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Posts posted by JCSaves

  1. Are there two versions of the VF-1J Cannon Fodder? I noticed the wing white stripe on the one that I have and no stripe on the Yamato website.

    Yamato's website shows:


    What came in the box:


    Just wondering which is the correct color scheme? :huh:

    WOW. That's interesting. I like the one from the website personally. I am certain others here will now post pics of theirs to see what matches up. Maybe you got a special one. Doubt it. But just maybe.

  2. Geez Kirik, you are a one-man show! :blink: Probably a break is well deserved. Are you sure you don't want to help out just a little for MacrossSon10, the biggest Con in 10 years? Even just being the Host/Judge?

    Well, I'll pitch in to help next year if needed. I do a lot of tasks similar for work anyways; contacting suppliers, setting up meetings, keeping track of projects and so on. Just give me a PM or email. B))

    Kirik, I agree with Ron. I too will make next years Con and be more than happy to help out. Just PM or email me. You work hard. So you should play hard next year.

  3. at least we're not getting here those mile long essay styled post from hardcore Macross 7 and Basara fans about why it was the best Macross and Basara is God to them

    take note, I never read them, I just scroll my mouse wheel fifty times to the next post

    :lol: That's funny.

    I just started watching Macross 7 last night. I must have been tired, cause I only made it through the first 3 episodes and then crashed. I will watch the rest of them so I know what it's all about. I guess to answer the question of this thread. I would still buy Mac7 valks if Yamato made some. The valks made back in the day to represent the Mac7 series sucked. That's my personal opinion.

  4. anyone know what is the piece besides the NW corner of chest plate armor?

    And the piece below the feet covers?

    Not sure about the piece below the feet covers but the NW corner piece I think is the part that goes behind the "neck" are. With the ladder and whatnot for the pilot. The piece that used to come with the 1/48 valks w/GBP and w/Super & Strike Parts. Do you know what I mean?

  5. because some of us don't have a hikaru 1J yet so :p

    I don't have the 1J. I am going to be getting it soon. And the TV Super Parts as well. But I agree with ron.

    Although, now that I think about it. When the original VF-1 1/60 line came out, did they release the GBP set stand alone first or bundled w/1J first? I know I had seen it w/1J.

  6. well, I was just trying to share my nerdy revelation... not be an ass about it.

    LOL. Sorry. I really do know you where not trying to be an ass. I am sorry if what I said put it out that way. Us nerds gotta stick together. We're all we have. Well, we have our Macross as well.

  7. I assume most guys who attended the con are probably attending Comic Con and haven't been able to post video. Can't wait to see the karaoke footage everyone has been raving about!

    I cannot wait for a video either. It seems that this year was a good turn out. I could not make it. :angry: I hope to go for the 10th Anniversary though. I take it you did not attend this year MacrossMan? Will you be going next year. I have seen pics of your collection. You seem to be a "true" Macross fan.

  8. I'm sure a larger scan will surface soon, but you can make out what the parts are here:


    Thanks for the scan. It's nice to see how the broke out the parts.

    Very impressive. Poses are much easier to pull off now, compared to the 1/48 counterpart it seems. Definitely sold.

    Side covers at last. :]

    I totally agree. Posing will be amazing.

    I want to know how there side covers compare to my custom ones :lol:

    I am interested in this as well. If they're well made, will you be recasting?

    I'm going to be so broke this year :lol:

    I hope this bundle comes fully tampo printed. For the armor set only I want it tampoed too except for the modex number (time for army building!!)

  9. I must say Yamato did a great job with the 1/60 ver 1.0 and 1/48 GBP-1S armour; but no doubt the new 1/60 ver 2.0 will be far superior than all the previous releases.

    With all the learnt experiences and the better proportioned valk, not to mention I am almost certain the armour design was taken into account when the valk was developed, this new GBP-1S should rock the world!

    I could not agree more. It also seems that the valk. will actually be a bit

    more stable with this armor and not be hard to display. I do not care for how chunky the 1/48 GBP is at all.

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