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Posts posted by ComicKaze

  1. $200+ pricepoint for such a highly anticipated toy by a company that only projected roughly about $30 worth of effort... And best of all, this isn't Yamato's first day on the job. How you guys manage to stay patient with your hard earned cash & civil with your constructive criticism is beyond me.

    I'll go lie down for a while now.

    And from Yamato's previous working history, every consumer that is so concerned with their hard earned cash and remaining civil would know not to buy in first generation as this happens with every toy Yamato has released. But there are those who don't mind spending on something wonderful and just can't wait.

  2. Okay I'm relatively new at this. Got an Anakin FX for Christmas last year but the blue isn't bright enough for me plus I'd like a white core but just overall brightness is the problem here.

    I don't have anybody to duel with so I guess it's just an aesthetic concern. What is the easiest, cheapest, or just recommended route for me getting the LEDs upgraded somehow?

    I'm looking at custom saber shop and it claims that LEDs are determined by a single LED at the base? I thought the FX's were a chain of LEDs up the blade to get the ignition thing. I'm very confused. I just want a nice looking saber.

  3. Thanks as usual Graham for all your previews of these toys. I still remember the days of 7-8 years ago when you posted the previews of the very first Yamato aka Toycom VF-11 pictures on alt.fan.macross and yeah, that looked like a standard HK balcony to me with the pink tiles and humid growth. :)

    The pictures were well done. It's too bad we never saw prototype pics of the "more fragile" but perhaps more elegant or nicer looking design you mentioned.

    I think I'll wait on purchasing this to see if the gunpod issue is fixed. Also, I've mentioned several times but I would have prefered a longer neck or longer wings even if they contest with the Kawamori lineart but I realized sleekness like the Hasegawa is nearly impossible. This is a good compromise design.

    Am I the only one who feels it's a little to creamy though?

    Looking forward to Graham's videoguide. They always are oddly entertaining with the combination of English wit and oddly satisfying clicking noises of transformation.

  4. I can't say I agree with you, I find the SHE model to be blocky around the body and stubby looking with an elongated neck. It looks more like a frying pan to me than a jet.

    Yes the back is a little too blocky but the elongated neck is what defines the YF-19 to me. Just looks substantially better to me. The Yamato (and lineart) just look a little out proportion to me, like sort of SD. But I guess I'm a sucker for the anime stylized fighter modes you see in the animation, art, and maybe the Hasegawa.

  5. the SHE is inaccurate as well... it's not suppose to overlap that much. no grey is supposed to spill over to the top of the valk.

    If they made the fast packs attach to the fighter without having to bend the legs, it would have been the saving grace for the fast pack fold booster set for me... but both are off.

    For me, I could care less about anime accuracy or line-art accuracy. It's about the best aesthetic look possible on a physical model and the SHE has certain advantages.

    I like the squarer intakes, wider body, slimmer profile, the longer sleeker nose, and the overlaping fastpacks which I think adds a bit of balance to both proportion and color scheme overall. The SHE just looks long and graceful like the fighter should - a powerful bird. The Yamato 2nd YF-19 reminds me of the original, like a bulbous fat duck.

    I've lost my appreciation and cadence for Kawamori over the years, the guy is talented but he takes liberties and makes design choices in many things I simply don't agree with. I have no loyalty to any sort of accuracy whatsoever to line-art or his concepts.

    The YF-19 and 21 are some of his best work, but just as he works his anime magic, I think a physical model should be able to be improved as well, even if by substantial redesign. I will grant however, that the Yamato 2nd YF-19 has better balance to Battroid mode overall. But I was always a fighter mode buff vs. Battroid.

  6. The studio half eye fast packs have an even larger under the wing bulge.

    Considering the cost of the SHE kits, first YF-19 then the armor,and the end result looks like Yamato is doing a good job.

    Having Yang is a nice touch are they going to stuff Sharon in there too?

    Still massively prefer the SHE YF-19 sculpt. It's just sleeker with the longer nose - even if the actual product does have some liberties like squarer intakes and less detail overall due to resin.


  7. Umm, sorry but Macross/Robotech has no monopoly on the word protoculture. Like Proto-civilization, proto-society, proto-human, etc. these are all common words which can be found in scholarly writing by academics long before Macross was ever created. Shoji probably got the word from some textbook or english-japanese dictionary.

    Protoculture afterall is in the bloody Oxford English Dictionary guys. It's common in social anthropology or archeological jaron and probably dates to the 18th century or something.

    To think that this History Channel guy is a Macross fan is a little short-sighted. This is like watching a show on vikings or norse mythology and hearing "Valkyrie!" and getting excited.

  8. The acoustic version of "My Soul for You" is pretty simple. As I remember it, it's pretty much major chords arpeggiated, then the same major chords strummed during the chorus.

    I worked up some quick tabs a while back, I'll check and see if I can find them.

    I guess I was trying to combine the acoustic with regular version. I've got the intro part figured out but not any further.

    Only the first part is My Soul For You - the second half is just made up because I don't know the rest of the song so I just threw something in there to end it.


  9. I'm looking for Macross 7 midi or guitar tabs that are well made. Specifically I'm trying to find "My Soul For You" - the acoustic version.

