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where to find stands for Microman figures

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Hey all,

don't know where would be the right place for this, so I thought it best to ask it hear. I picked up the Microman 2003 figures and hope to get the 2004 figures. Anyway, they are so poseable and come with different hands. I want to put them in cool poses without them falling over, but their feet can't handle standing in extreme poses without a base under them. Other than glueing their feet down on something, does anyone know where I can find the rectangular bases with the pegs that I have seen for GI Joe figures? I would imagine that the holes on the Micromans' feet might work with these. If not, some tweaking would probably work to make the pegs bigger or smaller as needed. Still, is there a site or place that still carries the ones for Joe or Star Wars figures?

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