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Posts posted by Rodavan

  1. Nicely done :D

    I think you need to round the back of the conection area more ( I have marked the area with red circle ) . Rest of the leg looks great , what are you using for reference ?


  2. Youv'e seen this model a million times , but I downloaded the new version of Maxon today . They now have ambient occulation as a build-in render function, put the model down , add some material ........

    Hit the render button ..............

    The old girls looks good as new :p


  3. I don't like any of the spiderman movies , much more fun to read the old comics in my Spidey collection.

    When venom appeared in the comics , one got the feeling that they sort of lost the plot and was looking for something ........

    Maybe in today's one-liner movies he'll be a hit ?

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