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Everything posted by Swoosh

  1. Not this time, but I have pre-ordered at AmiAmi.
  2. Hi Graham, I need the following: 2 pairs Off White (actually I need 4 pairs, but better save some for others MWer) 1 pair Cream VT1
  3. Please count me in too, checked last month, almost all VF-1 I have got has crack...
  4. I have a feeling that... if there are V2 Fast Pack, they requires part swapping like the model or they are permanently molded like the VF100....
  5. Wondering if it has the attachment point for gun pod in the lower arm like VF-1/YF-29, or it holds it like the VF-27?
  6. Wait, the line art date is 2011 July 5.... later than the release date of the DX...
  7. Love that pack because it adds more wing span and white color!! can't wait!
  8. YF-29 FAST Pack Tamashii Web Exclusive November Release 3,150Yen
  9. Does Yamato still got the licence for VF-X?
  10. some nail polish can help And yes, Yamato is still better.
  11. Took some pics of Alto's EX-Gear and YF-29 More EX-Gear pics in this thread
  12. EX-Gear needs some love, pick it up last night:
  13. Both color scheme on VF-11C and VF-11B are NOT my favorite, but the base color of the 11C would made it easier to custom... the problem is that VF-11C cost 50% more than the VF-11B in HK... Anyone has customized their VF-11B? or C? I want something similar to this:
  14. VE-1 VE-1 with FAST Pack and Electronics VE-1 GERWALK
  15. Even I am happy with YF-29's surface details, but I don't think it still has far less details than the model, the type of plastic they use are different and they can't put those ultra fine panel lines on it.
  16. I want diecast only be used in the internal or non painted area, paints on the shoulder can be scratched too easily.
  17. Nice work!!! Now I understand why Bandai hobby department didn't release the 1/72 model kit...
  18. I think VF-25 shared the same desgin, just without the canard on the YF-29. For those happy with YF-29 nose length, VF-25 should do the same. Here is a top view of the DX29
  19. Same toy, diffient lens focal length...
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