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Giant Robo

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Media Blasters now owns the rights to Giant Robo, and will release it this year. Rumor has it that they're going to have an $80 box set (box & first volume price) shaped like the Eye of Fogler..... BTW, Gin Rei specials will also be included with this new release.

Since I already own the R3 box, I'm a bit torn as to whether I want this new release. I suppose if the video & audio quality are significantly enough better, I'll go for it. Otherwise I'll just pick up the Gin Rei OVA disc.

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yeah....Ginreai is great....until she gets fused with some machine and dies.

Started my trend in hating most anime due to cliched endings.

You wanna ruin the ending any more for those who having seen it? Although you're wrong, she didn't die due to being fused with anything, and what did happen was an awesome plot twist.

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I'm with Keith here, though you do manage to spoil the entire series for anyone who has not seen it yet, you're horribly misremembering things. Also, there is very little that is cliche about the end of Giant Robo. Heck, if you consider that Giant Robo was created by the man that started Giant Robots in anime, there's practically nothing cliche about Giant Robo.

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The standard release and the special edition of volume 1 are both out October 26th.

Standard will probably end up being around $17 with the SE around $50.

They're also redubbing the show so that the horrific Manga dub is history.

I'm getting rid of the R3 box. It's subtitles are poor so there's very little reason to keep it when a better version will be available.

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Don't ditch it quite yet. Media Blasters has had a regular trend of faulty DVD releases lately (most common problem being mono audio instead of stereo). Besides, the subtitles on the R3 set are quite good, far from bad.

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Besides, the subtitles on the R3 set are quite good, far from bad.

Er, right. Maybe if you set your standards by Hong Kong bootleg trash they're good. :rolleyes:

I personally prefer subtitles that don't have typos, Engrish and poor formatting (too many lines on screen, multiple characters lines appearing at once) - all problems which plague the R3 set.

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Multiple character lines are a common practice, as well as multiple lines at once. The typo's are few & very far between, and I don't recall any instances of "engrish," in fact, I believe they used the same subtitle script manga did when they released it.

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Multiple character lines are a common practice, as well as multiple lines at once. The typo's are few & very far between, and I don't recall any instances of "engrish," in fact, I believe they used the same subtitle script manga did when they released it.

I'm almost positive it's not the same script, or if it is, or whoever transcribed it was only semi-literate. And the timing... *shudder* Sorry Kieth, I think your memory is faulty here. Those subs suck compared to anything else but HK boots. Heck, I've seen digisubbers do better.

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