the Galactic Fairy sings it to all of them that are graduating this March.
  9. Came across this - a snap quiz, not sure when it was recorded. Could be in the Philippines.
  10. Due to the outbreak of the virus and the cancellations of events in Japan, May'n has quite some time on her hands. And plenty of time to post cat pix. This one was taken when she fell asleep and Mu chan ended up sleeping on her chest - May'n : I can't move!
  11. Another funny moment with May'n, this time with Mu chan.
  12. An interview was done by the Macross newsletter M Soul. May'n was with JUNNA. Hope there will be a collaboration between the two. Another piece of news for those staying in and near France! May'n will be a guest of honor at 21st Japan Expo on July 4 (Anisong Festa)! http://mayn.jp/j-music名誉ゲストとしてフランス「japan-expo」出演決定/?fbclid=IwAR2fHPt9i8UC34tjfg5wIIJO4m5CZuEz8I-r6zaem291mFRjmL57f1Uz_G8
  13. This is why May'n is my favorite artist! On stage her performance is top notch, off stage she makes us laugh! XD New version of Diamond Crevasse....through a balloon! XD
  14. Frontier meets Delta! Yesterday May'n had dinner with Freya and Shabu-shabu (Hot pot). Wonder what they talked about. Hopefully a collaboration! https://ameblo.jp/mayn-blog/entry-12575456326.html?fbclid=IwAR2A5y3dhH7H97H-itzRZP0_2u0q5T2g8vM8ZKSYvdFo4creuaM7r1QQEeg
  15. Sad news for her Taiwan fans (as well as for May'n) as the concert was cancelled due to the corona virus outbreak. https://ameblo.jp/mayn-blog/entry-12574981362.html?fbclid=IwAR0iDdahDd_8XGfW6N3Y2C10FPQNQK7WiwPXlBj7nXQe4byxW-kHFWh9-wA
  16. Risa Ebata (famous for her drawings of Sheryl Nome) send May"n a Valentine card during her Hang Jam 4 concert tour of Tokyo Next is her stylish costume. The last one is weird, as if she was going to take a photo with ReoNa when suddenly a guy got into the picture! XD
  17. Still on her Hang Jam 4 tour, May'n shows her tough workout routine! https://twitter.com/mayn_tw/status/1225407731911151616?s=21&fbclid=IwAR06kE20JxTHjFHPCwq3R37y-bmNyeF8IeeXzhAofMkF-n21-8DwA8ofT3U She's wearing that special Taiyaki T-shirt which you could order for her concert. Did anyone noticed there were also some Giraffes and some other toy animals other than her One Punch Man dolls.
  18. May'n have One Punch Man dolls as inspiration to do better at her work out. At another partially related news, one of her best friend- LiSA is getting married. One May'n fan posted : 2 good news! 1. May'n is invited to the wedding (maybe she'll sing!) 2. May'n is not the one getting married! XD To be honest, at some point I did feel relieved. So let's ask ourselves this question. If May'n should one day get married (hopefully not in the near future) would you still listen to her songs? https://ameblo.jp/mayn-blog/entry-12569880713.html?fbclid=IwAR1aDwk2GIhyycxhinGllQzYEb1GgYKHVcH35_eJJTM7XcTM94slaVPTH9s
  19. Some perks being a registered member of May'n fan club. You can download a personally drawn calendar! http://sp.mayn.jp/download/list.php
  20. May'n cat - Mu chan is being naughty again. This time chewing on some leaves! XD
  21. During her usual talk program, she did a charade like game on air and here are what she drew - Pikachu, Evangelion, Bank robbery, Arm wrestle, A Scam, A Snowball fight and An Orangutan! There were a few more but I couldn't understand them..... XD! Imagine if these drawings were found 1,000 years later could it be misinterpret as Ancient Aliens? XD
  22. Final installment of May'n Christmas concert - Part 6 https://ameblo.jp/mayn-blog/entry-12565395883.html?fbclid=IwAR02HQ3JSwOhuv2jfM_AWFsDyxXFWlRSFcSVfBlGqBYiklzaVS_dqihvLP8 She went back to her home town to spent time with her parents in the New Year and shortly after that she went to a Sea Park. Someone has taught this seal to stick it's tongue out! XD
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