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Posts posted by Xeros

  1. That's odd that you guys have problems, I used to use a 3.2 P4, 1GB RAM and the only thing it would ever really choke on was 1080p content.

    I don't wanna enter on the geek stuff but the problem on my case the video card

    My home PC is also my Work PC so I have 2 17'' CRT monitors plugged, and my video card is a ATI AGP 256MB radeon 9300 that only supports Directx 8.1 though, so the real problem in my case are the new codecs. As you can see I'm pretty aware of the issue but I don't mind because I like to watch movies or anime DVD with a data show and my Hi Fi audio system in my living room xD

  2. Also, what is with the hate for .mkv files? Just get the CCCP and you can play pretty much everything http://www.cccp-project.net/

    none of us are mkv haters though, in my case at least some times the gg release is really choppy and others works fine.

    Also CCCP codec pack blows the DVD audio on my system 2 times and no solution was found, so I preffer packages that no alter the system in a way that only benefits their product performance

  3. 第20話 ダイアモンド・クレバス





    誰もがいつ死ぬかわからない状況の中、 想い人との心の絆を確かめようする。


    3 people of [ranka], [shieriru] and the alto which adjust the face in the concert of [ranka] with Bisei school. Thinking each one is complicated. And attack of [bajiyura] was started again. In the circumstance which does not know everyone when dies, the bond of heart of the thinking person will be verified, it does.


    ランカ, Cheryl, three people of alto who met each other in a concert of ランカ in beauty astronomy garden. Each thought mixes. And attack of バジュラ was started again. I yearn and check a bond of a heart with a person and need when anyone dies in the situation that I don't understand.

  4. Am I the only one that was lmao as Ranka was running up the stairs? Not a Ranka hater or anything but it just seemed funny how happy she was and how they had her in slow mo and drew the moment out when we the audience know she's gonna get a slap in the face in a few seconds.

    you're not the only one


    Quick question though, did Alto and Sheryl kiss or was he just holding her? It seemed like the latter but everyone reacted as if it was the former.

    The issue there is how ranka saw them, from her point of view looks like a kiss though

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