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Everything posted by Nani?!

  1. yeah, xmas present for Christmas 2004! And Graham... I give you lots of respect, I wouldn't last one month not spreading the word with the info you know, but yeah... It's not about "when it done, it's done"... No, no, no... Yamato will take their sweet time "perfecting" no matter what us fans do... (though, perfecting for yamato usually comes AFTER they release it, AFTER everyone buys it) If they want to delay the amount they do, you better compensate with a couple of progress pics OR ATLEAST some bit of significant news, which we dont have.... all we have to salivate on is the "Model Graphix" pics of what it'll shoot for.... All in all, as I've said time and again.... With the following yamato has enjoyed, the fans deserve much better.... You don't come across a legion of people so optimistic and upbeat as these people are. To simply grin and keep us hanging is just cruel...
  2. Darn Japanese fans... Isn't it enough that they are at the beginning of the source of all anime? Arent they privileged enough that they don't have to figure in shipping and handling costs and walk into any ol' toy store and purchase these babies? sigh.... Question: What exactly would happen to you Graham if you accidently "*cough* yf 19 FP coming in january 2004 *cough*" or say you tell us secretly by email and we all blame it on say..., some anonymous hacker?
  3. I think everyone here should pat themselves on their backs. There's so much life and commitment on the part of the people in this forum despite the atrocious lack of significant news, updates, etc. I've been posting in variety of forums and never have I seen a following so patient and forgiving. I myself went from collecting Macross plus 1/72s only, to emptying my wallet and purchasing the entire yamato 1/60 line. Now I find myself waiting with "super-human" patience for the Macross 0, Macross plus 1/60, etc with all you people. sigh... Deadlines slip ALWAYS, news is a rarity amoung rarities, updates are laughably unexpected and yet... I sign on to this forum like an everyday ritual. I gotta search for a new hobby..... After I get the Mac 0's and Mac +'s of course!! It's a Disease I tell you!
  4. A dehumidifier is sort of like a filter that eliminates a lot of the moisture in the air in a room. It should do wonders, just as long as you keep it on consistently. You might also want to try to spraying anti-bacterial sprays in your room every day. Should help a bit.
  5. Damn right we need more low vis! Perhaps a slight variation so that some the limited edition "investors" don't gripe. 1 question.... What price would be reasonable for a limited edition one? Would $180 (total) be a reasonable price? or is that a rip off?
  6. oh I forgot one thing, Twin moons, Man you guys rock! Best experience I had buying anime stuff off the net. Really Nice... Kudos to you!
  7. I tried searching but too much clutter.... does anyone know when the low vis will be reissued? Gosh darnit I want one.... I'm still banging my head on the wall for not buying one..... ergh...... Thanks
  8. I know I said my last post was my last post in this thread, but I guess not.... First off, to Tom, wow... if you made your point the way you last did the first time around, I would have totally agreed with you. Like I've mentioned before I do not think 1/48 yamato's suck. My point was that for the price, it was more practical for a lot of people to buy the 1/60 scale rather than the 1/48. Your past comment stating "In the end, it's really the price tag, isn't it?" really came across offensive in the reality that for some people price is a concern. With the fastpacks those 1/48 cost about 3 times as much as a 1/60 with fastpacks. Is it 3 times superior to a 1/60? not my opinion... and hence it wasn't worth the money (lack there of) for me. but anyway... your point is rather clear now. 1/48's ARE and have always been cool... I never denied that (I myself still yearn for a low vis)... but right now... it's just too damn pricey for me... And as for the 1/72 Mac+'s... By being the first valks made by yamato 3-4 years back and with all that drama with it's intial release, they really lack the quality and the relative accuracy that the vf series have gained by experience. So atleast speaking from my point of view, yamato making 1/60 scale version of mac+ valks almost feels like a fresh start for a Mac+ fanatic like myself. Actually, if they decide to resculpt the yf 21 and the vf 11b, it will be.... and so going directly to 1/48 with a kick ass new sculpt will be a skip for us 1/60 people... Anyway.... Good Lord, we pay them enough money, shiet.... yamato should please us all!
  9. Tommy boy, Man..., you make me laugh. "Suckered, inferior toy, you don't know me" I would reply to this crap, but really... it's pointless.... That's all I gotta say. Last Post for this thread. REALLY.....
  10. I'm cool with 1/48. -I can clearly see why people with the money would buy them- However, I'm not cool with the fact that some people want to jump straight to 1/48. That's just it. No further comment.
