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Posts posted by brouken

  1. Congrats on the GX-64 Yamato! I have one too, I had to put it back in its box because I don't have room to display it. :(

    Thanks Saburo! We actually have the same problem: I have officially run out of shelf space as well. Hehe!

    Good news is that I found out recently that Ikea Indonesia sells Detolf shelves! I'm planning on getting a few (hopefully with my wife's blessing) to use for my growing collection.

    My wife and I are actually watching Yamato 2199 now. Apparently, she didn't watch the original series (like the States, it was shown as Starblazers in the Philippines) so it isn't as nostalgic for her as it is for me. She's liking the story so far though. :)

    I'm very excited to play around with my Yamato/Argo and feel very blessed to finally have one (I used to make cardboard models of this when I was a kid!).

    One thing that I'm NOT happy about however, is the fact that Indonesian Customs have apparently DOUBLED income tax for imports. I had to pay through my nose to have this and my SOC Daimos released from the Post Office. :angry:

    This isn't boding well for my toy collecting hobby... :(

  2. Thank you! :)

    Thank you! :)

    Thank you, that is exactly the look trying for. Ozma is a Bad-ass. :)

    Here's the full view pic.


    This just screams wallpaper. :-)

    Amazing shot as always Saburo!

    Special request: can you do a side by side pic of the Armored 25s and Super 29s both with missile pods fully deployed? :-D

  3. Thanks guys!

    Did a shot with SMS Skull squadron geared up. I'm kinda bummed because I noticed that the stupid shield adapter for the RVF must have fallen off at some point while it was in fighter mode and now I can't find it... sigh... I had to stick the shield on with putty instead -_-


    Awesome Skull Squadron MJ! This is the configuration I'm hoping to have before the end of the year. Its all going to be stock paint though. Hehe!

    Too bad about your shield adapter. Hope you find it! Keeping track of those small pieces are just killer. :-(

  4. For those who got their supers today, does the light gray on the crotch plate and the front of the legs match the light gray on the wings of the super pack?

    You and me both regarding the N-Y seemingly eternal prepping stage. Their site even seems to show they have them in stock now so I don't know what's the hold up. They better not ship those out to other people before covering the ones who already pre-ordered long ago and paid.

    As for most subtle super parts, my vote goes to the YF-21 and YF-19 FAST packs (or do the conformal leg covers on the VF-0 count?). On my very first watch through of Macross Plus long long ago, I never even realized they had extra bits on them.

    I do agree that the fast packs on the YF-21 and YF-19 are pretty subtle in terms of overall size and added bulk to the valks. The only way you'll find out they have them on is because the fast packs come in the standard grey add-on colors. :-)

    I take it from the other threads that everyone who pre-ordered the super parts from NY are having the same delay problems? I'm not in any particular hurry to get mine, but I do hope they don't end up cancelling because of stock shortage.

  5. Great pics OzmaLee!

    So far, this is the most subtle super parts I've ever seen on a valk. Anyone who is unfamiliar with the YF-29 design would be hard pressed to distinguish between the regular and super version of this valk. :-)

    @ Saburo: Can't wait to see you work your photography magic on this! :-D

    I'm a bit disappointed that NY is still preparing my pre-order for this. I wonder if they're having stock problems...

  6. I can't even find any english writing on it, I expected to find BANDAI on it or something, but nope, just Japanese characters. As best I can tell, it says "bitsukuuesuto ... takatoisu" on it in Katakana.



    Which, with the help of google translate is apparently Big West, "Takatoku" Toys.


    And all hail Anymoon!


    that's Big West and Takatoku Toys. :-)

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