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Happy New Years 2004 Macrossworld!

UN Spacy

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Happy 2004 to all of you! May you get everything you ask for in the coming year.

I would like to see these come to pass:

Hopefully Harmony Gold will sink down into a sewer never to be heard from again.

Hopefully we'll finally get a DVD version of Gunbuster (I hope to God from someone other than Mangle).

Hopefully we'll get more legitimate Macross items here in the U.S.

Hopefully we get a lot of really good anime titles here this year.

Hopefully I finally get my credit straightened out so I can buy that house I want.

And God, please ask my girlfriend to stop nagging me about marriage. :p

That's a lot of hopefully's eh?

Edited by Noriko Takaya
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Happy new years...

2004 can't possibly not be a better year for me personally than 2003.

The rundown on 03:

Lost my job.

Tree fell on my house from a giant storm.

My old band busted up.

And I had to euthanize my 11 year old best friend and Austrailian Shepherd, Esther.

So, here's to great year to all of us. Crap, I'm gonna be 30 this year. ;)

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