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Master Dex

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Posts posted by Master Dex

  1. 2 hours ago, Thom said:

    Thank you!

    I guess YMMV. I haven't watched the show in a while, but I definitely got the impression that she was pretty good. In head to head with Hayate, she was owning him until he pulled the catfish flip maneuver. She hit him two or three times, he hit her once. And she only seemed to improve as they were going along.

    But, maybe that's because I'm a little infatuated...🤩

    Yeah but that was like the 2nd time Hayate had ever flown. That's a really low bar lol.

    I like Mirage a lot, but kinda because she's not the archetypical Jenius and would have to work harder for any skill, which so far she has proven she does not possess innately. There is a lot of potential character depth to explore there.... Not that Delta actually explores that much character depth in anyone.

    She might be the poster child for "the enemy of being good is being perfect." I.e. she tries too hard to live up to a legacy of amazing pilots that she can barely break even.

  2. 7 hours ago, pengbuzz said:

    For an dvanced race, the protoclture seemed a bit...careless...

    It's common in sci-fi amusingly. TVTropes calls this the 'Neglectful Precursors' phenomena. They weren't necessarily bad people, but they had their own issues and when they ended up leaving this plane or died out they just left all their crap behind to be someone else's problem.

    The Protoculture aren't innocent but they are far from the worst. At least they had the forethought to put some warnings and traps in place for the worst things. They don't compare to the utter neglectful ineptitude of the Ancients from Stargate, who not only have the gall to leave Galaxy destroying devices lying around that are easy to operate and use.. they aren't even technically dead! They are 'Ascended' to energy being and fully aware of everything going on still. They just don't give a crap anymore cause they're jerks.

  3. 5 hours ago, Biomaster said:

    Exactly. Even I, a non-engineer, know that much. You go for commonality and easy replacement. Now what is really baffling is the fact we know the Zentraedi actually knew next-to-nothing about mechanics besides operating their spaceships and power suits. Hell, the small enclosed room Britai used for the first two thirds of SDF never got repaired after the big breakout of Hikaru and co. So either the earlier Zentraedi actually knew about mechanics, designed every single pod and forgot about them, or the factory satellites run off pre-existing Protoculture blueprints the Zentraedi never bothered to examine. 

    It's the latter, the Zentradi were designed to not know stuff like that and just use stuff made for them by the factory satellites. After the Protoculture were gone that stuff kept working making new stuff based on existing designs. Nothing changed or upgraded, just got replaced.

  4. 1 minute ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Ah, yes... I believe Mr March is working on Macross Delta content for the Macross Mecha Manual.  I'm not sure when it will go live.  I know his enthusiasm for Macross runs hot and cold where mine is kind of a constant low simmer.  I've been keeping the site's backend running, but I haven't been contributing to new content development for a while as a result of my day job and development of my own website project which has a scope that's incompatible with the Mecha Manual's.

    From what I've heard from March on discord and Facebook he is planning the Delta section to come out soonish. He's been stalled by a lack of proper line art or something.

    Still eager to see that site of yours Seto, lol. I of all people can respect the job keeping one busy though.

  5. Honestly, watch it all. Good and bad. Most of what is either is subjective. Delta and 7 do have some objective flaws but both have things to like too. I will admit Delta was a big missed opportunity though. You gain little from avoiding things that don't actually hurt you though. It's not like the good parts of Macross are lesser after you see it lol.

    MII is worth it too. It's a different timeline but I finally just saw the whole thing myself and.. I dunno why I took so long, it's pretty good.

  6. 4 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Can't imagine it'll change too much.  The existing customizations made to the VF-31 Kairos airframe to create the Siegfried custom were already pushing the airframe to its structural limits.  That's why Hayate was getting browbeaten by Makina and the hangar crew in the TV series.  His rough handling of his Siegfried was making a lot of extra work for the hangar crews.  

    It'll be interesting to see if there are actually six members of Delta Flight in the second movie.  Messer's dead in either version, so they need a new Delta 02 and whoever Delta 06 is... probably Bogue Con-vaart.  Xaos has to have sunk a pretty substantial fortune into Delta Flight's machines at this point.  Depending on how it shakes out, they've bought either six or seven Kairos units for conversion into Siegfrieds, and a king's ransom in fold quartz to construct six (or seven) fold wave systems.  Given how the fold quartz to make one YF-29 was a massive spend for the Frontier fleet, Delta Flight alone could possibly represent a bigger investment than the half dozen or so platoons of VF-25s SMS was operating on its borrowed aircraft carrier in Frontier.

    (I still say it was a huge missed opportunity not to have Keith defect and take up Messer's Delta 02.)

    If 06 is Bogue.. it could be part of a treaty arrangement and Windermere is providing fold quartz to Xaos... cause they did kinda lose a war... badly. Also Windermere doesn't have much other bargaining power with it's sorry economy.. might as well trade in Fold Quartz. Question is, is NUNG overseeing that or is Xaos skirting laws? .... Again....

