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Posts posted by estacado06479

  1. yeah, you need to download each codec individually,  but the only format it really matters for is .ogg

    at least that is the only one that gave me problems.  took me a week to be able to watch my zhentarim encoded first gundam, only to find out that it was (shudder) ENGLISH ONLY!!!!  funk that,  BUHleted!!!

    Personally, I prefer to download the codecs that I need just to keep the number of installations to the minimum. That keeps my system in a healthier state.

    errm...that is what i meant, why would you download an individual codec you didnt need?

    thats what 4gspot is for

  2. yeah, you need to download each codec individually, but the only format it really matters for is .ogg

    at least that is the only one that gave me problems. took me a week to be able to watch my zhentarim encoded first gundam, only to find out that it was (shudder) ENGLISH ONLY!!!! funk that, BUHleted!!!

  3. hey thanks for the quick response, how's that for service?

    i didnt realize that the ac3 would be that big, i can't wait to see it, err...hear it. ;)

    i might have a few more questions for you later, i am really interested in fansubbing, i want to know all about it, don't live in japan of course, so i couldnt do it, but it is very cool.

  4. as for action rpg...can't go wrong with zelda.

    Zelda is NOT an RPG, it's an adventure game.


    Anyways, PN03 is good if you like old-school action(it's more related to 1st-era arcade games like Galaga and Space Invaders than modern 3D action titles).

    And Metroid Prime is a must-buy.

    zelda is was and will always be officially listed as action/rpg so twirl on it... ;)

  5. as for star wars games, i found rogue squadron 3 to be a pretty good mix, driving, flying, walking. very well balanced in terms of those 3.

    as for action rpg...can't go wrong with zelda.

    haven't really played any racing games on the cube, but I'm sure you can do alot worse than F-Zero.

    on a side not, I would go and grab ssx3, it been awesome for the first two. although i've heard it said that the GC version is the weakest, due to there not being enough buttons on the Cube controller.

  6. woohoo, 2 outta 3

    but you did get the one that counted!

    btw, the avatar is from the band Happatai, they sing that yatta song that had all of us scratching our heads. if you ever see the actual video, you will react much like beavis and butthead during a Cure video. "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (scratches butt)"

  7. Damn, my next question was kinda answered, I was going to ask where the queot came from. I can see now that would have been way too easy. It has to be anime huh? That really cuts down on the questions I'd be able to ask, since I don't know that much about anime...

    What is the english translation of the lead character's name from Wolf's Rain?

    and for a little extra trivia...where does my avatar come from?

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