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Posts posted by troyness

  1. The 3D trailers before Avatar started made more use of the 3D than Cameron did!!

    I read somewhere that he didn,t want an "in ya face" every 5mins 3D effect,which I get,but half way thru the movie I asked myself "am I just overexposed to the 3D content of the movie..or is there just not much happening 3D wise", so for the remaining of the movie I focussed on what was happening with 3D...sure there was visual depth..etc ,but to my eye,s anyway it just all seemed contained within the screen infront of me.I in no-way felt "surrounded" by Camerons world or that things were an inch from my face!There where also screenings without 3D,I,d like to say I,d be interested in seeing it again without 3D(which I don,t think there,d be "night & day" difference),but I think I,ve had enough!!

    I,m sure it,ll make alot of money,maybe it,s all the hype that has ruined it for me,but I wait for a director to exploit 3D to it,s full potential.As for the story...whatever.

  2. Just got thru "Gundam- 0083 stardust memory."

    Loved it!!My first gundam experience,I,m a sucker for old skool anime,nice chunky boxy robot mecha,everything hand drawn,good suspenseful soundtrack music that added to the action(though sometimes too loud that it drowned out some dialoge) fairly good plot and characters.I was told not to watch it as a first intro to Gundam as I may get lost with the plot..but I didn,t feel overwhelmed in any way!

    Can,t wait to check out turn -A Gundam!

    Also"Blackjack21"-I,m a huge fan of Tezuka,s Blackjack,so I enjoyed this 17 ep series alot.A overall story ark (which is new to the franchise,it usually being episodic),good plot ,characters are ok ,it strays from his origin ,for the sake of the story ark,but does pay homage to a few moments or stories in the manga,the only thing that annoyed me was the stupid hat they but on Blackjack for a good portion of the series(it mightn,t bother a casual viewer,but as a fan it got to me,thankfully there are enough scenes without it on).

    Next up for me is Cashern-sins.

  3. It,s no exclusive arrangement with yamato & HLJ ,toy-wave has been selling both the 1/48 vf-1s & the vf-1j weathered versions for awhile(well the pre-order for the vf-1j and they,ve had the vf-1s for quite awhile now,but has just recently sold out)

    The going price for the recently sold out vf-1s was around $250.00(down from$600.00)

    The pre-order for the vf-1j is around $225.00.

    but I may go for HLJ if it,s as cheap as it says!!

    It,s an unfortunate firm headbutt to the collectors of the yamato online exclusive

  4. Does this 1/35 RX-78-2 Ver.Ka gundam (50cm tall) that,s coming out March 2010 fully posable?

    I,ve asked over-drive if they,ll have it in stock at that time ,first of all they hadn,t heard of it,and when they researched it and got back to me they seem to think that it,s pretty much a statue with limited movement!!

    Can anyone confirm or otherwise?

  5. I like both HLJ & OD.

    OD suffers from server problems that have seemed frequent this yr.

    This stops me from buying from them alot now, as I look for other online stores before going back to them...the kiss of death for OD if their customers continually encounter their website problems,every newsletter I,ve gotten from them for awhile now still explains the problems they,re having.

  6. This is the only thread I could find that "kinda" relates to the question I,d like answered,without starting a new one.

    I,m interested in either the :

    *VE-1 Elint Seeker


    *VF-1D-Virgin Road

    *VF-1S-Low Vis .

    Question:Does any or all have the extra fixed posed(clown)hands?

    Because I will not buy any without these extra,s,whether it,s the 1/48 or the 1/60-ver.2.I just can,t stand those "chicken fingers".

    Thanx. B))

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