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Armored Core Nexus...


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I've got it.

I used the new control set up for about 5 minutes. I like the old way better, so I stick with it.

I was having a good time with it, but then classes piled on the work, and GTA just came out...so it will be on the back-burner for a little bit.

One thing I didn't like however was the new "reload" delay for solid ammo. Ever since my first AC game (Arena I think) I have used a chain-gun as my primary weapon, but this new reload makes it kinda...suck. Well, it isn't the reload pause alone, it is the horrible accuracy of machine guns now as well. I can understand some rebalancing and whatnot, but my usual load-out is crap for just about every mission. I tried out a few concepts, but like I said, other things have gotten in the way since then.

I still like the game, it is just a bit frustrating that I have to totally rethink my AC design theories.

edit - my standard "take most missions and arena opponent" AC was characterized by:

quad legs

chain gun on back

flamethrower or empty left hand

bazooka or lazer rifle right hand

If anyone else can make that work as well for Nexus as it has for me in the previous half-dozen AC games, let me know.

Edited by Phyrox
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I know the feeling... so far my load out is:

1 machine gun right.

1 pulse gun left

1 hand gun right stow area

1 knife left stow area

2 of the same missile set up for back weapons.

So far using energy based weapons without tweaking your mech and buying some better equipment can actually mean you are screwed.

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I've been a fan single the original game, and everythign I have heard from other AC fans is that the game wasn't worth my time. I don't think I've heard a single good thing about Nexus, and just alot of complaints. This is a tired series, and its time for somethign fresh.

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Yeah, I loved the AC series up to Silent Line, but Nexus jumped the shark. The already frustrating adventure in having to beat preformance goals to get secret parts, already a pain in the ass in Silent Line, got even more excessive in Nexus. The reload thing I could tolerate and understand, but the nerfing of boosting/flying, and outright removal of OP-Intensify (formerly Human Plus) that had been in the game since day one sealed it for me. :(

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