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Posts posted by Omegablue

  1. Though there are some questions about this "Low-vis"

    a) Is it really a Focker alternative colour? The pilot inside is clearly green? Then again it has to be a Focker cause of the Skull leader '001' number...

    b) Will the visor be green, blue or transparent?

    c) Will this further delay the release of a Focker TV, which hopefully will come with a Hiki and Roy pilots?

  2. At the initial look I thought it was PS too.

    However it's really not that hard to spot the difference position of the 2 VF in the pictures on the second look.

    See attached.

    Never know that Orange could look so Cool. B))

    Edit: Attached pic have the differences circled.

    Yip, your Avatar is indeed grand! :)

    Point taken about the pictures, though that now has convinced me that planes are actually superimposed on the back with the base? Regardless, it doesn't matter, maybe really do have some skill camera guys. LOL :p

  3. I still don't get what's with the delay on the Max and Millia? Is there a shortage in blue and red plastic these days?

    I understand about the TV Roy, as retailers are still trying to get rid of the DYRL one with QC issues... But honestly this is now not making sense. A lot of people are still willing to pass on all these other Valks in favour still for the Max and Millia.

    Still this LV 1S, has made me reconsider in purchasing the Hiki 1S... :)

  4. i'm all in for the new grey and whatever glowing yellow,

    but was expecting at least a new scheme

    this is just the DYRL scheme used over and over again

    Well, it's probably to save production costs. To do a new colour scheme, it would require new tools for the tampa painting.

    This is easier for them, just change the base colour of the plastic.

    Only noticed now that the Kite isn't red?

    Though honestly, I really don't like the green pilot. Though could make him dark gray or black. It doesn't mix with the gray.

  5. Those in plane mode on the Yamato site are Photoshop, the trim is just on another layer clearly.

    Anyway, on the plus side, they're not that bright white, rather a tinted gray. Makes them more anti-yellowing.

    On the downside, two releases of the same pattern scheme? It would have been more popular if one was a dark low-vis, and the other a Camo?

    I agree with jenius about the reversing the colour scheme on the double nuts.

    Do people from Yamato themselves actually read the fans' comments on these threads?

  6. ...i'm surprised they're doing all this before the M&M v.2 VF-1Js... :huh:

    Me as well... :(

    Though I'm sold for this one. It's nice to have Valks more in military schemes, though this would look a whole lot better without the yellow.

    And it's a 1S with the shoulder problems fixed, and without the curse of yellowing. So yeah, loving this one. :)

    Any release period on this one yet?

    Anything else at the show related to Macross? (Wouldn't it make sense to have a thread with all the Macross items revealed at the show now?)

  7. Could be that Yamato has the Macross 7 license for toys, but Bandai has the Macross 7 and all other licenses for 1/48 kits. It could also explain why Yamato isn't doing much with their VF-1 in 1/48, and concentrating much of their efforts on their 1/60 lines.

    I think it's cause for Yamato to produce fully assembled Vf-0, 19, 22, and etc, all in 1/48 which will be a whole lot larger than a VF-1, the product would be too expensive. Already the VF-0 in 1/60 is as large as a VF-1 in 1/48, now imagine it in 1/60?

    As for Bandai producing the VF-25 in 1/48, well they're kits, which require no assemble or painting, so would end up being sold at a lower price...

  8. We need to inform Yamato to not use this bright white plastic on any future releases. The yellowing will be more rapid on this. They rather need to use slightly darker grey like on the 1S, or pearl it with a slight blue. Or this bright white is going to ruin all future releases of any 1/60! :unsure:
  9. Today I got an email from HLJ. It looks like my 'case' about the broken shoulder was passed to the HLJ parts department.

    What case? Don't they just replace them and charge you for the new bits?

    While I'm here, exactly what pieces does HLJ replace in this case of broken shoulders? Is it the entire hinge, shoulder area?

  10. But seriously unless you're a newbie to macross, you will be tempted to buy especially when u have no one to guide you on what to get.

    Well it depends on the person. When I started to collect figures and etc, I refused to purchase any of the Macross valks at that stage (before the v.1), as they weren't accurate. Even the chunky-monkeys never did it for me. ^_^

  11. It's been like that for more than a month, on HLJ site.

    Oops, I missed that for a month... LOL

    Anyway, after reading the whole blue/black heatshield saga of Max's 1S, I guess it is possible to only get confirmation on the actual colours of the CF closer to the release date.

    Thinking about it, very surprised that neither of the CF's were present at the resent Toy show in Japan? Maybe here's hope for those wanting the colours to be the same...

  12. just throwing this out there... :)

    i'm just wondering, what people's opinions are on this so-called "collector's value" of their toys?

    Well, myself I'm now a self collector, meaning I buy what I like to keep and enjoy out of the box. Though at one stage, many years ago, I was helping a friend with his toy store and importing them, and even started to meet the sculptors and actual owners of toy companies, and fell into the trap of buying multiples to resell. It was crazy, I would buy 3 Bome figures for example, hold them for a couple of years, and resell them at 300% when off the markets.

    It was fun at one point, especially how the collectors community sucked up. But then realized how totally weird it was when adults took something beautiful like a toy or a figure, horded them in sealed air tight boxes in the hope to make money at a later stage. It's denying someone the opportunity to just own one, and enjoy it for what it is, and forcing that someone to pay more than what it actually is worth. And stopped when realizing how I was buying crap just to make a profit. It was time consuming, space consuming and the game eventually became very aggressive as more self opinionated people popped up. With it my friend also dropped out of the toy business cause of this. Though he was more involved than me. I was a casual compared to most.

    Anyway, to answer you directly, my collectors value is now based on how much an individual really likes his/her toy, and if he/she is willing to part with it or not. Still sometimes, out of interest I like to know if older stuff is keeping it's value from rarity, or was it a collectors hype from a few years back.

    BTW, collectors of MIB rely on the so called 'scarcity' which is a similar concept that lead to the present economic crises. Scarcity of materials and etc, which lead to hiking the prices, forcing over debts and thus here we are. LOL :lol:

  13. VF-1A Whale Hunter Custom

    I can't find any images of this one? Can anyone help?

    Also just went through the pics of the various VF-4, VF-5000 and VF-17. They don't really look like hot-sellers in looks, but my tastes are fairly picky. LOL. As for the VF-17, the gerwalk mode is not very convincing... :(

    Damn, really wished Yammy had the Frontier license...

  14. VF-0D would be the holy grail in most collections! And this time surely it will have no QC issues?

    Well, I'm a little disappointed that there is still no concrete rumours for anything Zentradi? A Regult would do good now with the V.2 1/60. But suspect to it in GN-U Dou form first.

    I wonder if the VF-2 from Macross 2 is on that short list?

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