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Posts posted by Dynaman

  1. 17 hours ago, Big s said:

    I heard it was leaving the other day, and still a bit thrown off that they would just remove one of the few original shows they have, even if it sucked.

    Chalk that up to residuals.  Disney is crunching the numbers on viewership and finding that is show is not pulling in enough eyeballs to justify the show staying on.

    It really should be residuals based on viewings but I'm guessing (just guessing) that there is no trust left for anyone to agree to the viewership figures for that to be possible.

  2. 3 hours ago, jvmacross said:

    Been watching everything these days in IMAX.....

    Go BIG or stay home! LOL

    Absolutely.  It is an Imax movie or wait till it comes out on home video.  Heck, once the Quest 3 comes out I might even just wait for everything.  The Quest VR headset (and all the others) have a VR watching mode that makes it look just like an Imax movie theater (among other choices).  The only problem is the headset is too heavy for me to watch a movie with - the Q3 is going to be half the size though.

  3. 23 hours ago, Darth Mingus said:

    They are going to transform it into a regular theme hotel, minus the 48-hour forced audience participation set pieces.  In the end, it was an ambitious idea that they could not pull off in an economic manner.  Whatever consulting firm sold them on the idea oversold the public's willingness to part with obscene amounts of cash for this type of experience.  I am sure the pandemic did not help either.  It will probably be booked solid until the end of its run as the die hards get it off their bucket lists, then you will be able to stay in the hotel at much more reasonable rates.  @ 100 or so rooms, it will be one of the smaller properties at the site.

    The 100 or so rooms is the killer, even trying to operate it as just a themed hotel will not work with so few rooms.  Something they might be able to do is replace all of the cast intensive intensive parts of the hotel with animatronic or "holographic" projection items.  That would allow charging a premium (not a premium like they were charging) while cutting operating cost.  Have to see what they come up with, they might completely gut it or add another wing or two in order to increase capacity.

  4. 1 hour ago, Duke Togo said:

    Word out if Cannes is that it's a fine, well-made movie, but that it plays it too safe and ends up feeling like a recycling of Indiana Jones's greatest hits. Which, I'm fine with. Better than another Crystal Skull.

    I miss old style Indy type movies so I'm fine with it too.  We will see if the setup to hand off the franchise backfires this time too.  (I'm assuming Indy is not going to be recast but a son/daughter/student carries on the tradition)

  5. 31 minutes ago, Briandmd said:

    I was a prime sucker, er customer, for that - till I saw the price (and the tacky preview video).  Granted it was going to be a one and done type of stay.  

    I'm hoping they do something to make a less expensive attraction out of it.  A hotel with the theming but not the "entertainment" or "story" and which you can stay any number of nights would be interesting for the correct price.  Considering the de-theming they are doing at their other hotels I figure they are going to chalk this up to "people don't want to pay a premium for theming anymore" instead of "way too expensive and tacky".

  6. 11 hours ago, Knight26 said:

    That begs the question; if Funimation is now managing HGs RT franchise how much freedom do they have to approach BW and start properly importing Macross (more so then the trickle of WWR VFs)?  Especially now that FA has passed.

    I don't know the sales numbers of either (here in the states) but unless the numbers for RT are a lot higher why would they even bother?  Just get the Macross stuff over as Macross (and the other two titles have so little new content they can be ignored anyway)

  7. On 5/11/2023 at 8:45 AM, technoblue said:


    Eh, it was just a central theme for the whole show. Who needs those episodes or those character arcs…or Zathras and Zathras…or Zathras?

    No no, it is pronounced Zathras, hear the difference?

    As for the multiverse thing, B5 never really had that (it had time travel but it was a closed loop for the most part) but I will give it a watch.

  8. One of the best shown parts is how the rebellion gets a foothold, Empires and dictatorships almost always end up falling due to the back stabbing that goes along with them - and the Empire as shown in Andor is that on steroids.  All the Imperials are more interested in growing their own little kingdom then doing the job with the exception of the one female imperial, maybe...

  9. 31 minutes ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    That you associate an overbearing mother-type character with a particular ethnicity is on you, mate.  


      Reveal hidden contents

    It was rather interesting to learn that she's a classically trained Shakespearian actor from the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art who's also been in Harry PotterRomeTron: Rising, and The Tragedy of Macbeth.

    As an added bonus, Kyle Soller, who plays Syril Karn, is ALSO an alumnus of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art.


    No I don't "associate it" - it IS.  The character as portrayed is exactly the stereotype, right down to the accent.   Woody Allen made great use of it in New York Stories.   

  10. I hate to say it but the loss of the Sinclair character ended up being a massive improvement if those notes are accurate (and if it had been kept to anyway, I would bet JMS was mulling some of these changes even before Michael O'Hare's illness became a problem)

  11. 7 hours ago, Dobber said:

    Come on man, get it right….he was eating Trix not Fruitloops. 😜 They we’re puffs and not loops  Lol


    For me there was Captain Crunch (Peanut Butter preferable) and then everything else...

    EDIT - As for the Character Development.  That is good, very good but not when it has to be done with a badly done religious stereotype mother.

  12. The new TV show/reboot is still very much iffy at best.  The execs might be waiting to see how the animated movie works out (but maybe not). I am optimistic for the movie but cautiously so - Legend of the Rangers was dreadful and JMS did not say that was due to network interference when I saw him in an interview on it.

  13. When JMS said they were doing a "special" project with the original cast I thought it would be some kind of lame cast reunion show, I never thought it would be an actual story of some kind.  Looking forward to it.

  14. 3 hours ago, mikeszekely said:

    Preordering made sense when we were talking about a finite number of physical carts or discs, but when you can grab a digital copy whenever you please I always wait for a few reviews, maybe a patch or two, and probably a sale. Heck, I waited almost a year to buy Cyberpunk, bought it for $30, and was totally satisfied that I'd bought a totally playable game worth the money I'd spent.

    I've never remember a situation where a game was not available after launch, at least not within a week or so.  Game consoles were another matter that would be in short supply for months or more.

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