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Posts posted by SuperOstrich

  1. That's the Macross 20th anniversary DVD.

    Excerpt from Valkyrie-Exchange:

    -45 minutes

    -Japanese premiere footage

    Pilot for the OVA Macross Zero

    Pilot for Macross 3D

    All-original work: Macross 20th Anniversary Commemoration Footage

    -First home video conversion of the much fan-anticipated game movies VF-X opening

    VF-X2 opening and intermission movie

    DYRL Game original footage

    -Credit-less opening and ending collection

    The Super Dimension Fortress Macross

    Mini-Chara Macross

    The Super Dimension Fortress Macross II

    Macross Plus

    Macross 7

    Macross Dynamite 7

    -Theatrical preview collection (DYRL, Macross 7, Macross Plus Movie)

    -Commercials for toys and plastic models -sold by Arii, Imai, Bandai, and more

  2. RP, given your handle I can pretty much guess why you are here. However, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. This type of topic is flame-bait. Please contribute to the boards without these types of posts.

    EDIT: Nevermind. I read his other post in the conventions forum. His motives are clear.

  3. While the poll is an honest question, the way in which it is being asked is asking for a Macross vs. Robotech debate/war. We've just done that too many times. Nothing positive ever comes out of it.

    Macross Junky, this has been debated very heavily on these forums before. Since this is a Macross board, it's only natural that the Yamato products would win out. Welcome aboard, and feel free to stick around. Hopefully, me locking this thread doesn't disuade you from coming back. ;)

  4. I don't trust ANN for anything. Remember that article they printed that said that "HG lost everything"? I think that ANN prints only fan speculation and discussion boards. :rolleyes:

    Edit: I would also agree that ANN is potentially no more or less reliable than anyone here, but I do think ANN is more ignorant (as in doesn't know as much) as the people here to make intelligent speculation.

    ANN is no more or less ignorant to the facts than anyone here. However, I believe their information is more reliable because they don't appear to be biased to either side.

    I think you're exaggerating the "HG lost everything" statement, although I can't remember exactly how it was presented. IIRC, they reported the court case decision and speculated that this PERHAPS meant HG may lose a great deal of power regarding the Macross franchise.

  5. Wrylac, do you consider yourself a "serious" news source? If we are to believe anything that you have said in this arguement, then we should also take note of ANN's interpretation. Both you and ANN are simply coming up with a possible scenario based on facts of the case. Neither of you know for sure what is going to happen. Period. And quite frankly, I'd be more inclined to believe ANN's interpretation given that they are simply a news-reporting agency. I haven't seen anything that would suggest they are biased to either side.

  6. Brian,

    As a computer artist, I've run into just about every hardware problem known to man, and I've never lost more than one or two files. I'm sure that if you haven't formatted your broken drive, we can get all your work back whether the files are corrupt or not.

    Reply or PM me.

  7. I wonder how far along the Engrish version of VF-X2 was, before it got scuttled by HG. My budddy downloaded a late beta copy of Thrill Kill some time after it got axed. It's too bad nothing VF-X related never leaked out.

    Off-topic, but I was an artist very briefly on Thrill Kill. The copy that was heavily downloaded isn't even the complete version, although people think it is. A complete version is out there somewhere, and there's even a "Developer's Edition" that was leaked, where certain Kill moves like Belladonna's bl**job/feet tickle made it in.

  8. I think so far it's pretty good. It's hard for me to say how it is compared to other Macross shows because it's incomplete. I will say this: The feeling I got when they showed the ASS-1 exploding, the shots of Shin as a kid, the prep and launching of his F-14, all seemed to have that "special" something. A perfect opener, IMO. The second episode doesn't have much of that, until the very end when Sara is singing. That created a sense of awe and got me wondering about how Macross treats the power of music. It's mystical from now on, and I like it.

    The only part that ruined the power of music for me was how it could be measured or amplified with some electrical doohickey in M7.

  9. AgentOne,

    The problem of people saying a bunch of BS, then editing it because they change their minds later doesn't really piss that many members off, as it happens very rarely anyway.

    The advantages to the Edit button (grammar mistakes, editing "for sale" posts, replacing images that are too large, etc.) makes the feature much more useful than problematic. If someone says something out of line, just QUOTE it in your reply. The mods will see it and take appropriate action.

  10. The problem with this modification is that it removes most of the movement from the hips. You can no longer have a wide-stance battroid. A variation on this guy's idea that leaves the leg movement intact would be much better.

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