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Father Jack

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Posts posted by Father Jack

  1. it's nice when your girl says "sure I'll color that in... it would be good experience"

    as opposed to

       "you brought home WHAT from a strange bathroom?!?!?!?" :blink:

    which reminds me... anybody need a sink... or two? :unsure:


    eh... We're both dumpster divers extraordinaire. Both of us have found plenty of cool stuff in the Dumpster of where we live. A guitar, a computer where all the text on screen was in Korean, and it had some really tame porn on it. A working five CD changer. Velvet lined shelves, desks, lamps. Lots of stuff that needs little to no cleaning and works just fine. I tells ya there is no better place to find your electronics than in the trash. :lol:

    Oh and I still need a picture of millia's TV zentradi uniform to finish the picture. The one renato gave me of the flight suit is good for the colors, but for what colors the markings are, she would like a picture. So if anyone has one shoot it my way.

  2. This is Father Jack's girlfriend. He told me you guys were asking when the pictured would be done so I decided to post a little preview of it so you know that I am really working on it.

    I chose earth tones for the whole picture and we used the movie version of the bridge bunnies outfits because the dark red color matches better with the art style I'm basing this off of. So as you can see in the preview, I am mostly done with it. Some colors (like ugly toothpaste baby) are subject to change. :p

    If you want to speed up the process for me, please post a picture of what's-her-name, the one holding the ugly toothpast baby, wearing that particular outfit so I can find out the colors she wears without having to go through the DVDs to find it.

    Also, as I'm sure you can tell, I'm not a Macross fan. So I'm sorry for calling that thing the ugly toothpaste baby. I'm totally changing those colors.

    edit by the real father jack: She wants a picture of Millia in her TV series Zentradi uniform, (The Purple one. I could just pause the DVD, but this would be easier if anyone has a screen cap or two.) She just loves Komillia. Little does she know Komilla grows up to be a beautiful tooth paste woman. :lol:

    anyway thanks.

    extra edit by father jack's girlfriend: Shut up, nerd.


  3. she is also working on her portfolio again which takes precidence.

    She want's to be an Illustrator , her drawings are just adorable

    Her Page

    Go check out her art, and give her some support. It's really girly (except for the silent hill 3 fan art) but she is a great artist.

    Leave her some comments, if MW shows her some love then maybe she will show some love to MW :)

  4. Okay, let's be superficial for a moment.

    Can anyone recommend a post-1999 anime that looks beautiful? I'm talking great-looking animation and design. This is your chance to change my mind.


    The diary of Tortov Roddle

    Very interesting some may not consider it to be anime, but I do.

  5. I'm MGREXX.

    I have 7 Masters Degrees in Robotechology and am so far above the rest of you that it's hard to breath.


    right :rolleyes:


    You are also a part-time Ninja in a parallel universe.


    Well, Ninjas are totally cool and all.

    Edit to add: And Pirates suck.


    I seriously doubt he is one of those get pumped kind of ninjas.

    I also can't see him flipping out and killing a whole room full of pirates while rocking out on a guitar.

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