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Posts posted by lavinrac

  1. Anyhow, Iavinrac: the main reason text translations are not available (at least for MtF) is how easy it is for someone to copy/paste the translations into scans of the manga.

    Makes sense. Still a shame for those of us who bought legit copies but don't speak Japanese. The worst part for me is I took 4 semesters of Japanese in college, but forgot most of it.. that and we didn't get that far into Kanji anyhow. I'd love to take it locally but cannot seem to find a college that offers it in my area.

  2. This is awesome. I made an account. now to figure out where to enter my code...

    Got it installed. Awesomeness. Has anyone ever had their Japanes account removed and their downloads deleted? This isn't something I would put past Sony, even though my DYRL blu-ray set is legit.

  3. Does the PS1 game download code work in the US?

    Does it have an expiration date on it? My mom ordered the set and is giving it to me for Christmas (We bought a new Air Conditioner so the money is tight)... But i can probably get her to get the paper with the code out if it will work in the US.


  4. Sounds like you ripped it badly, the oriignal Japanese DVD was anamorphic, and progressive scan if I recall correctly, it just wasn't cleaned up.

    You are probably right. My ripping tools can't have been good at the time i bought it, thinking back. I bet i ripped it to 4.7gb too!

  5. I know exactly what you're talking about. Having everything that large, and with older DVD transfers, you can sometimes see the flaws magnified in the transfer.

    Seems like you answered your own question, so he probably doesn't need to go through the hassle of screen shots.

    My Japanese DVD is quite old.. I bought it just a couple years after DVD players came out. Come to think of it... I also had to burn a copy myself onto a disc to remove the region coding.. which probably resulted in lost quality as well. Also. its got the black bars as part of the picture.. its the original japanese issuing of the dvd.. but yea.. OLD.. cost me like $98 at the time tho. Love japanese media pricing. :)

    Anyhow. Wont matter in July when this nice new set arrives. :)

  6. I am really spoiled by the 70" television.. (dont buy one it will wreck your older shows!!) The old DYRL dvd looks.. well... gruesome.I want DYRL to look like Gundam UC.. beautiful and perfect...

    I tried watching ADV and Animeigo SDFMacross ... yuck.. Like they say on twitter.. 'First World Problems'

  7. It's not so confusing. The regular version has just the movie & game on one disc. The LE version has that plus everything else.

    I went and did it. Ordered the full on set instead of the LE. Why not. Guess I will have the best of DYRL until the next one comes out ;)

    And once again when a subtitled version comes out from China I wont feel like a thief if i pick it up. :)

  8. I think I may go ahead and splurge for the Big Box if I can change my order at CD Japan.. I'm not sure what the availability of the full package is there. its a bit confusing on their site.

    The last time I bought DYRL was like.. I dunno.. 1998? On DVD.. For $100 for the Legit Japanese original. (Paid my dues!) I popped that in the player the other day and it looks Horrible. Then I got a subbed version (no guilt since i paid for the legit one).. also looks horrible.

    And now.. May as well get the new one. I'd really like to see all the new animation from the games. I bought a few of the PS1 and PS2 games over the years but PS3 and other platforms I have not. Documentaries.. not so much since i can't understand them.

    It's very confusing to figure out what is in one package vs. the other. I wish there was a Disc by Disc comparison. Anyhow.. $200 vs $100.. one time in 10 years.. not that big a deal.. IF i can GET the full package.

  9. So I have just returned to Macrossworld after.. YEARS...

    I'd like to get the LE version.. but its too much $$.. I can live without all the paper stuff... and it looks like Flashback is gonna be upscaled/crappy looking..

    Is AmiAmi a legit place to order? They have a decent price on the regular version.

    I've never dealt with them or CD Japan.

  10. It is not as weak as the first release, but the right leg is slightly split, and the head is wobbly. But overall, I am pretty happy. This will be my 6th alpha, and this one feels more secure.

    The hand is made of better plastic, but the gun does not fit all of the way over the hand. Also, the gunpod fits securely into the peg between the arm thrusters where as my original shadow alpha does not do this.

    Oh man.... Beagle?? Are you there Beagle? Can you please make us an alpha?

    Seriously it looks like the alpha is never going to get the proper respect..

    BTW. Hesperia CA eh? Cool! I used to live in Apple Valley. Whats up?

  11. I really like the idea (mentioned several times) of just keeping the original story, character, and mechanical designs, and just animating them better. I think character designs have gone downhill since the 80s' (opinion only).. meanwhile a lot of the valkyrie animation in original macross was just bad.. disproportionate, comical, etc... I would hate to have macross go to CG tho.. even if it meant doing it all in CG and then painstakingly redrawing everything on top of the cg.. (This IS a 'dream' thread right) I'd just like to see a more 'perfect' original macross series.

  12. Has anyone noticed that Amazon.com says 'This item will be released after Dec. 24' for the Zeta Gundam box? I think i dug deeper and found out a date of Dec. 30 specifically (but i forget where i found it!)

    HOWEVER.. im not panicking yet, everywhere else i have looked still says Dec. 14.

    The real problem here is Bandai. I cant find Anything on their site. That would be the source to go to if they ever told us anything.

  13. I just want to see a Max TV VF-1A.. for just a little work repainting they'd create what alot of folks consider the ultimate VF-1A. After buying all those 1/60ths I can't justify buying DYRL 1A's just for a few different colored stripes.

    BTW I'd kill for a few more sets of TV Hands. I hope they include those with all future releases.

  14. Am I the only one who thinks that it would be financially silly for them (in the macross universe) to bother making a GBP-1S at ALL? I mean.. here you have this most likely VERY expensive variable fighter, and you already have most likely much cheaper (simpler, no transformation, etc) Destroids. Why turn the expensive Variable fighter into a Destroid (bunch of ammo, no transformation) when you could probably buy 5 or 6 destroids for the price?

    Of course.. It's a cartoon, and GBP-1S armor is cool looking... is the reason I give myself.

  15. I bought a preinstalled DMS3 modchipped PS2 and it plays any and everything i throw at it. I have Macross VFX1 (dont have 2 sadly) and the Macross DYRL Side scroller, as well as a few Gundam games and even a Votoms game for PS1 (that one came with an awesome reissue of a really great Takara Votoms toy!)

    Anyhow, my opinion is DMS3 is the chip to get. If you are interested look it up on the net. I will be happy to tell you via email (or icq, or aim) of a reputable dealer, but i dont want to be doing an ADVERT for them on these boards.

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