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Posts posted by macross1979

  1. I think you just email them with a request, tell them which parts you need, and they get back to you when they get the parts from Yamato. I think you just pay the cost of shipping via paypal $8 or so. The bad thing being that recently someone here got replacement shoulders that were cracked right out of the box.

    I'm really, really hoping that the smaller diameter pin kills off the cracking hinge problem.

    I guess I will wait a bit. Does the 1J and/or 1D have smaller diameter pins?

  2. No rough housing, no man handling, none of that. Played with yes, posed a lot yes, transformed a lot yes, messed with detrimentally? No. Not at all.

    I treat my valks the same. Come to find out while posing yesterday during transformation into battroid. The left side on my Roy 1S is cracked and the right side on my Hikaru 1A is cracked as well :( . I guess you can chalk me up on the list. How does this OverDrive parts replacement deal work out $ wise?

  3. It is true that Yamato is taking advantage of higher brand recognition due to Macross Frontier being on air, and a movie premiering this summer. What company wouldn't? It's common business sense, you take advantage of higher brand recognition and exposure because you have a higher chance for sales compared to a year when not a thing is on or even planned to be in theaters. The latter statement about Yamato destroying Bandai is biased and not true. No one will ever no for sure because Yamato and Bandai cannot have the license for the same product/valkyrie in the same scale. If they could, then yes we could see what Bandai could do toe to toe with Yamato with a Bandai 1/60 VF-1 VS a Yamato 1/60, or make both 1/48 and let them have at it. There are somethings that Yamato is great at, and same with Bandai. Even if Yamato, years from now gets the license for the 1/60 VF-25's and makes a toy, to say that their version destroys Bandai's is unfair because they are made years apart and undoubtedly a toy made years later typically outdoes one made years before.

    You have a quite valid point mate. Thank you for putting it into retrospect for me. I was not trying to come off as biased for I often forget the whole licensing deal with the 2 companies. I have failed to mention properly how much I enjoy the "chunky monkey" even though I do not own any. And...you're right, I was being unfair.

  4. nice work! The improved lighting makes a huge difference. So now that you have the intensity down, play around with the position of the light for dramatic effect or to add contrast and volume. And also start playing around with angles and perspective. Like that superman pose, if the camera were lower and pointing up, it would exaggerate the effect.

    Thanks for the pointers. Unfortunately I don't really have alot of options for my lighting. I am working on that. And I just found out this morning that my tripod can make a quick adjustment to hold my camera so it will take better "tall" "elongated" pics! YAY! I will be working on this and sharing. Any cool pose ideas anyone?

  5. I can't believe Yamato ran through these so quick! :blink: When the 1/48's first came out were they fired off as quickly? I mean, if you don't have a boatload of dispensible cash, it is hard to keep up with everything came out so quickly.

    I feel ya mate. Trying to keep up is killing me.

    The 1/48's took quite a bit longer to go through the variants and indeed is still cranking out the variants (Max TV 1A etc) and never did come up with a 1D, VE or VT. I'm happy that I'm not a completist because the 1/60 2.0 pacing would have killed me by now. One thing good about the fast pace is that it wont take long for them to roll out the Low-Vis, Angelbird, Stealth, etc. I hope they go nuts with the variants and make a bunch of non-cannon valks. I'd love to see one in olive drab. :)

    I'm not a completest myself. But when these 1/60 V.2s came out I swore to myself to get everyone I could.

    My guess is that Yamato wants to ride on the Macross F fancy; it will last till the movie at least. It's like free marketing from Bandai.

    I don't believe this is true. Yamato has always destroyed Bandai when it comes to Macross.

    Still, I would prefer them to slow down to 1-2 units per month. It would be better to extend the excitement and enjoyment of looking forward to the next Macross toy.

    I could not agree with you more on this mate.

  6. I just found out something very cool that will change my life like in about 8 months but i'll be doing my best to give them the opportunity to learn the great values that

    Macross has bestowed onto my life while growing up! I'll be giving them a chunky for starters thats for sure.

