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Posts posted by estacado06479

  1. haha, thats so weird, i was just wondering the other day when they were going to reissue the little guys, i love brawn, the other ones are just bonus.

    i actually like these guys, as for astrotrain, a good bot, but no where near the priority of a devastator or a set of dinobots.


    people buy anime make estacado head hurt

    get high speed inet and funk the bullshnick

    aside from that

    you need to watch:


    Wolf's Rain

    Hellsing (AMEN!)

    Any SUBBED gundam ep you can find

    Kiddy Grade

    Love Hina

    Onegai Teacher(except the OVA, it blew like a hentai nurse)

    Initial D


  3. really, it doesnt hurt anyone, you are an in your face type of person who likes his words to count, some people, including myself, like the edit button for various reasons, not the least of which, is to take back things i've posted. once, i posted something in the rolo thread that included his address, and of course the edit button came in handy to correct my mistake

    i understand your deal, but get over the king richard spiel with wanting to do away with it, make up another crusade.

    what i SHOULD say is that, you seem like a cool internet guy, so take it easy, it isnt worth getting bent like you are

  4. ehh, wtf are you guys talking about?

    magic 3 and dms are no swap mods

    swap magic is suppposed to work by itself, hence, SWAP magic

    the only way ive seen it work is if you have one of those flip top covers that the sell on ps2ownz (which blow, i can say from personal experience)

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