  11. Thanks! Looks like I got another valk to buy!
  12. The re-release vf-1s has improvements? Does anyone know what improvements are to be made? Info appreciated Thanks
  13. tom64ss, whew... ok, A 1/60 vf-1a costs approx $50 to about $70 A 1/48 vf-1a costs approx $120 to about $150. I dont know if you actually sat down and thought about it but that's more than double the price for a "few inches". Given the popularity of the yf 19 alone. The price would be even greater. So let's see... that's about $450 for three toys with a few measely inches added to them. WTF is this about?? You talk as if the concern for price is a non-issue. I dunno what money tree you're standing under but for many of us, it is an issue. Bypassing the 1/60 scale to accomodate rich, size-crazed asses like yourself, seems a bit illogical. And when 1/60 does well, (when it's made) which it will..., like you said..., "Yamato would eventually just make them in 1/48 anyways". SO.... Then technically, you shall get your 1/48... 1/48 ONLY people, you guys are a minority. Not that it's a bad thing... but when you start suggesting we skip the 1/60... then it becomes a bad thing....
  14. oh my, What is all this talk about 1/60 Mac+? I guess the joyous complete feeling I've enjoyed of owning all the Yamato valks will be shorter lived than I had imagined.... Anyway, as long as we're on this subject of what size is fitting for the Mac+..., I think 1/60 is fine for Mac +. I apologize in advance for being redundant, but 1/48 mac + valks would be just atrocious for many of us financially. Also, a short comment on this quote: "WE?" Dude you're a minority. A big F***ing valk without adequate detail is just butt-haneous. Detail is king, Durability is Queen, then size matters.
  15. One thing I want to comment to some of the replies is... I never said that yamato should hurry up in production or rush anything out the door ASAP. I dunno if most of you followed yamato for the first version of the YF 19 a long while ago, but I waited patiently, beeming with anticipation whenever bits of info on it appeared on the net. What I hope for is not a rushed valk... Yamato can take their time to perfect it... And YES hurricaine, they can and have the option of staying secretive. But it is also MY option and right as a customer and a fan to question what the secracy is about. What I hope for is SOME info directly from yamato regarding the progress of this valk... At least when the first version was delayed time and time again, they had some bits of info on why it was delayed... All I hope for is some communication.... I think with the growing number of fans yamato has amassed since then, communication should be better, not more stubborn and secretive.... In reply to Graham, I really appreciate the info though how minute it is. I just dont understand how yamato thinks a select few should be able to observe the progress and then to shut them up completely.... I think it's cruel...
  16. Cool... Graham speaks! I must say.... though it contains NO NEW info whatsoever.... it's somewhat eerily assuring. I wish a yamato employee can see just how much people are thirsting for a peak... imagine the "ooh..., ahh's..." when we see the damn thing... Hey, can ya show us the cockpit? or maybe just an arm? Good Lord.... The pitiful being I've become....
  17. Sup, I agree with the fact that releasing info TOO SOON is definitely not a good thing for Yamato, BUT it's been delayed a couple of times... So I surmise that it isnt "too soon"... to the contrary, I think they might be a bit too up tight about it... Also, I would assume if (supposedly) graham was given the opportunity to see pics of it, the development of the figure would have progressed enough so that fan nit picking wouldnt be such a big factor. I really can't imagine a scenario at this point that really makes a sneak peak unreasonable by now. I'm just hoping some surprise will come to us by the christmas season... I trust it'd be kick ass... but right now I feel like I'm in the middle of a "Yamato desert" looking for an oasis... I'm fricken thirsty Yamato... think of the little people dammit...
  18. Anyone care to elaborate on the "Big Leak"?
  19. Thanks for replying, hmm.. there was a huge leak? Still.... leak or not, there's NO public info on the yf 19. I mean it's not as if it's a movie or a game in production. There's no story or ending to be ruined... is it too much to ask for a gray prototype pic? I'm sure it'll be beneficial to yamato's sales for the figure rather than diminish it.
  20. Ok, I like almost all of you, am an avid collector of yamato valks, dishing out $70+ each (sometimes even $100+) to contribute to the rising popularity of their products. I've been reading most of all your comments regarding the upcoming yf 19 FP and I begin to wonder why no one is openly questioning the REASON for all this secracy behind it? If yamato is going to delay the release of the figure as they always do, why wont they atleast give some prototype pics of it? OR for pete's sake why not give a clear reason why they cant give us a peak? Don't take me wrong. I really dont mean to gripe but I think it's dumb for us to be SO deprived of info. Gosh people, have the guts to put SOME good hearted pressure on yamato. I think we have a right to, dont we?
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