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Posts posted by Vepariga

  1. Anyone got any tips on beating the big snake thing in Chapter 3.3, I shoot all its horns off but it does the one-shot-kill thing and you have to do the whole thing again,Its a pain in the ass and i'm growing weary of it. I dislike bosses like this that dont give you a damn chance.

  2. Sitting down on the carpet as a little kid watching Robotech,then my thirst was unqenchable and I needed to find more,My search ended at one of my older cousins house who had a Tomahawk Destroid I used to play with for years before I even realised it was a Tomahawk Destroid lol He revealed to me,Macross in its entireity and I have never looked back.

  3. I live in a Garrison city that has both Army and RAAF bases. My house is directly under the flightpath too so The sounds of Chinooks,C-17's,F/A-18's and Blackhawks are almost an everyday thing. And I never get tired of listening to them...except maybe if I'm watching a movie and they decide to fly over during a crucial part. :p

  4. Not really a moment in the series,but I almost made my brother drop a full basket of laundry as he was walking down the stairs. I snuck up behind him and sang the chorus to 'Totsugeki Love Heart' by Fire Bomber loudly and he fumbled,abit of colourful language and almost fell over,expressions where priceless.

    I sang like in this clip lol

  5. Im on Chapter 3 at the moment and fighting the giant beast after activating the beacon. Damn thing spawns so many critters lol.

    The only thing I really need is translations on the Side missions, most are easy to tell what to do but there a few there that just leave me scratching my head :p

  6. I dont think I should have watched Ep 14 with a tired mind and the surround pumped up to keep me awake. As soon as it started getting creepy I almost jumped at the shadow and then the whispers on the surround behind me,in my state of mind it made me abit jumpy haha. Did the job of keeping me awake.

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