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Posts posted by Vepariga

  1. Just finished ep 22. Melda is hilarious.

    The next set cant come soon enough!

    Caught up finally. Any chance that the Iscandrians

    once might have cut themselves off from the Garmillians for not 'deeming them worthy' due to their warlike nature? Just a thought. The one thing I don't get in the context of this story is why if Iscandrians are almost identical to Terrans in appearance, Garmillians can be so "racist" to those who do not share their blue skin?

    I was also a bit surprised at the scene in the cafeteria were Akira, Yurisha and Melda were having a parfait and talking about boys. A bit strange in the middle of the war going on. Anyway, that was one hell of a cliffhanger. I made sure not to watch the preview so the next 3 months will be one hell of a wait

    I was debating with myself not to watch the preview but...I did and, yeah,the wait is painful now. :(

  2. Fake BTW. Nothing "official" about Hurt's Doctor then......

    ....so it is. Damn I was suckered in by its pro-like-ness. Ah well, good fan job.

    I just want November to come already so we can put this Hurt Speculation nightmare to rest.

  3. Got mixed feelings about F2P... this is how I think it's gonna go down:

    Yes, you can fly the Mig-21, 23, 25, 29, F-14, 15, 16, 18 for free... but pay

    (Prices reflect aesthetic awesomeness and not real world capabilities)

    $10 for Moebius Colored F-22

    $10 for Yellow-13 SU-37

    $15 for T-50 PAK-FA

    $20 for Shinden

    $49.99 for "Elite Aces Pack" which gives you a whole squadron of Idolm@ster planes (by the way Azusa is my favorite), and a whole host of "moe anime girl" themed planes.

    You watch... I'm calling it :D


    F2P always comes with a price somewhere.

  4. What's with the floppiness in the knees in fighter mode?

    I noticed that too.

    Looks kinda cool though,I've tried out the Occulus and its an amazing peice of hardware. Abit surreal and jarring at times.You really feel like your in the game world.

  5. I just got these Banpresto Ichiban Kuji figures... Hope there will be other characters in the future

    I'm surprised they even made a Sara figure, Mac F dominates this stuff usually. Makes me happy though that they included her.

    Still,The lack of Misa figures saddens me.

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