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Posts posted by neptunesurvey

  1. I have a few of the 1st and 2nd sets. The one I'm still looking for is the 3rd set. That one has the phalanx in it. The detail is alright for plastic for that size from that time. I like the Regults and the Tomahawks myself. I have painted one Tomahawk and will post a picture tomorrow once my camera battery is charged. I'm looking at repainting it and adding some more details now that my skill has improved over the years. My plan is to use them in a diorama with 1/285th micro armor. The 1/350 carrier is an interesting idea.

  2. Testors is not bad. Whether the thinning ratio is the same I'm not certain. I usually do a lot of spray testing to see how it comes out. I started using Floquil on some models and it seems to do well. For a high gloss I usually go with Future myself.

    When setting the decals I use setting solution and when dried I spray on a dull coat or gloss depending on what I am looking for.

    Since it sounds like you have someone else doing it, he probably has his own favorites.

  3. I finished this 2 weeks ago. I built the quelamitz with the bow gun open and added an led for light. I have tried to edit the video and have not been successful in shrinking it down under 10mb. The video is in mp4 format. Any suggestions on editing?

    Here are some pictures instead. The light kit is for the Klingon Bird of Prey that is for sale on Starhsipmodeler. It can be found under Madman Lighting if interested.






  4. I'm back online. Long story involving replacing old modem and Tigerdirect making my s*** list for the time being.

    Derex, keep checking Starshipmodeler. A few will be available through them.

    Cool8or, thanks and yes to post shading. I accidently caused some unwanted battle damage and I'm currently fixing it. That little sucker slipped right out of hand and hit the floor tail first. I should be finished with everything by Sunday.

  5. Hi Akim, long time no see! :)

    Yup, I think I have pretty much all I need as far as visual reference. I've also added a lot of little things that weren't in the original line art, like a crew boarding ladder, access hatches, radar assembly, etc, etc. You know me, I like to put my own little touches on things ^^

    Will you having a pilot figure for the plane?

  6. Heh, you better not store that space cucumber in the pickle jar you have next to it. It might shrivel up into a scout ship! :p

    (lame joke I know but I couldn't resist! :rolleyes: )

    I agree. It is a lame joke. :lol:

    Here are some more progress pictures. These will be the last until Monday with Thanksgiving tomorrow and family coming into town. Have a happy turkey day!





  7. Here is the green paint. I used Forest Green.

    The sprue antennae was no problem. The only problem was it has been a while since I used sprue like this so I had to get the feel again. I made a small pile so I have plenty to chose from.

    I have been thinking the same thing Ghadrack. I was thinking about trying it first on a 1/2500 Salan Scout.


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