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Posts posted by brouken

  1. Thanks for the info Neoexcalibur! I'm keeping tabs on NY just in case they put the preorder up as well.

    I really feel for the guys who are stateside. I'm in Jakarta right now so we're only two hours behind Japan.

    I pray that everyone will get at least one valk for their efforts today. :-)

  2. So Amiami is usually the first on pre-orders? I know someone mentioned a while back that HLJ doesn't follow the preorder timeline. But how about the other shops like NY? Do they also follow the preorder time? Or do they come in late as well?

    Sorry, this is my first time to get in on the apparent preorder madness. I'm really just hoping to get one since this will be my first renewal valk. :-)

  3. Man, I REALLY hope they re-issue the armor parts. It really doesn't make any sense to re-release Ozma without the armor parts. If they're capitalizing on the movies, Ozma doesn't even fly his messiah without armor!

    And...just like that, the super parts are gone from Mandarake. :-(

  4. Anyone consider that Bandai just might re-issue the armored parts? I mean, I think they re-issued the vf-25f to coincide with the release of the tornado parts, which in turn was released to capitalize on the MF movies. Ozma wore the armor in the movies so it would make sense that they re-issue both the vf-25s and the armor parts right?

    But then again...after re-reading all of the posts on this thread, its seems that there is a consensus that Bandai doesn't seem to make sense in their releases. :-)

    I'd like to get just one renewal 25s with the armored parts. I'm going to make sure I'm lined up to get one this time round. :-D

  5. brouken: I have the same problem with my Luca when I first got it. I thought I got myself a lemon, until I noticed that the ratchet inside the wings are not aligned properly that the teeth of the cog is not 'biting' into the groove.

    So what I did was (kinda stupid and brave at that time) was pull the wing upwards, stressing it until i heard a click. The reason why I did this is because I had the same problem with one of my SOC's and I did the same thing to force the teeth of the cog to snap it in place of the groove.

    But that fixed my Luca and he has been in good shape ever since. Now, I would not recommend anyone to do that as you will have to bear your own responsibility for the damage to your Valk, but I am sharing my experience here, so for thos who dare, give it a shot, but don't way I did not warn you ppl.

    Thanks for the tip TCracker! Though I must admit, I'm too scared to try out your solution! If I break the wing, then my chances of having the valk replaced by HLJ goes with it. I guess I'm better off just waiting for a replacement.

    Sigh, its a sad thing, seeing that big shiny box right in front of me, and knowing that I can't play with the toy inside. :mellow:

  6. Okay, I got my DX Armored Valkyrie from HLJ last friday. Because of a busy weekend, I was only able to open it monday morning. As in wee hours of the morning. That was a mistake, as it took away a lot of my sleeping time.

    Since this is my first DX valk, I spent a lot of time inspecting it. Like what the others reported, the valk is coated with some oily residue, and has some fingerprints on it. But that really was the least of my concerns.

    I was checking the sweeping action of the wings when I noticed a problem with the right wing. Unlike the left wing, which rachets and locks perfectly into place when fully opened and folded, the right wing does NOT rachet and does NOT lock into place in either modes. Trying to do so results in resistance that causes the wing to spring back a little. Furthermore, folding the right wing back from being opened causes a loud clicking noise, which the left wing does NOT do.

    I have tried checking if the wing is improperly set, or if something is dislodged inside the wing assembly. However, it is impossible for me to open the wing assembly, as it does not have any screws.

    I have already emailed HLJ about it. Their customer service has requested photos of the damage. I think it would be better to send them a short video, since a photo really won't show whats wrong with the wing.

    Anyway, I just wanted to ask if any of the MWers have had this problem with their DXes. If there is a way for me to fix it without having to send it back to HLJ, then I'd be happy to know about it.

    Right now my DX is sitting here in my office, still in its box. This is the first valk that I have that came with a defect right out of the box. I guess that makes me a true MWer now does it? :rolleyes: Ironic that its a Bandai and not a Yamato.

  7. PSN ID = shinbrouken

    I'm currently finishing Prince of Persia right now (it was overshadowed by my other games for a while), but I'm jiggy with racing some MW members on Wipeout HD Fury! Add me up please!

    Oh, and if anyone here is still into Warhawk, let me know!

    I wonder if that PS3 Macross Frontier game is still in the works...

  8. So far only found one photo.

    That's looking MIGHTY fine. B)) I wish I could see what it looks like from the side and back though. I like how the leg armor covers the extended ankles.

    I do hope that they've done something about the attachment method for the hip armors. The fact that the early super packs keep popping off in that area is making me worried. That and the lack of articulation in the knee joints once the leg armor is on.

  9. About VF-25S armored:

    Release day pushed to August: http://www.tamashii.jp/item/200908.php

    New blog post about preparing their show display: http://www.tamashii.jp/staff_diary/diary.p...98&level=01

    I think I see a slightly longer neck and straighten head guns.


    Maitta naaa! I was really hoping to get my first DX Messiah this June!

    Oh well, as long as Bandai addresses as many of the first release issues as they can, I think I can wait for my pre-order until August.

