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Posts posted by aerocombatpilot

  1. This is a great episode, however did it leave anybody a little...hungry? I mean this is it! There is no second season and I don't know about an OAV in the works, so this is it! Just a measly 30 more minutes and it's over! Dang! I'M STILL HUNGRY!!!

    Just when things start getting good; it over! There is no way everything could possibly be resolved in just 30 minutes( at least not with any real satifaction)! I'll wait for the subs, but DANG JUST 30 MORE MINUTES? :huh:

  2. This is gonna mess me up for the next two weeks.... <_<

    Honestly, don't let it. There is NO WAY Big West and Bandai would back such a dumb ending of Macross F even if it is Kawamori doing it!! I can't believe when he sat down to discuss the series he says: "in the end everybody dies!" and they say: "great idea, we love it!!" Kawamori would be out on his ear, regardless of his successes in the past. They would take his mecha designs and turn the writing over to someone else( which might not be a bad idea). ^_^

  3. Not to mention it would be a pretty lazy way to end the series. It'll be like the last 24 episodes were all for nothing. It would be way too depressing for something that's as hopeful as Macross. Not to mention it would be so out of place with the show itself. Frontier never took itself way too seriously afterall.

    I still call BS on this, I don't think anyone will have anyway of knowing until the episode actually premieres. Kawamori would most likely keep the ending under wraps. It could very well be false, just like those fake synopsis for the final episodes.

    If it is true, I'll be weeping for the entire Macross franchise.

    Remember something, this is Kawamori we're dealing with! He wanted to make every Macross different, and if Macross Zero is an indication( because we don't KNOW that Shin and Sara are alive) this would definately be a different Macross. :ph34r::lol: I'm just messing around, Kawamori won't end it like that, er would he? :blink:

  4. I would feel cheated if Sheryl miraculously lives at this point. There's all this build up of her living to enjoy the time she has left, not holding back, and refusing the meds. If they sellout to appease the countless Sheryl fans I'll be pissed. Keep in mind, I'm betting Alto gets no girl and goes back to acting.

    Well, I'm not sure but I think she will survive. Dispite the fact that everything would lead us to believe that Sheryl will die, I believe she won't because, misdirection has been the staple of this series. Remember "Good-bye Brother and Memory of Global"? Sheryl is not going to die, she might not end up with Alto, but she won't die. ^_^

  5. They last little more than 2 minutes each, so it's about 4 minutes total. And they're called Zero and Frontier versions because they're basicly featuring mecha mainly from these shows in their respective clips. Plus's YF pair was make cameo's in both versions though as well as VF-1's in the Frontier version (I think) But what I was asking is where would any future clips be released, if they're made? Has there been any indication that there are anymore at all? At least I haven't heard of any.

    On future Macross F disks. No. No, but I would think so.

  6. Has there even been any word that there will be any more versions? How will people get access to these? Are there upcoming rereleases for SDF:M/Plus/7?

    I believe it's on the Macross F Blue-Ray and DVD disks. As for other versions, I would guess there will be more otherwise why label one All that VF: Zero version? Plus they only last about 3 minutes, so given the 2 already released that's only a total of six minutes. Why bother for only 6 minutes worth of animation?

  7. The Macross Zero version was wayyy better than the Macross Frontier version. The music had that national anthem of Macross flavor to it and the visuals were stunning! I enjoyed the VF-0's skimming across the water making the "0" symbol from Macross Zero, I can't wait to see the Macross Plus and Macross version!! The only thing that bugs me is the YF-19 and YF-21 are in both videos. I'm not a fan of the YF-19 and I think it's already gotten enough air time as it; given it was the star mecha of Macross Plus and Macross 7. ^_^

  8. I love minmay. while i think that's it's good that Hikaru ended up with Misa, a part of me wishes that Minmay also had her happy ending. and i think Minmay is still is Hikaru's true love, til the very end.

    and i never got the impression that Minmay was depicted worse in DYRL. sure she wished everyone else was dead in a time of despair, but aside from that, whet else did she do? when she dated hikaru and fell for him, she was consistent. and she was even the one who made the move to get hikaru back. she never wavered, second-guessed or flirted. once she found out hikaru was alive, she went straight to him.

    from her perspective, she went from a date with hikaru on saturn's rings to meeting him again on the macross stage. who could blame her for going after his man, since she had no idea or inkling of what happened in between.

    and despite being depressed and heart-broken, all it took was a slap and a few seconds for her to sing and save humanity, and make peace with misa.

    SDFM Minmay was not at all bad either. her only fault in SDFM was being a wee bit flighty and dense when it came to hikaru's feelings. but all in all, she was a fantastic girl.

    it was only RT which ruined her, IMO. sadly.

    so to introduce myself, "Hi, i'm dreamweaver. and i'm a minmay fan."

    everyone else: "gasp"!

    "Hi, my name is Aerocombatpilot, and I am a Minmay fan." I can honestly say I was not one when Robotech first aired. I could remember wondering why Rick(Hikaru) kept running behind her, especially when Lisa (Misa) became intrested in Him. It was only when I saw DYRL that I changed my mind (as a matter of fact) I even wanted Minmay to win Hikaru in the movie. When I saw an older, more mature Minmay in Flashback 2012, I was her fan whole-heartedly and still am. I think that's the reason I like Ranka so much and dislike Sheryl, because Ranka reminds me of Minmay and Sheryl is just the opposite. Maybe that's the reason why Sheryl is so popular and Ranka is so hated, because when you look at her nothing reminds you of Minmay; which (at least it seems this way to me) for most Macross fans is a good thing.

    So Ranka don't be depressed, your in good company. ^_^

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