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Posts posted by Gubaba

  1. Sure, but those don't feature 16 year olds as active duty military pilots of all things! I think the west tends to be a bit less improbable as far as that goes. Harry Potter is about kids at a school, after all. Not kid wizards already employed by the Ministry of Magic.

    I would definitely include "sub-18 year-olds operating military vehicles as a part of the military, and not in a child-soldier kind of way" as an anime trope. It's long-winded but it's a thing, for sure.

    Good point, and I guess I mostly agree, although I will point out that in Macross (and First Gundam) it kind of is in a child soldier way, since in both of those world's, most of the able-bodied men have been killed off already...

    That's probably after-the-fact justification to get characters the same age as their target audience into the cockpits, though.

    (And hey, it makes more sense than 10-year-old Anakin being a master pilot...)

  2. Thank for another interesting and very informative read. I new that Kawamori had gone to a flight school in the US and been allowed on a jet plane. I did not know that Itano had been there too and passed out though. I find it rather ironic considering the maneuvers he's know for drawing.

    Your second piece has now answered the trivia question: What do Macross Plus and Thundercats have in common. Great find.

    That last bit of info came courtesy of Renato. And he mentioned it, I think, two days ago...
  3. But considering characters of that age are a standard trope of anime in general, I'm definitely not surprised.

    It doesn't surprise me, in retrospect. Anime tropes and all.

    I thought it was fairly common the world over for stories aimed at young adults to feature young adults as the main characters...?

    Otherwise everything from Harry Potter to The Breakfast Club to Catcher in the Rye have that particular "anime trope"...

  4. While that is true, he's right that one should be cautious. They could easily take selective elements of the game as canonical wile disavowing certain parts of the storyline.

    Hopeful they let it stay canon though.

    Most likely there will never be explicit confirmation so the best approach is to just accept it as canon until something happens in a main series that contradicts it.

    Isn't that true for EVERYTHING in Macross, though...?
  5. Where does that name and designation come from?

    The only sources I can find for it are both by the same MW member - linking to a personal HP with a URL link that contains "Harmony Gold" [which raises all sorts of alarm bells - even though its in Japanese!].

    If it's Yui, yes, she often makes up her own canon. She knows a hell of a lot about the production of the three shows used for RT, though.
  6. By the way, I heard that all the film adaptation of "Macross" are a kind of interpretation of real events in the universe "Macross", which means all the movies / OVA / anime series is the same canonical ...Is it believable? If "yes", then what would be the "event" really?

    Yes, that's what Kawamori has said.

    The actual events dramatized would differ from the fictional versions probably by not having to fit neatly into a series of 25-minute episodes or two-hour movies, nor would they have to please sponsors and toy companies.

  7. You know there's a big difference between beer can missile or an Arcadia cameo easter egg and a main character in a worker destroid doing roller boogie electric boogaloo while super fun happy magical girls prance and sing.

    All this while civilians are dying from an old foe driven insane from music in addition to some random 18th century aristocrats in varible fighter show up unannounced looking for a runaway bride deciding "diplomacy is for dweebs" and start annihiliating the planets defense force.

    Did I miss anything?

    It's kinda like saying that SDFM had Hikaru playing pranks with the Angelbirds and Roy checking out Minmay's ass while Zentradi are bombarding the city...

  8. So I know Macross is famous for Itano circuses, but I've increasingly come to suspect that the directors/animators are all actually very specific about ammo count.

    I think you'd suspect wrong, especially if you're talking about the original series.

    I believe Macross Chronicle has figures for those, though, and those are considered correct.

  9. I can't say about Macross Delta, but Macross 30 was written by Kodachi Ukyou. A lot of the mythological references in MtR and M30 are due to him.

    A few months ago I asked the question if Mr. Ukyou was also involved with Delta, but so far I haven't got an answer on that (if so, it would explain a lot of the references).

    He's in the credits, with the position of 文芸. No idea what that would entail, however... Continuity, maybe?


  10. Just a quick note on the bridge personnel talking in English, it was for realism - all air traffic control in the world is done in English. (well maybe not in third world air forces or the Russian air force but all commercial air traffic control and most military as well)

    Huh... I've never come a source that says that's why they did it... Which are you taking from?

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