    CONGRATS MATE!!! I am certain all will be well.

  7. I suppose I can't let Totoro242 have all the fun, so I'll start it off with something that's fairly uncommon.

    These are the Brocolli Special Edition promotional cards that preceded the release of the 95-card collection, and, unlike the final release, consist of paper stock only.

    These are by far the coolest. I should start looking for some.

  8. Hey macross1979, I like that avatar. Cool pose.

    Sorry if I am off topic guys.


    Back on topic....

    I am sort of kind of jonesing and fiending for a TV max. I am envisioning him with dual strike cannons painted white and blue. Anyone else see that? Just put on your sake vision. It works wonders.

    Thanks mate! I can totally see what you see when imagining what you are imagining with the dual strike cannons painted white and blue...YUMMMMMY! That would be one good looking valk.

    EDIT -

    It's so funny you mentioned dual strike cannons cause I just took a shot of the 1D with dual strike cannons :wub:

  9. Great photos Macross1979!

    Thanks! I took 2 more...just can't help myself. This 1D is so awesome!


    Who do you think you are? Superman? Pssshhhh...this one turned out a little blurry. I had a hard time fitting the whole valk in with my set up. Not to steady of a hand I'm afraid.


    And then I messed with some effects. Tell me what you think.



  10. My son loves macross mecha. He has not watched macross yet because his mom will not let me show it to him yet but he will before too long. . .


    Ultra cute little man Miriya! He looks to LOVE that red valk.


    "I will someday fly a jet like this....I WILLLL!!!"

    He's pretty gentle with them and mostly just pretends they're flying and makes "woosh!" noises.

    Just a good thing he's not making "CRASSSHHH" noises :huh:

    He is mixed. I am Caucasian, but my wife is Chinese.

    The perfect mix B))

  11. ok youre going way too advance now! :lol: love the pics, by far the best from your series

    ^_^ Thanks! I'm glad you enjoy them.


    Now this is "f*****g" sweet! ;)

    Here's my "Angels" contribution.

    I was trying to find a good Charlies Angels pose and I ran across this one...maybe not the best. But I sure like it.


    Now....Minmeis Angels :D


  12. first one is better

    Thanks! That's what I was thinking as well.

    yup, first one. Better feel of the material and original color. The 2nd one the highlights are close to being blown, notice how some of the dorsal details are obscured.

    Yes..I agree..there's just a little too much light.

    I'll contribute with my "half gerwalk" VF-1D :lol:

    You weren't kidding when you said "half". :lol: :lol:

    EDIT -

    My latest 2 shots...


    Can you find Hikaru? :p


  13. sure... but even a decent P&S can take good pictures with proper lighting. A good camera can certainly help to act as a crutch for bad skills... which is why I love my D90. :p

    You must have been posting this when I was posting mine...you're right...you're absolutely right.

  14. man, its getting embarassing to post my pics here anymore

    i really need an SLR!

    Your pics are just fine mate. We all need work here and there. I know I certainly do.

    Time and Parctice = Skillllzzzzzz that kills :lol: It's true though.

    Well put up what you have or start offering some constructive criticism. We're a pretty closed bubble here so if you have some proper learning, please share!

    And I agree with Vegas, skill and vision count for more than a fancy camera.

    Well put brother. And I will say that Vegas has it right.

    You sir have impugned my honor and my skillzzzzzzz, lol. I shall accept thy challenge by offering these shots using my current camera in low light, since my office is lit very low. Enjoy and criticize!

    I dig your poses mate. Your pics are a bit grainy and IIRC these guys were sayin that you need to mess with the ISO or something like that. I use like and ISO of 80 sometimes 100. I'm still messing around alot with it though.

    well, here's to hoping a new cam will bring out some skills... :rolleyes:

    This is true. But this below is my set up. Nothing special. I guess you would almost call it a point and shoot.


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