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Posts posted by wmkjr

  1. I just can't see the vf-0's being in the same price point as the vf-19.

    For the price of the YF-19, it should come with the PWS-0X armor set!

    Now, if were talking about the VF-19(all variants NOT including YF-19 variants), according to the Hobby Link Japan's website before discounts it was 22000yen. The VF-0's had a list price of 16800yen. With booster set it was 19800yen. Factoring inflation to the prices, the VF-0 with ghost booster set would come out around the same price as the VF-19 in 2013. Of course this is just using $USD with the list prices and not factoring discounts.

    This is just one way to compare it as I'm sure there are other sites you can use. Anyways, I went here http://www.usinflationcalculator.com/ and plugged in the year of release with the list prices at HLJ.

    Using the site above as reference, I can see it being in a similar price point to a VF-19 if they sold the VF-0's as a ghost bundle or valk only+display stand.

  2. I missed out on the YF-29 in all forms, not missing this one, waiting for that preorder!

    You can still find YF-29's on the secondary market if you really want them. Got a YF-29 30th for $180 a few months ago. Might pick up 2 of these though.

  3. The only thing I don't care for in YJA is the extended ending feature. If selected, it automatically extends the bidding time for a set time. If anyone else bids during that time, time resets. I think that's how it works. I guess just like a live auction it'll keep going till nobody bids after that. Sometimes what I thought was a good deal ends up going over my spending limit. Helps keep the bid snipers at bay.

  4. Go to www.anymoon.com for references if you want to research the version differences. It has a pretty good list of reviews for different macross toys produced. It's not list of everything made but has quite a lot.

    Here is the version 1 review:http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=1276

    Here is the version 2 review:http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=4599

    You can try a search here on these forums to see if they have something too if that helps. Good Luck and have fun!

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