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macross OAV for 2001?


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hi, i was watching some stuff at unspacy.de and found a clip in wich they showed a battle between UN Spacy forces and some enemy fleet.

maybe this is old news for some of you but i would like to know if this was a clip from the cancelled 3-D series or a promo for a cancelled game since i read something about it with the date of december 2001.

after i watched the clip i think this is the direction a new series should follow since it could be either a story like VF-X2 or a new one with more wich could lead in a more clear way to clues about protoculture remains.

still if there would be a series about encounters with protoculture civilization there shoulb be a way to connect them with humans with maybe a military pilot and an alien female who belongs to protoculture [and a human female to complete the triangle wich is a must].

so what do you guys say?...

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the interesting thing about this video is that the battles look like the ones in macross zero, but they take place in an asteroid field and you can see many VF-1´s, some VF-11´s and one VF-19A. also the pilot is a CG and the pilot´s uniform is like isamu´s but the colors are those of roy focker in DYRL.

it is a MPEG but i used real player to see it and by the way the video starts with A.D. 2051 and the only line i could read was like -senshitachi ni ashita wa aru no ka- [can´t rad much kanji yet].

also i wished that the VF-1 that appears in the video [with hikaru´s skull scheme] maded to macross zero. still the missile sequencys are cool.

don´t really know why they don´t make this into an OAV. :(

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It was a fan video. If this is indeed the video in question.

Here the link to the fan works page from earlier this year.

Absolutely awesome video.

Edited by Anubis
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