    BTW, the laser turret on the booster pack in this pic looks shorter. There doesn't seem to be any opening hatches or other gimmicks on it either.

    I hope that's just in the mock-up.

    I really like how they improved the neck joint and the head lasers. I hope the head lasers won't be made out of brittle plastic though.

    So far, I'm glad I held off on buying the first release Ozma's. Its the wait that's killing me though! :lol:

  10. Looking at the Ozma custom pics from GA Graphic, I'm pretty impressed with how it looks. Add to that the reports of it being sturdy and non-floppy and I'm about 70% sure that I'm getting one of these.

    The 30% hesitation comes from three things: 1) Where's the neck?, 2) Where's the landing gear?, and 3) Where's the armored pack?

    I'm okay with the proportions. And the Skull Leader color scheme is just too damn sexy!

  11. The Alto custom is looking better and better in my opinion. It may not be anime accurate, but it looks pleasing enough for me. For me, the high hip placement doensn't make it less aesthetically pleasing. Like I said before, it makes it look like a VF-1/0 series battroid, which is a good thing.

    What does worry me about the hip placement is articulation. Granted, even the Yamato VF-0 is difficult to pose in this area, what with the wings and diecast section of the fuselage sliding mechanism getting in the way of the hips. I can see the same problems with the DX. If Bandai had followed the lineart accurately, then there would have been more space for the hips to move around. That's my only nitpick so far based on the pics alone.

    I REALLY hope that that Ozma battroid was mistransformed. If that is how the head will look like in the final product, then I'll have to get the Armored Ozma instead.

  12. Like the VF-1 and YF-19, the VF-25 needs to have the legs bent at the point where the legs come down for gerwalk, and at the knees for the leg portions of the fast packs to attach. You can see it in the pics posted of the VF-25 where you can see the underside at an angle. It also explains why the fast packs for the legs extend past the knees a bit, like with the VF-1 and YF-19, to hide the gap created where the knee joint is bent in fighter mode.

    So this choice was stupidly pointless, as even the old chunky monkeys had this aspect of the fast packs correct.

    The Saint Seiya Cloth Myth line is an example of Bandai's "A" game. Although not mecha, you have an example of old school chunky monkey toys with the old Saint Seiya toys from the 80s, which they have re-released many times, and have even made some toys of later characters in the older style. They have also given slightly modified updated sculpts to the old style toys (see the Surplice Gold Saints with new hair sculpts). In addition to continuing the old style of toys, they went ahead and made the Saint Cloth Myth line. It's comparable to what Yamato did with improving valkyrie toys.

    I have no "A" game example for mecha toys as I'm not a Gundam fan and I haven't bought any other Bandai mecha toys other than the VF-19 Fire Valkyrie. out of desperation when there was no such thing as Yamato.

    I don't have the Yamato YF-19 so I can't make a comparison based on that toy. But I do have the VF-1S version 2 and am pretty familiar with how the Super pack attaches to the legs in that valk.

    While I don't know exactly how the Super/Armored packs attach to the VF-25, I have a reasonable idea how the legs are positioned in "naked" valkyrie mode. Based on the anime, I don't think the legs are positioned lower when the super packs are attached just like on the VF-1. The legs of the super and armored VF-25 are still straight and tucked into the space where the legs lock into the backpack during valkyrie mode. You can clearly see this in some of the rear shots of the super and armored VF-25s in the series.

    Not that I'm defending Bandai or anything. Clearly, the spaces between the legs and the backpack in the DX are not line art accurate. Its just that when you consider the bulk added by the super and armored packs, it makes sense that they would leave some space to accomodate for that. I believe this is one instance where anime magic was used in the series so that the legs lock all the way through regardless of whether they're naked or not. If you can show me the pics where it clearly shows the legs bent in super/armored valk mode though, I would appreciate it very much.

    And thanks to Graham and the others for giving their examples of Bandai's A game toys.

    I only have one Bandai SOC so far (Voltes V), and while I'm pretty happy with it, it does have its own flaws and quirks too. I don't have any of the Saint Seiya toys since I'm not really a fan of that anime.

    To those who have the DX Aquarion: how's the QC and durability of that toy? I've heard many good things about it, and am partly interested in investing in one. I think the DX Aquarion would also be a good yardstick for measuring what the potential durability of the DX VF-25 would be as well.

    As far as I know, Bandai's DX line is clearly meant to be toys. They're loaded with tough materials and are purposefully chunky compared to their anime counterparts. Just look at the Sentai Rangers series DX toys and the DX Gundam toys. They won't win any awards for aesthetics that's for sure. But they're built like bricks and are meant to take the abuse of rough play and continued manipulation and transformation. They're different from the SOC line in that they're not exactly collector's grade display items.

    Compared to the other DX toys however, I'm impressed with the detail Bandai has managed to put into the DX VF-25. While obviously not in the level of the Yamato valks, its clear that Bandai is considering that market segment with this toy as well. Its not as "kiddie" as the other DX toys.

    This is all I have to say regarding its looks though. Aesthetics after all, is a highly subjective matter, and no amount of argument would change a person's opinion of what is fugly and uber sexy. :lol:

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