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Posts posted by estacado06479

  1. i honestly dont think you could do it, every time ive ever seen a live action version of something, it blows.

    sailor moon

    great teacher onizuka

    dragon ball (though it was fun laughing through it)

    i know there are more but these are the ones i could come up with for now

    a better question would be, what actor could approximate the things about anime that we find so cool? maybe willem dafoe, very expressive face, but who would he be? they already messed the green goblin up by taking away the one thing that would have made dafoe great, his ability to screw his face up.

  2. not so obvious to some, i have exchanged friendly banter with a member here on this subject who thought that it was only a mistranslation if modelgrafix printed a retraction. i'm interested to see him post what he thinks, but he is absent so far.

  3. well then, the people in japan are the culprit that the haterist is looking for.

    hear me out.

    in japan, where the toys are made, they are used to paying inflated prices for everything (macross zero 1 episode dvd = 50 dollars US)

    so the one that are driving up price points are Yamatos home market, japan.

    the guys here have to charge more because they pay the shipping costs to their stores here in the US.

  4. this is fast becoming an OT thread, let me end it by saying this: that will not happen, too much has been done or not done for too long and there is too much money at stake. there is no amicable solution for these two companies. no matter the decision, if hg doesnt think it favors them, they will fight it.

    if you have any more questions, there is a whole bushel of people who love to talk legal issues in the thread for the licensing agreements.

    also, hg has already given us the answer to that by putting their MPC at 80 dollars.

  5. there is no money in it for them to go after little retailers, thats why they dont do anything, and also, the legal proceedings are in progress, from what i understand.

    but for now, they do own enough rights that they can and would go after yamato, if yamato tried to bring its products to this country.

  6. 1. anything is worth ANY amount...to the person willing to pay. it is hard to put concrete value on things not readily available because they are either not for sale in the US, or antiques. the general lee signed by bo and luke duke, to me, would be worth a great deal. maybe you hate the duke boys, maybe youve never seen the show and you say, its a butt ugly orange charger with an arguabley racist flag on it, it isnt worth anything.

    2. is this a question or a statement. yes, the price point in the US is largely due to HG owning copyright on these items in the US (by hook or by crook) and not allowing them to be sold legally here.

  7. no...i said in JAPAN, they arent that expensive, if you're in Japan, you can go down to toysrus and get a 1/48 under 100 bucks,  which is a good price, relatively.

    actually you said

    my point is, they have never been high to begin with.

    so, i don't see "japan" in your post at all. i know it doesn't cost as much in japan but most of us here are from the US....i think? :unsure:

    oh, no one said anything about charging COST, i just said it, if it costs $15- $20 to make and what you would charge if you were the manufacturer.

    BTW, "you want reality.........i am reality" :lol:

    ehh, dude, no offense, dont continue, you are wrong.

    in my first post, i said that in japan, thye were under 100...so please...just stop...

  8. no...i said in JAPAN, they arent that expensive, if you're in Japan, you can go down to toysrus and get a 1/48 under 100 bucks, which is a good price, relatively.

    when you consider what macrossworlders are paying for a low viz, about 135, the japan price is great.

    if you are talking about charging cost of materials for something, then obviously, you need a swift dose of reality, no'gawn'happen.

  9. ok, lets all take a step back and go to toysrus japan and see what they actually cahrge, not what we get charged, because it is WAYYYYYYYYYYYY less over there.

    so what we do doesnt affect how much yamato charges, it DOES affect how much we get gouged stateside.

    YAMATO LOW VIS, toysrus japan

    91.8670 USD

    HLJ 135.984 USD (this is for 1/48 max)

    BLASTO TOYS 135.95


    TMPANIME 127.99 (might be sale price)

    EBAY 150.00 (low viz)

    IMAGE ANIME 159.99 (chortle)

    these prices are before shipping

  10. like the duke said, they arent part of the main series, and xi, no one has even played, since its only in testing, no finished product? no poll option

    BTW... FINAL FANTASY TACTICS ADVANCE IS THE BEST GBA GAME EVAAAAAAAAR, i am playing it right now in another window.

    really, i dont see a reason to fight about it, ff7 should have been included in the OG poll, nuff said

  11. i understand why people dont like the idea and think it could be easily abused, but it would be so cool if there were someone to maintain the system so that one liners didnt get rewarded, abombz, you should take a look at point blank forums, especially if you are into other anime besides macross. you will see when you do that this can be a neat thing.

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