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Posts posted by anubis20

  1. My friend Sam, which is my contact in Japan who has helped me organize a couple of group buys for Tamashii Web Exclusive items, has opened his own proxy buying service for items in Japan. He is currently offering all kinds of service such as bidding on Yahoo Auctions Japan and shopping from online stores in Japan. He was forced to quit his job (stupid job politics in Japan) so now he is basically supporting his family through his site www.DV8cag.com. Some members here (razerwire, matrix soul, bouncing boy, David Hingten) have participated in the group buy and know that he is legit.

    If you guys need anything from Japan please try to go through his site and help him out. His fees are some of the lowest, i helped him out with researching other proxy buying sites so he could come up with reasonable fees. The site is simple to use and say for example you want an exclusive from Yamato Online Shop please go to the site and submit a request, he will get back to you within minutes and give you your total. Also if you guys register, use your username from this site so I can recognize you guys. Click the image below to go to the site. Thanks!


  2. I don't have pics but I tried using different VFs. Thing is the GBP comes with special large shoulders. Those are white if the VF-1 doesn't have white shoulders it will look odd.

    Easily solve by getting one of the new TV Roy 1S

  3. Okay, prices for this limited kit is available, please see first post.

    Will be accepting pre-orders now, availability is on a first come first serve basis. Kits are expected to be shipped out by the end of July!

    Do you have to pay everything at once? Or is it a deposit now and the rest later?

  4. Yeah I got the discount on both items of around 15% then I received a further discount of 2715 which relates to the shipping.

    Weird, then you might have gotten lucky, this is what mine looks like, you got the standard of the hicky version?

    <Item Name | Unit Price | QTY | Total >


    YAMATO Macross 1/60 Perfect Transformer VF-1S TV Color Edition | 7,850.- | 1 | 7,850.


    Payment method: PayPal

    Shipping method: EMS

    Shipping Fee: 2880

    15% Off Promotion: -1177

    TOTAL: 9553JPY


  5. I received my payment request from Amiami this morning, I was pleased to see they included the 15% off EMS shipping as well.

    Not sure if I was just lucky but I paid up straight away. Now I just have to wait until they arrive, it seems like it has been ages since I ordered them.

    It was 15% off the price of the toy, and everyone got it up until today.

  6. I see. Well in that case, can you tell me where to get those plastic tripod stands that everyone uses?

    flightpose.com and I have to agree that the included stand with the DX is some crap. You can also go for an official DX stand but I have yet to put mine together so I couldnt really tell you how good they are.

  7. Got mine, won't be transforming it for a while though---the paint is much more matte than I suspected, so raw Future over it will be hyper-obvious, I'm going to have to mix up some flat-Future batches and see which one will dry to the right sheen. (I have planned for months that I would coat the nose and shoulders with Future BEFORE the first transformation---I'm not taking any chances on scraping paint).

    Anyways, having never owned a VF-27, a few things I've noticed and am wondering if Brera's is the same:

    Darkest stripes are metallic paint.

    Intake covers are metallic paint.

    Beam cannon is molded in metallic plastic.

    Lime green details (like the back of the hand stripe) are metallic paint.

    No I think all that metallic stuff is exclusive to the Grace.

  8. I would prefer a pilot that looks like Grace, but it's not a deal-breaker for me and it's not going to bother me.

    As for the different shades of green, I assume it's going to be like every other green toy that people have freaked out over where I can't see any difference in person.

    Agreed I dont see any problems with Lucas RVF, mine looks fine to me and thats what matters.

  9. I sure hope "missing stickers" isn't the same as "missing tampo printing". Stickers are not a replacement for missing paint...

    Did Brera's come with a sticker sheet? Or maybe the fold booster has stickers?

    Nope Brera's didnt come with any stickers, matter of fact I dont think any DX's ever came with any stickers.

  10. They're shipping, my friend received my copy at home today.


    bandai is saying that most of them are missing some stickers and they'll mail those out on the 25th.

    Yup my friend got mine today 3 VF-27's and 11 Stands, he also sent me the email Bandai sent to him.

    お客様各位この度は魂ウェブ商店にて「DX超合金 VF-27β ルシファーバルキリー(グレイス・オコナー機/一般機)」をお買い求めいただき、まことにありがとうございました。この度、配送のお手配作業中に、商品付属の「マーキングシール」が一部不足していることが判明いたしました。現在、不足の「マーキングシール」の手配を急いでおります。商品の配送は予定通り6月17日より順次配送を開始しております。「マーキングシール」不足分につきましては、商品とは別のお届けとなります。ご迷惑をおかけいたしまして大変申し訳ございません。「マーキングシール」不足分は6月25日より順次発送予定でございます。商品とは別でのお届けとなりますこと、何卒ご了承いただけますよう重ねてお願い申し上げます。※「マーキングシール」は、「DX超合金 VF-27β ルシファーバルキリー(グレイス・オコナー機/一般機)」をお送りいたしましたご住所に、ご購入数量と同数を発送させて頂きます。※受取日を指定されている場合は、商品に合わせて発送させて頂く場合があります。今後とも、バンダイ商品をご愛用くださいますとともに、お気づきの点がございましたら下記までお問合せくださいますようお願い申し上げます。<お問い合わせ先>バンダイお客様相談センター 04-7146-0371●電話受付時間 月~金曜日(祝日を除く) 10時~16時

    There, that should answer all of your questions. LOL, OK, apparently there was some type of unexpected problem and they do not have the correct amount of stickers.Due to this, they will begin shipping additional stickers separately beginning on the 25th.They say they will be shipping in order of the orders placed, so I don't know how far down the line yours was,but we may have to wait a little bit on them.

    So where ever you guys are getting yours from ask about the stickers. Im gonna have my stickers shipped to me later whenever they get to my friends house.

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