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Cleaning up Gundam Marker


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I've been slowly finishing up my 1/100 Bandai VF-2SS

I began panel lining, initially with an oil wash, but I was unstatisfied with the results. I decided to try a Gundam marker, and I must say I am VERY pleased with the results!

Anyway, the Gundam marker was not all fun & games. Using the ultra-fine pen on some of the finer lines is a tricky business. Sometimes ultra-fine just isn't fine enough, or perhaps I sanded near a panel-line and broke the smooth groove that the pen slides through.

I experimented a bit with different ways of cleaning up badly penned lines, and found that a simple white rubber PENCIL ERASER does a FANTASTIC job cleaning up Gundam Marker!

With an under-coat of future, my paint is perfectly safe, and I can clean up any bad surface gunk. It's even a great way of lightening a very thick line, as the paint deeper in the grove can stay safe while you erase around it.

I'll try to post some pictures. I'm sure the advanced modelers know all about this (and probably can get the same result using a wash), but I figure a lot of us (relative) newbs might benefit from this knowledge!

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I panel lined my VF-2SS a long time ago and from what I remember I used a 0.05 gundam marker and yes the panel lines are very fine so there's excess markings. What did was just wipe it off with a paper towel and some rubbing alcohol. Worked just fine for me. :p:D:lol:

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Gundam markers??? I havent seen or heard of these, but then I am just getting back into modeling.

Edit: Cool just looked them up. Just have to figure what set to get lol.

Edited by Goshawk
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Gundam markers are basically pens to draw on fine detail with. The Bandai stuff seems to do better than generic felt-tip markers (even the ultra fines), as the color is more of a solid black than an inky-dark-violet.

Sharpies are great too, but these are even finer. I noticed that red Sharpie runs if you spray Future on it. I am pretty sure the red was dry when I sprayed the Future. Hopefully this stuff doesn't have that problem.

I used to think using markers was a "short cut" or cheating, but after I saw WM Cheng using them to do fine details, like the wheel-wells on his YF-19, I was sold. It's just SUCH a time saver, and it they're alot easier to get right than a wash (if you're like me and not particularlly skilled with such things)

You can get them from Image Anime for about $3... they ship!

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What did was just wipe it off with a paper towel and some rubbing alcohol. Worked just fine for me. :p:D:lol:

Rubbing Alcohol?

I coat with Future (acrylic). I once used Polly-S Black w/tones of Polly-S airbrush thinner to panel-line, but I found that the thinner was eating through both my Future under-coat and my paint.

Isn't acrylic thinner usually standard rubbing alcohol?

I was using my eraser technique specifically to avoid damaging my paint or undercoat.

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What did was just wipe it off with a paper towel and some rubbing alcohol. Worked just fine for me.  :p  :D  :lol:

Rubbing Alcohol?

I coat with Future (acrylic). I once used Polly-S Black w/tones of Polly-S airbrush thinner to panel-line, but I found that the thinner was eating through both my Future under-coat and my paint.

Isn't acrylic thinner usually standard rubbing alcohol?

I was using my eraser technique specifically to avoid damaging my paint or undercoat.

nah, I didn't have all that coat stuff at all. All did was put the model together, and panel lined it. And that's it. It looked clean. But yeah, if you had all that other stuff on the model then alcohol isn't good. ;):p:D:lol:

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You know, i tried cleaning it up with my Tamiya air-brush thinner, and it came right off :)


I spoke too soon... I tried the air-brush thinner again to remove a minor marker blemish, and it took my Future and underlying paint right off. It was a tiny little drop of thinner too...


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