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As for the flying, most directors don't seem to have a feel for the real mechanics of flight. Few of them are pilots or flight simulator enthusiasts. And usually the tactics aren't realistic for dramatic purposes. For example, the Mustang looping to get behind a German plane in the trailer is positively ridiculous -- but I suppose it is the sort of tactic that a non-flying movie audience could understand.

Ironically, the audience would likely cry: no way! to maneuvers that real pilots said were possible in Mustangs, like:

or Don Bryan's move?


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Jesus Christ. I just saw this catastrophe of a movie. He took the awe-inspring story of the Tuskegee airmen, a struggling group of minorities trying to make their own way in a bloody, global campaign, and turns it into a virtual puppet show where the acting is so wooden, the story so uninteresting you'd think we were watching Episode 3 in the 1940's. Why wasn't Hayden Cristensen in this? That would've been the icing on this dead cake. People all over the world piss and moan about George Lucas all day long, but I've never had a problem with him, his works, or the plundering of his fans until now. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING about this movie was so bad it was almost unwatchable. I kept hoping for Warbird candy/porn to save my eyes but the aerial sequences were so cartoonish and about as inspiring as me "wooshing" scale models around my apartment re-enacting dog fights that the real fight was to keep from falling asleep. Hell, even Pearl Harbor the movie managed to keep things exciting with their portrayal of the bombing and the dogfight sequences over Europe and that movie was made almost 10 years ago, and dare I say that Pearl Harbor's CGI orgy looked better?!

This was the worst $12.50 I have spent in my entire life...

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This was the worst $12.50 I have spent in my entire life...


One of the tragic consequences, I suppose, in dealing with that particular point in history. Now that most of that generation is passing away from us, it's much more likely that people will just fill-in-the-blanks; tell their own interpretation of the story, instead of just telling what happened to the people who were actually there.

I know: history is usually told from the "winner's" point of view to begin with. but still...

ed: oh well--I guess I'll just go back and youtube that old ep of Dogfights

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