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Posts posted by lavinrac

  1. And those of us who need to sleep before work and/or are taking care of an ailing mother and have zero time to mash F5 or are too exhausted to.

    This concerned me as well. I actually went to bed twice last night so I could work today. To bed at 9pm, up at 2:15, back at 3:30.. up at 7:30.. Managed to get one regult from CD Japan and one from HobbySearch. These will both be opened and on my shelf with my valks. Not on eBay.

  2. HLJ should have their page up soon, but I understand if you've gotta catch some shuteye :)

    I Lied about going to sleep. Adrenaline.

    Do Hobbysearch and CDJ let you change which kind of shipping you use after your order? Cause i just sort of picked arbitrarily!

    Not SAL though. I want them before 2017

  3. Well this is exciting. HLJ failed me, so Its CD Japan and Hobbysearch, both of whom I like but I would have preferred to use my 'Private Warehouse' .. and thus FedEx .. still. this was a success and I am going to bed.

    Thanks for all the info and help!!

  4. So it is October 1st, very interesting. So this means be ready tomorrow night before midnight right? I'm going to sign in to every site, get my computer ready, then click refresh from 11:40 to whenever they pop up, I need four Regults, and I need to lock down a pre-order on Figuarts Captain Phasma.

    This is exactly what I plan to pre-order.. and I am pretty sure I will fail.

  5. I'll Check it out. Customizing doesn't sound INCREDIBLY Daunting. I'd really like if they did it right.. but really.. Macross product is so hard to get.. I'm glad to get anything. Still have not managed to pre-order anything Hi-Metal R.

    Model Kits, requiring a lot of work, are at least able to be preordered.

    Is there REALLY an issue with the rights to TV Macross IN JAPAN? Thread to look at?

  6. This process is sort of asinine. I didn't stay up all night, so nothing for me.. Makes one rethink their priorities. Do you need a toy worse than sleep? I don't.

    What confuses me.. the toys have not been made yet.. what benefit could this artificial scarcity be to Bandai?

  7. i want every toy in this line but i will be lucky if i can even get a preorder in for any of them. :-( i guess there is always ebay on release if NY doesn't get anymore in.

    Ok your post just answered my earlier question. THANKS!

  8. This as probably been said before.. But I missed the HLJ pre-order of Armored VF-1J. I just use my HLJ Private warehouse so much Im hesitant to order from elsewhere.

    HOWEVER.. Who's the best place to pre-order these when it's time. I went to bed last time and it was not on the site. Woke up in morning and was sold out.

    I'm not used to missing sleep to it a pre-order.. but I might do it for a super ostrich.

  9. Those VF-1 leg-to-body joints still look a little wonky. Anyone have the older hi-metal and can speak to whether they are durable and look okay in real life?

    These look good due to the availability of some enemies and some non-standard stuff.

  10. I bought two copies of the book.

    Still.. considered making a photocopy onto some decent paper and going along with your tutorial with a 'mockup' build. The mockup will be black and white, but as i have never done a papercraft.. I'd feel less bad when i make all the little first-timer mistakes.

    Is there a weight of paper you'd recommend that will behave nicely? Looking for more specific than just 'cardstock' as those can vary a LOT


    its looking great already.

    the attention you put into each step is both impressive and a little daunting. :)

  11. I got one of the blue Chrome visors you used. I have a question was all the modifications done to the Masei parts like the top visor and other ad on pieces?

    Did you have to cut the actual Blue visor at all?


    I did not cut the visor at all.

    I did all modifications to the masei parts.

    They were already scratched and stuff so i felt safer doing that.

    Also.. I wonder if Masei can mail a visor without it breaking. ;)

  12. To me, it does not matter which company is right or wrong, I'd just like to be able to legally obtain subtitled and translated Macross video and Manga in the US, at US market prices.

    Its a shame that Frontier, DYRL, Macross 7, Macross the First, etc.. aren't widely available over here without importing.

    For example: I have bought Macross the First in Japanese, and while its beautiful, it sure would be nice to have some idea what they are saying.

    I really love my Vertical Pub. Gundam Origin Books. They are top notch high quality, properly priced products.

  13. I'm building the recent Hasegawa Gerwalk Valkyrie and would like to track down some PE parts for the inside of the cockpit. Im interested in Hasegawa or Jasmine... Anything that will improve the cockpit detail.

    If you started a project with photoetch and gave up, i may still be interested if you didn't use the cockpit stuff.


  14. Can we blame Harmony Gold?

    Kidding of course (NO really i am kidding don't hurt me)

    But I do have a LOT LOT LOT of legally purchased Gundam IN ENGLISH. and a lot LESS legally purchased Macross.. i wonder why that is.

    Anyhow. It is exciting news that a new volume of Macross the First will be published on paper. Maybe I'm just old, but online digital comics just don't do the same thing for me that a real book does. That 'japanese paper smell' I remember from hunting for things in Los Angelese as a kid, is so exotic.

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