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Everything posted by alfye

  1. Thanks! That Ozma figurine is my first attempt, for the ponytail and hair I used pieces of tobbaco , but the camera does not allow me to make better photos. Now, I'm working on another figurine that is more stylized and other position, and with better finishing paint. And Ryu´s figure is the latest addition to NECA "Player Select Collection", super-articulated and larger than expected EDIT: MechTech only one more Bandai 1/72 can fit in my future Frontier Street, maybe 2 more... My biggest problem is the Space to place, if I could, the corner would be the entire wall thanks for your words mate
  2. How can I get this SMS Squad´s Jacket??? What a place to buy online? It has become my new desire
  3. Thank you all for your help! The other day I caught a few images of the chapter 2, and today I have set to work in a 1/72 Cararama/Hongwell Lancia Delta HF Integrale : First thing I tried was getting the right color (I think it's like ... ): Then, I drew the leader´s Skull: The following has been the bonnet and the rear: After drawing grey/yellow stripes, this is the final result: Now i´m clearcoating to protect it from unwished deterioration... Next step, paint a Preiser 1/72 figurine to simulate Ozma Lee P.S: How can I change the second line Tittle´s post???
  4. Hello! Im new to this great forum, and thanks to all of you, I have done with a VF-25s kit. Well, I'm creating a diorama in gerwalk mode with an Ozma figurine and his Lancia Delta HF. But now, I need detailed images of the car in question, front, rear, side and zenithal, to paint a Cararama 1/72 Lancia Delta HF Integrale as we saw in Chapter 2 can someone help me? No matter if the images are original, taken from the anime or Fanarts, this is irrelevant Thank you so much!!!
  5. Hi guys! After all, sorry for my bad english, i´m a plamo lover from Spain, and last week i received my firts Macross Kit, an VF-25s Skull Leader. Its awesome!!! I´m in love with it I´m a SaintSeiya fan too, and checking prices for toys over online stores i found that in YesAsia.com we have all of new Pre-orders available New SMS stands, Alto+Superpacks, Superpacks alone, Dx too: http://www.yesasia.com/global/search-toys/...p;vn=33&l=1 Prices ... Well, are not the best, but the delivery is free, and occasionally get good deals. I hope this information will be helpful
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