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Posts posted by Omegablue

  1. Kanedas bike

    There's no need to come across as emotional by stating to me "just stop". At the end your "opinion" has as much value as everyone else's "opinion".

    Secondly please read a person's entire string of comments before half replying to them. I based my view on what Ridley Scott said, that the expected sequel to Prometheus will further deviate it from Alien. Both from the same Universe, both on different sequence of events. For starters Prometheus lands on Lv223, and the ending heads off to a new unexplored possibility. Evantaully this "might" lead to Alien remade for an alternative universe?

    Also the Nostromo isn't a mining vessel, it's a towing ship.

    Finally yes, most of the negative reviews are from fanboys, as they mention and compare Prometheus to their praised Alien. Enough proof there.

    And while most of these critics are saying Prometheus doesn't set a bar like Alien did, I'm asking what bar? Aside from Giger's vision, Alien is structured off a teen hacker slash film, but set in space with the teens replaced by adults, and a guy in a rubber suit doing what the physchopath with a knife does, kill. Great during it's time when anything neatly directed set a bar in a industry that was still developing standards.

    In my view Prometheus has its flaws, like every other film, but it was never meant to be a slow horror or a first person shooter spree. It's about the driving relantionship between Shaw and David, which highlights humanity's need to know and create, while conflicted by personal perspectives just like the Engineers that created us. That is the story.

    Peace and later.

  2. The negative reviews are from people that loved Alien, and expected another slow film with building glimpses of tension to build the story. That's where those fanboys fail. They're so stuck in what they wanted to see repeated from a seventies film.

    Prometheus was always going to be a diffirent film. A modern re-invention of Alien. The expected sequel, as stated by Ridley, will further deviate from Alien.

    Again no ways this is the intended prequel, besides the advance tech, too much happens in Prometheus to never be heard again in the four Alien films.

  3. As Ridley recently stated, if there's the most likely sequel to this film, it's going to further deviate the Prometheus saga from Alien. Aside for the whole movie, the ending does confirm a relation to the Alien franchise, but the Prometheus film is pretty much on it's own rebooted timeline. Let alone the technology gap, too much of great importance happens to never be mentioned in the four Alien films.

  4. So umm... I have absolutely no idea who this character is, or what piece of media she's from, but I've decided that I need to have it.



    It's Ignis. Very popular character from the Hentai game, Chaos gate. There have been plenty of figures of her in the past. Actually Yamato is also making a fully articulated version of her, due some time this year.

    I couldn't resist this one!



  5. Girlfriend saw the trailer yesterday while he watched MIB3. She poked me asking why it was so familiar. I did my arnie voice and she snarked, looked at the screen and said "Oh god why?"

    Really? Aside from the name, this trailer basically has zero resemblance to the original?

  6. I love what they've done with the VF-25 renewal, but actually transforming them just isn't fun for me. I actually do enjoy transforming my Yamatos every once in a while, but with Bandai's stuff, I'm constantly paranoid that I'm going to break something, or scratch off paint, or whatever else can go wrong.

    Totally agree. My issue with the VF-25S is that it requires a lot of squeezing and tightening to get it back into plane mode. Yamato VF-1 v2 nicely clips into place.

    Nice toy, but really does have the Bandai mass-production feel.

    Did Bandai have to close a bunch of factories recently? None of their production decisions seem to make a lick of sense lately.

    Try Kotobukiya figures. All of their top sellers are once off productions. Their still very available figures still get re-releases... :angry:

    Must be a personal Japanese joke against the world.

  7. Poland - the only country in the EU that has not had a recession...though growth has slowed pretty dramatically...still...technically no recession :-)


    I like Polish girls. Stunners of note. But found them too eager to get married and etc as soon as they're 18.

    Back on topic, are there a lot of Macross collectors in Poland?

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