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Posts posted by Rodavan

  1. mmm ... Dragonslayer , saw a re-run the other day , must agree , very good dragon . Although I thought the movie was bad the dragons in "Reign of fire" wasn't to bad ........ :D

    Going to see Eragon tommorrow night :)

  2. Knew the reflections where going to be a problem , the render took about 5 seconds, now that I know what we are looking for I can refine the render.

    I will redo without refelctions and hud display...

  3. Nanashi - That's the thing , Macross is 2d , they "make" things fit , so we try to keep as close as possible , but then you must take a bit of artistic license otherwise your going to drive yourselve nuts . :wacko:

    Have fun with it ..... :D

  4. I could find anything that I got from the net , but it would be easy to create , if they don't need to be rendered . I will try something this week end and post on Monday or Tuesday :)

  5. Mine took a total of 5 week and still it is off :p

    Good point about the zen chrono - if you do a project people seems scared to give feed back :D

    (This model is more than a year old)


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