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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. I almost picked up an extra 0D and 0A specifically for this. The 0B is my absolute FAVORITE!
  2. Old Man

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks for the reply! I have 6 of the HM Supers I had ordered for the 3 Skull Squadron 1As, the HM Hikaru, Max and Milia (but the line was cut befor she was released). I'm glad I still have them as TV version Supers for the CFs, but I don't have the cajones to do any customs like you. Keep up the good work!
  3. Old Man

    Hi-Metal R

    How many of these are the original Hi-Metal Supers?
  4. I'm expecting Arcadia to botch some aspect of the color, but it's pretty hard to screw up black, right?
  5. Old Man

    Hi-Metal R

    Never mind...my email server must've been slow. Got confirmation from AmiAmi for 3 Spartans!
  6. Old Man

    Hi-Metal R

    Anyone get a confirmation email from AmiAmi yet?
  7. Old Man

    Hi-Metal R

    Thank you Valkyrie23!!!
  8. Old Man

    Hi-Metal R

    But they already posted Messer's VF-31F...
  9. Old Man

    Hi-Metal R

    Where's HLJ's link?!?
  10. Old Man

    Hi-Metal R

    Loving your customs, sh9000!!!
  11. Old Man

    Hi-Metal R

    Where did you read it was a web exclusive? Based on the Tamashii site I assumed it was a standard release. http://sp.tamashii.jp/item_character/macross_series/
  12. They've actually been pretty pricey for the past several months. It was the last double I needed for my collection, and I payed hell trying to find one with a clear canopy. Ended up settling for one with a pretty busted up box, but the toy was factory fresh, and the canopy was crystal clear, as described. Now, if I could only find someone to sell me a box in good condition
  13. I'm pretty sure at least one of my TV Kakizakis has a clear canopy. They're a lot harder to find, but they're out there.
  14. Old Man

    Hi-Metal R

    Good point, Vifam7. I totally forgot Bandai had teased us with these before the line had officially started. I'm assuming this was before the 1/72 kits we're out? I wonder what changed their mind. I'm not bothered Bandai's interpretation of the paint scheme, but I'm not liking the grey they used in lieu of white
  15. Yeah, I'm quite envious of your six brownies. Nice score, spanner. I'm glad everything arrived in good order. Jungle has always come through for me as well. Now get on that display already
  16. I'm pretty sure they stopped tinting the canopies at that point.
  17. I was just under the impression that all the 1/60 V2 TV VF-1A Mass Production Types had the tinted canopies. By "completely clear" I mean without the rainbow/mirror tint.
  18. Wait, only one of your TV brownies has the tinted canopy? The other 2 are completely clear??? Was there a reissue?
  19. I'd be excited too I thought they were generally considered "safe". Have any of your first 3 given you issues? The only thing I'd be slightly worried about would be the canopy tint. I love the way it looks when it stays put, but it's really unsightly when it starts to crack I wouldn't worry too much though. Out of all tinted 1/60s I have, only 1 has an issue that I wasn't aware of before purchasing, and it had definitely been displayed before. I'm looking forward to some photos. Rainbow Road or not, 6 CFs and a Virgin Road should make for one sweet display!
  20. Old Man

    Hi-Metal R

    Dayum!!! I thought I had a lot of Regults, but you've doubled that!Great...now I need more Regults
  21. Old Man

    Hi-Metal R

    Still up! Get'em while they're hot!
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