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Posts posted by Jung

  1. Here are the fast packs for my 1/48 custom CF. Very impressed by the fast packs, I would say more so than the 1/48s themselves :p The proportions are just right, much improved from thier 1/60 version. My only complaints(minor) I have are the lack of details on the rms-1 missiles and missile pods (could use some panel lines) and they are a tad heavy (tipsy and difficult to pose in battroid with the heavy boosters). Anyways onto the pics :)


  2. keep em coming jung!

    this ones looking damn nice, gotta try that food coloring in futures trick...hecka cheaper than tamiya clears.

    hey, just curious what do you use as thinner to get futures out of your airbrush? i noticed its a lot thicker than the other paints i use(tamiya, gunze sangyo) and as it dries it dries in strands that look like hair.

    Everywhere I read, it tells you to spray future straight out of the bottle, ie don't thin it. It works fine, but from my experience it clogs the airbrush quicker than thinned paints, so I gotta spray windex to clear it more often. I'm not sure what you mean by drying into hairlike strands?

    toonz: heh, yeah I'm finally finishing projects that I started last year eh?

  3. Now I remember why I don't show my models online :)

    Boy is that good looking.

    No Rook model existed in this scale/transformable, so you'd have to make a custom, but I have seen it done so it's not toally impossible...



    wow that looks great! do you have any better pics of it? The more diffcult part of modifying it into a transformable kit would be the figure itself, you would pretty much have to scratch build the female body IMO.

  4. lol, yeah I've learned my lesson on the weak hip joint, I replaced it with a wave joint, I'll take a pic of it when I find time. I also added a ball joint for the neck, so it can look forwards while riding the bike rather than looking downwards.

    I love these imaii transformable cylcone kits, I'm hoping toynami copies them so I can pick up a rook (fuke)!

  5. mods, if this is the wrong forum, feel free to move it to the appropriate one.

    1/12 scale fully transformable cyclone by Imaii (RIP?).


    1)main colours are Gunze Sangyo Aqueous (water-based) acrylics

    -pale green for the bike

    -lime green for the chest

    2)Tamiya acrylics

    -metallic grey for the cylinders, engine etc...

    -gunmetal for the rifle

    -flat flesh for the face

    4)flat black, white, grey, khaki and apple red are enamels from hardware store spraycans sprayed into paint bottles for the airbrush.

    5) clear parts were all FUTURE, used food colouring to get the different colours. First time trying it, works great(!), spent only $2 for a package of food colouring that included yellow, blue, green and red. To get the amber colour for the bike's front "visor" I mixed a few drops of yellow, and 1 drop each of red and blue.

    I used some of my old custom 1/55 decals, hence the "beware of blast" heh :p

    I still have the other 2 kits to build (rand and lancer), but no rook... :(


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