    I have found two midis of this song already but they were very simplistic and lacked the actual guitar parts as played...or were piano version. I need the midi to put into Guitarpro so I can figure out each instrument.

    Anybody have any ideas?

  10. is that you lord kung fu? :p haha, j/k

    sorry i couldn't resist but your statement is so lord kung fu-esque. :D

    No unfortunately I turned out to be poor and unemployed - selling my toys and scroundging in garage sales to pay for tuition, etc. whereas Lord Kung Fu seems to be some kind of magical day-trading finance god of ye olde legend.

    First toy that I bought with my own money? Wow I doubt I could remember that...I wish i could though. It's still kinda fuzzy where to draw the line between when my parents would buy me stuff and when I started buying it myself.

    I know my parents stopped buying me toys around Christmas 1994. (What a merry Christmas, Micromachines Star Wars, X-Men figures on liquidation, etc. G2 Transformers)...You know I'm sure I probably bought something in a store with my own money but I went through that whole phase of being embarassed as a teenaged kid to be buying toys in a store.

    I do remember my first significant online toy purchase with my own money was probably 1984 G1 Sunstreaker which I bought online for $40 in 1996 or so...followed a few weeks later with a Matchbox SDF-1 !!!!!! ($60)

  11. Macross is just a TV show. What you see on the screen occurs to suit the narrative. When you see characters sitting in a Zentran cruiser talking while time distorts around them - it's there because the narrative wants to give you time to see them discuss what's happening, etc.

    I think folds are relative in any case. The greater the distance, the more "time distortion" you have to sit through. For a space fold, the earth to the moon is really less than a light hop and so goes by in the blink of an eye...but going to ancient and derelict areas of the universe millions of light years away will still take "time" depending on your relative perception.

  12. I don't know how you guys can draw or deliniate a line like this.

    I've been buying toys at every age since I had my own allowance to first job to now, etc. At 14-15 I was already buying and selling big ticket (hundreds of dollars) toys like collectables and transformers on newsgroups before ebay came along, etc.

    I probably spent more money on toys through 14-18 (late 90s) than I have since then because I'm more sensible with my money as an adult to fill my place with useless material goods.

    I guess I'm not really an adult yet - perhaps the thread better describes those with families etc. while I'm still in my mid twenties and have no time or place for toys anymore. I'm certain in my old age when my life is more steady and stable I will induldge once again. I still buy the odd Transformer, nostalgic toy, or Macross item.

  13. The CBC here in Canada funds part of the new Who series so we also get to see it here which is a good thing...but it's much too late, I've already seen most of them online.

    They've only now begun to show the second series.

    The only reason we got Eccleston's series on time was because of a labour lock-out in hockey so the CBC had to use Who to fill in empty timeslots.

  14. He's a British born chinese otaku who learned Japanese and works for Microsoft in Japan.

    He really has the best of many worlds. His father is also a shoe maker so he was coming up with his own line of "Danny Choo - Tokyo" shoes.

    He's one of the few otakus that "make it" into their childhood fantasy of living the life in Japan...for me even more impressive because he's asian and typically asians of non-japanese status suffer hard discrimation trying to make it there as opposed to caucasian otakus who are given more deference perhaps due to the fabled gaijin power.

    If you are chinese or korean living in Japan, you really have to learn japanese and pretend you are japanese to fit in because people will treat you like you are stupid otherwise.

  15. No Daedalus = No Daedalus Attack = No good :p

    Looks really nice. Personally I don't mind the size (wouldn't mind it being smaller even... I need a bigger house :unsure: ) but for that price it should include the Daedalus and the Prometheus also. The series SDF had less detail and the main guns were a little different but it would be cool considering how nice this toy looks.

    What? You never heard of ARMD attack??? I never liked the two aircraft carriers. It seemed silly to me. The ARMD were designed to be the ones attached to the SDF-1 and they were designed to be space faring vehicles.

    How a bunch of converted aircraft carriers/sea transports are somehow space worthy and structurally sound enough to even survive being used as punching weapons much less atmospheric re-entry is beyond me.

  16. As far as the YF-19 goes, I think you're right about it being just for aesthetics.

    But I did hear/read somewhere that FSW actually make the plane incredibly unstable. I can't confirm that in any way, shape, or form. It's just what I heard. *shrugs*

    You have to remember that that is not a bad thing in terms of flying as you would assume by the negative connotations of the word.

    INSTABILITY IS A GOOD THING!!! You want jet fighters to be dynamically unstable - that's how you get them to be highly manueverable because it will be natural for the plane to veer away from a straight flight path against aerodynamic forces.

    All modern jet fighters since the 70s are designed to be naturally as unstable as possible and they are kept undercontrol with fly-by-wire technology - computers that control all the various flying surfaces compensating for the instability in real-time.

  17. Here's the translation from his interview in the Instruction Book:

    * Has there been a lot of changes from the early designs?

    "This time I have supervised MP-3 Starscream's as a continuation from Hybrid Style 02 Convoy. When I was looking at the Starscream prototype that Takara Tomy had made, they told me, "We don't mind if you make significant changes," so this was an opportunity to put forward various proposals.

    Kawamori Interview translated

    so from reading that interview, i'm pretty sure his involvement started with this


    Stupid froaty head ruined it. :)

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