  7. 8 minutes ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Eh... I'm still not sold on the VF-31's FAST Packs in general.  IMO, its Armored Pack is still the fugliest thing Kawamori has ever drawn.

    As an addendum to previous posts, I did screw up the translation of the final two sentences of the note on Chuck's... Parmenides is apparently the affiliation of the aircraft.  Unclear if it's a ship, base, etc. at this time (the text offers no hints).  


    EDIT: Can anyone actually read the word "PARMENIDES" on that art?  I sure as hell can't and am starting to feel like I need glasses or something.

    I feel ya on the supers in the show thus far, and the armored indeed. No bueno. I like how these are laid out more though, seems a bit more like the VF-25 Supers. 

    I didn't notice the name placement until it was brought up recently but I admit I wouldn't have known that's what it says on the tail without being told first. So not just you lol.

  8. 3 hours ago, uzernaem said:

    1) Is it OK to not like Macross Plus? Many say that it's the best Macross ever, but extremely unlikeable characters ruined it for me. I appreciate the valkyries animation quality though.

    The helpful answer is, yes it's ok to not like something in the franchise even if a lot of others like it. In fact it's not considered that big a deal in Japan either. I don't understand your reason too even though I personally do like it. Though it isn't my favorite.

  9. 1 hour ago, Bolt said:

    Is there a known duration for the  Walkure suites/dresses ?

    Duration? Like how long do they wear or display them? They wear what they need until they need to change I expect. If it's a virtual outfit as we know they do in concerts I expect.. they keep them active until they change it.

    I highly doubt there is a time limit.

  10. 3 hours ago, Bolt said:

    If anyone was wondering how popular Frontier still is.. A new Macross Frontier key visual, with sound, has been revealed. Not a teaser. Titled Labyrinth Of Time. To be double billed with the new Delta movie..

    I doubt anyone was unclear but more importantly that news dropped a couple weeks back and was linked above a couple times.

    It's only known it's a short ahead of the Delta movie. I imagine like the shorts with Pixar movies.


  11. 1 hour ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    It's blurry, but it's enough for me to fill in the gaps left by the lighting glare in the cleaner picture.  :) 

    Sadly, it doesn't say anything interesting or noteworthy.  There are a few statements of the obvious like that this aircraft's wing design is basically the same except that the larger leading edge extensions increase the wing area, and that it's different from both the Siegfried and Kairos.  It even seems to be playing dumb about the operator, as though we'd somehow missed that it was obviously being used by Delta Flight in the trailer.

    It's pretty obvious in context that this is another Xaos Valkyrie Works ace custom derivative of the VF-31A Kairos.  The Brisingr Alliance doesn't have the resources to carry parallel development of multiple next-generation VFs the way the wealthy Macross Frontier fleet could, and the VF-31 itself was made to maximize cost performance above all else using mainly off-the-shelf parts and a design optimized for multipurposefulness.  

    Based on this my guess is Delta is tearing down the Siegfried's and rebuilding them into a new custom (with new name perhaps?) That is more fit for some unknown new mission parameter in the time of the movie.

  12. I made some comments in the other thread before reading here.. I'll discard those as again Seto provides a better set of points.

    We did see a Delta 06 in green coloring in the teaser so that could be Bogue in this. We also saw Mirage was sporting a new variant with these wing tips though.. perhaps all of the Delta Flight Valks are now instead of the FSW versions from before.

  13. 39 minutes ago, NightmarePlus said:

    So how exactly do Thermonuclear Reaction weapons work in depth? 

    As usual Seto will give the details cause he has them all so neatly available. I will say it's not unlike his explanation earlier of the beam cannons but in bomb form basically.

    There is also a second type of reaction weapon called a pair-annihilation weapon (I think introduced in M7 and is the reaction weapon in Frontier and later until dimensional weapons become the real doomsday devices) that are basically OTech antimatter warheads. There is something I think that is particular about them beyond just having antimatter on board though but I can't recall what.. in fact I kinda am interested in seeing what Seto has on that too.

  14. 8 hours ago, Podtastic said:

    If the Nupetiet-Vergnitz length were increased to 36 km rather than a mingy 4km, and all other dimensions in proportion, would it be able to house the troop and mecha complement?

    I hate the notion of less troops and mecha/ship. In fact I would prefer more.

    Would the coaxial heavy reaction quantum cannon (?) not also be much more powerful at this size? What exactly, if any, is the relationship between the fold drives and this weapon?

    I suspect the square cube law would disappoint you a bit heh.

    Increasing the size of anything causes the mass to increase exponentially. You'd get more volume for sure but you'd also be a lot heavier and the power requirements would be substantially larger to move that mass, let alone operating a massively scaled up cannon which would require energy I'm not sure an appropriately sized power source for that kind of ship could operate. Just running the fold drive would need a charge longer than Macross Frontier's entire fleet I bet.

    Ironically at that scale having non-giant soldiers would be better for mass savings lol. Of course the problems Seto outlined would still exist too. 

    I think if you want to maximize troops, the easiest solution is more ships.. which might be why the Zentradi field fleets with so damn many actually.

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