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Posts posted by SuperOstrich

  1. For those of you who picked the original NES or the SNES, I applaud you... they were excellent systems back in the day... but I'd also say that your memory is clouded by nostalgia. I've played both consoles recently, and there are very few games on the NES that are still fun.

    You'll be saying the same thing about the PS2 in 10 years, I guarantee it. Very few games stand the test of time. This is why I said this poll won't work. You just can't remember the "amount of fun" you had with your SNES, NES, or Genesis that long ago. You CAN remember how much fun you just had with a PS2 game 6 weeks ago.

  2. Why is Portman held in such high regard? I was never impressed with her work. Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor I understand.

    I'm probably biased because I'm a huge The Profession/LEON fan, and she was really good in that, even though she was 12. She was good in HEAT too, although that was a minor role. Wasn't too bad in Anywhere But Here either, and i can't remember any other movies she was in.

    she didn't really do anything in those movies...

    She didn't do anything in The Professional/Leon? I think you slept through that movie Max.

  3. I don't find any of the Star Wars movies boring, not by a long shot. There's always something to keep your interest. I wasn't the biggest fan of Ep. I and II, but I think it's mostly because I can't get into the characters. I just don't care what happens to Anakin or Padme. Might have to do with the fact I already know their fates.

  4. Toshiba. Get one that uses the Geforce4 Go graphics chip. It's about the best you can get in a reasonably priced laptop.

    And I'm really sorry to do this, but we don't allow off-topic posts. Feel free to PM the people that have responded thus far. I'm confident they'll help you out, myself included.

  5. Typo there, I meant to say direction not production. But otherwise my point is valid. Few people would disagree that Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi are the best of the Star Wars series. Thats the difference between them and A New Hope, Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones? Lucas' involvement in the script and direction. Hrmmmm...

    I'll disagree with that. Jedi is the worst of the original trilogy, even though I still enjoy it tremendously. My favorite is in fact ANH, with Empire a very close second. I think you find many people that enjoy ANH more than Jedi.

  6. Can a fighter pilot really crank his head all the way around over his shoulder and look out the back of his plane? Wouldn't the combination of his helmet, his seat and the force pushing on his body as he speeds along sort of prevent him from doing that? I'm sitting still in a chair in my offce and the best I can crank my head around is about 90 degrees and I gain about an additional 10 degrees with eye movement... I can't see directly behind me, it's a blind spot.

    I picked a spot directly behind me on the wall while sitting in my office chair, then turned around (neck and eyes only). I could easily see it. The key is to tilt your head up, not just turn it sideways. I assume pilots use a technique like this.

  7. Oh, is that all... :p Geeze, I asked the question I got an answer, I mean Graham comes here all the time with Yamato info and his word is considered holy. I've got a personal direct experience with a HG employee who would know. If I were in a court of law I could testify to what that person said, do I need to put my hand on a Bible or something?

    The other problem is that HG has been known to be less than truthful. Nobody here believes them, even if we hear it from them directly.

  8. Tatsunoko didn't work on the animation. They had some small role, and this was probably it. Storyboards and some additional planning.

    Another possibility: Studio Nue drew this on paper marked Tastunoko Pro. :)

    This is definitely a storyboard.

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