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ROCKMAN EXE: Axess Advanced


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I was looking around and stumbled upon some megaman stuff...yeah I'm actually that bored.

Anyways, I'm into megaman since I was just a little kid....and I thought heh I'll look at some Megaman. Than I started checking out the latest version, NT Warrior or EXE. I've played a few of the games, hell currently playing one on the Gamecube. I stumbled upon what looks to be a PET, or NetNavi, an honest to god PET.

There are two versions, a black and red but from what I'm reading there are other versions out just a bit different. They don't look like the normal PET system like in the series, these look like those old Digipets back in the mid 90's.

Supposively you train your PET to do battles, and you even got a selection of Battlechips (not sure if there are like "Booster Packs" to buy to get better chips or what) and you plug your PET probably with another PET and duke it out using these battlechips.

That's what I've gathered up so far...I had an idea long time ago when I first heard about PET's that maybe having something like that would be really cool. You could get your email, or voice messages, check out message boards, jack into the net using a DSL line connection blah blah blah and of course they wouldn't be cheap...they'd probably be a couple hundred bucks or something like that...but it'd be something anyone could buy, not just a lil kid. Not too mention it couldn't go out of fashion like the latest game craze cause of the fact you can do just about anything on this like a portable computer.

I don't think these PET's can do that...don't think it can really do much of anything besides battle and learn minor stuff...but apparently these are "HOT ITEMS" and go from 50-60 bucks a pop...heh.

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