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Posts posted by troyness

  1. 2 hours ago, Mommar said:

    Storm is like Mafex and Mezco.  They release things precisely when they mean to.

    Tyris Flare was supposed to release October of 21.  She shippsed June of 22.  Gilius Nov 21, July 22 in reality.  Expect October.

    Thanks for the heads up Mommar ;)

    First time Storm Collectibles purchase/pre-order.

    Gatchaman pulled me in. Good to get a feel for Storm's current output.

  2. 5 hours ago, Mommar said:

    Define "on time."

    February 2023.... but since it's March, that ain't happening.


    4 hours ago, no3Ljm said:

    I don't think it will get released on time since it's almost the end of February and there's still no reviews available on YouTube. Give it a month or two.

    ..... That's what I suspected.

    Well... Let's hope 1st quarter '23.:hi:

  3. 20 hours ago, mechaninac said:

    Zilch!  I suppose something may have been posted on FakeBook or Twatter (I don't do FB or the chirping buzzard, so :unknw:).  I've been wondering when/if this figure was ever going to be released...

    I concur. And will me it's a toss up between buying Dana or Storm Collectibles Gatchaman concerning budget. Can't do both :blink:

    13 hours ago, Big s said:

    So far the last couple times it came close to release, it got pushed back. Hopefully this time it happens 

    Yikes. I didn't realise it had been pushed back a few times. That puts things in perspective.

  4. Thank God this thread was started!!

    I've got one:

    It was an independent movie a few years ago. It's about a teenage boy (or group of friends???) that accidentally killed someone. The premise was trying to lead a normal life/fear of being discovered/coming of age drama suspense. ...I think it was critically acclaimed...been dieing to watch it for years.. but obviously can't because I have no idea WTF it's title is.

    Doing a Google search like " teen who accidentally kills someone, trying to move on with life" doesn't work lol.

    Thanks Guys.

  5. 13 hours ago, jvmacross said:

    Emo Ren went through all his Star Wars money already? :unknw:

    😆 I'm no statistician but the Hollywood movie stars that aren't in debt and realise that they have no real world employability...if you look closely u'll notice that they're selling their mansions at the peak of the housing bubble. Whichever entrepreneur is making the documentary "Hollywood: Death of the Movie Star" is gonna make $$$😐😉😂

  6. Thanks @no3Ljm ☺️

    That photo was taken in 2009. No way would the Beagles cloth look like that today. I can't remember what company owns the molds but I wish they'd have the insight to reissue them with no cloth.

    @505thAirborne. Original TV ride armors is the only one that gets my $$🤑

  7. 12 minutes ago, Anasazi37 said:

    Demanding, aren't you? :p

    He's not on a shelf yet, but this is what I'm thinking of going with:



    That is absolute killer!!!

    Thanks for showing a frontal view of the gun strap thru the fist hand. Nothing beats a classic A-Stance & head turned slightly to the left. 10/10 Anasazi37. Thanks for sharing.😃

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