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Posts posted by nanoplasm

  1. DEADLINE IS MAY 3rd, 2012.

    This is the group buy for VF-25S 2.0 Armored Parts (Ozma Custom). It's mainly for US residents due to the two-step shipping process.


    Each set is 9350JPY + total shipping cost (international EMS bulk + USPS domestic).

    The 9350JPY is due at sign-up (paypal info is dgundam3(at)hotmail(dot)com), please include your MWF userID, and mention the group buy item(s). Please send the fund as personal payment and send it in Japanese Yen.

    International bulk EMS shipping cost will be divided equally between all the sets purchased. Domestic US Priority shipping will be calculated based on address and can be combined with other items. The Total shipping cost is due when the items are ready to be shipped to you.

    Please let me know if there are any questions.

    Participants (group 1 - ordered)

    Murphy (PAID) - Shipped

    locidm (PAID) - SHIPPED

    94medition (PAID) - Shipped

    Dr.Danhattan (PAID)

    Chronocidal (PAID) - SHIPPED

    chowyunskinny (PAID) - SHIPPED

    Dobber (PAID) - SHIPPED


    Lolicon (PAID) - SHIPPED

    eugimon (PAID) - SHIPPED

    xTIMMYxCOREx (PAID) - meet up

    xrentonx (PAID) - SHIPPED

    JasonC (PAID) - SHIPPED

    ErikElvis (PAID) - SHIPPED

    UN Space (PAID) - SHIPPED

    the9breaker (PAID) - SHIPPED

    Valkyrie23 (PAID) - SHIPPED

    MacrossJunkie (PAID) - SHIPPED

    Macrossfan00 (PAID) - met up

    stormS (PAID) - SHIPPED

    max928 (PAID) - meet up

    Golden Arms (PAID) - SHIPPED

    OptionZero (PAID) - SHIPPED

    Participants (group 2)

    jennety_(PAID) - SHIPPED

    Sandman (PAID) - SHIPPED

    BoaRepublic (PAID) - SHIPPED


    Q1. How much is the total shipping cost and how long does it take for the package to arrive?

    A1. I don't know the cost without having the actual item in hand. Based on past GB, the total shipping cost is comparable to SAL shipping, and you will usually receive the item in less than 10 business days after it has been released in Japan.

    Q2. When is the last day to sign-up?

    A2. The drop-dead date to sign-up is 5 days before the deadline set by Bandai. Please check the main post for deadline date once it has been announced by Bandai.

    Q3. How is the item shipped, and is it insured?

    A3. International bulk shipping is shipped via EMS with built-in indemnification. Default domestic shipping is by USPS Priority mail. Please let me know if you want to add insurance for domestic shipping, and/or ship it by other USPS methods.

    Q4. Do you need my shipping address right now?

    A4. Not yet. When it's due, please send the final total shipping cost as a Paypal purchase and make sure the correct shipping address is listed in the Paypal payment.

  2. DEADLINE IS MAY 3rd, 2012.

    This is the group buy for VF-25F 2.0 Armored Parts (Alto Custom). It's mainly for US residents due to the two-step shipping process.


    Each set is 9350JPY + total shipping cost (international EMS bulk + USPS domestic).

    The 9350JPY is due at sign-up (paypal info is dgundam3(at)hotmail(dot)com), please include your MWF userID, and mention the group buy item(s). Please send the fund as personal payment and send it in Japanese Yen.

    International bulk EMS shipping cost will be divided equally between all the sets purchased. Domestic US Priority shipping will be calculated based on address and can be combined with other items. The Total shipping cost is due when the items are ready to be shipped to you.

    Please let me know if there are any questions.


    Murphy (PAID) - Shipped


    Chronocidal (PAID) - SHIPPED

    xTIMMYxCOREx (PAID) - meet up

    xrentonx (PAID) - SHIPPED

    macrossfan00 (PAID) - meet up

    stormS (PAID) - SHIPPED

    max928 (PAID) - meet up

    Lolicon (PAID) - SHIPPED

    jennety_ (PAID) - SHIPPED

    Valkyrie23 (PAID) - SHIPPED

    Valkyrie2008 (PAID) - meet up

    Sandman (PAID) - SHIPPED


    Q1. How much is the total shipping cost and how long does it take for the package to arrive?

    A1. I don't know the cost without having the actual item in hand. Based on past GB, the total shipping cost is comparable to SAL shipping, and you will usually receive the item in less than 10 business days after it has been released in Japan.

    Q2. When is the last day to sign-up?

    A2. The drop-dead date to sign-up is 5 days before the deadline set by Bandai. Please check the main post for deadline date once it has been announced by Bandai.

    Q3. How is the item shipped, and is it insured?

    A3. International bulk shipping is shipped via EMS with built-in indemnification. Default domestic shipping is by USPS Priority mail. Please let me know if you want to add insurance for domestic shipping, and/or ship it by other USPS methods.

    Q4. Do you need my shipping address right now?

    A4. Not yet. When it's due, please send the final total shipping cost as a Paypal purchase and make sure the correct shipping address is listed in the Paypal payment.

  3. Where's nano when you need him;), 140 us? What's up with the price raise last price quote was about 100-110 I think

    I will set up the group buy next week.

    Just finished ordering the Alto/Ozma super parts, and now I am shipping crap load of stuff for another community. :p

    And deadline for armor parts won't be that early (Jan 30th). It will be more likely end of Feb, if not later. <_<

  4. Please let me finish ordering the super parts this week then I will do the Armored parts GB.

    Seems like people always join GB in the very last min (and shortly after the deadline). =p





    Full Armor Parts x 1 set

    Special Stand x 1

    Those big ass missle (rection/rective) x 4

    Some kind of locking parts so the Valk don't flop x 1 set

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