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Everything posted by Darial

  1. Probably Galaxy or another Macross colonial fleet (just not Frontier) because Sheryl was on her 18 month long galactic concert tour from sometime in late 2057 onward, with Frontier as the last stop before her return to the Galaxy. This blog entry is dated December 2058, and Sheryl did not arrive on Frontier until sometime in early 2059. So it either happened when Sheryl went back to Galaxy for Christmas, or was spending Christmas on one of the fleets she was touring.
  2. Looks like Megumi Nakajima had a really good Ranka Lee concert at ZeppTokyo on 7/27 with approximately 2500 fans in attendance. May'n and quite a few other cast members from Macross Frontier were also there. Maaya Sakamoto appeared as a special guest and sang Triangular. May'n sang DC and Northern Cross. At the end, Nakajima and May'n sang Lion as the encore. (:T_T: wish I could be there) Anyway, here's the article for those of you that reads Japanese: http://mainichi.jp/enta/mantan/graph/anime/20080727/ Here's the concert song list: 01.私の彼はパイロット(Short Ver.)(中島愛) 02.星間飛行 (中島愛) 03.ニンジーン Loves you yeah! (中島愛) 04.ねこ日記 (中島愛) 05.私の彼はパイロット(Long Ver.)(中島愛) 06.「超時空飯店 娘娘」CMソング (唱5.6次) 07.小白竜 (中島愛) 08.天使の絵の具 (中島愛) 09.射手座☆午後九時Don't be late (中島愛 + May'n) 10.ノーザンクロス (May'n) 11.ダイアモンドクレバス (May'n) 12.Welcome To My FanClub's Night! (May'n) 13.What 'bout my star? (中島愛+May'n) 14.トライアングラー(Piano Ver.) (坂本真綾) 15.愛・おぼえていますか (中島愛) 16.What 'bout my star? (中島愛+May'n) 17.インフィニティ (May'n) 18.アイモ (中島愛) 19.ライオン (中島愛+May'n) And the Mainichi article is also accompanied by about 30 pics from the event. Check it out if you're interested. Ahh. Sometimes I wish I was still living in Tokyo. <lol> :heh:
  3. It's better because you can also have crazy CD sales from the OST side.
  4. That's actually a verse from the SMS song in OST 1. However, having Ranka sing it probably have some hidden significance to it and adds to her Vajra Queen power meter.
  5. Me too. I think they are definitely doing a paradigm shift. Vajra is becoming a false target. I think the 2nd half will be about who the true enemy really is.... (Corporate greed?)
  6. LOL, if you think this is bad, go check out the slangs and nicknames they are throwing around on the Chinese BBS. Pineapple Salad = Eating Bento (don't ask me why ), and a certain character's nickname happens to be Green Fur.
  7. Yes. Sometimes they left a sentence hanging or as a question for dramatic effect (i.e. what will Ozuma do to get to his sister's concert?!?). It doesn't translate very well literally, hence it looks a bit off. And considering how obvious they make it look like Ozuma is going to get the pineapple salad in Eps 17, I'm expecting the unexpected.
  8. Well, the way I see it, if that much of the story got changed, then everything else is fair game too (including the ending). So I wouldn't count on either Ranka or Sheryl winning yet.
  9. Yup. Earlier episodes are available on Crunchyroll. Episode 7 is the latest, and it's just been released on the official Macross Frontier site. I'd have to say Episode 7, hands down, is one of the most subversive and funniest episode to date. You don't really have to understand too much Japanese to "get it." I was ROTFL laughing so hard I almost busted a gut. Won't spoil it for you guys, but I highly recommend it.
  10. Thanks again Kresphy! Although that OL bobby is way too scary.
  11. Japanese synposis of Episode 16 - 18, courtesy of Kresphy and the Chinese Macross BBS. I have tried translating it to the best of my limited ability, but since I haven't run it by my native speaking wife, I can't say it's 100% accurate.
  12. Kresphy, Thanks again for the quick news! Fold Fame is correct. Katakana フォールド is translated into "fold". The title doesn't make sense right now, but maybe it will after we see the episode. Anyone have the link to the actual Japanese synopsis? Thanks.
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