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Everything posted by RavenHawk

  1. That's good to know. Unfortunately, I'm a bit of a cheap bastard when it comes to these things. Too many regular household and family expenses, don't spend a lot of money on myself, so have trouble justifying spending a lot on, well, frankly, what is a toy that I will mostly display, rarely playing with.
  2. Gorgeous. Thank you. The blue legioss are sold out, so my second choice is a dark, but I wanted to get one to match whatever tread I end up getting later, so wanted to make sure it would be available at some point. I know, I feel the need for all color of MOSPEADA (not that I've bought any yet), but am content with one color of legioss/tread. Thanks again.
  3. I thought it was fine. I rewatched the original this weekend, and think the original is a better movie as far as acting and directing goes, as well as preferring the characterization of Klaatu in the original, but I will say that I went into seeing the new one with really low expectations (the reviews on it were terrible) and was pleasantly surprised. Some nice nods to the original, a more complicated story, maybe more interesting, though it did seem to rely on special effects more than characterization. It's just a different movie. It is interested that it says that it is based on the screenplay written for the first movie, as opposed to being based on the story that that screenplay was based on. *** Minor Spoiler *** Really, my only complaint is that they never say "klaatu barada nicto"
  4. I'm not really a stickler for being "anime-accurate" but, looking at this pics, isn't the Tread supposed to be a lot bigger relative to the Legioss?
  5. I see the older reply. Don't know how I missed it. Looked for it, didn't see it, though maybe the question somehow never got posted. Thanks again.
  6. Anyone know if there is going to be a Dark Tread/Shadow Beta?
  7. Does anyone know if they're (Toynami, that is) planning on making a Shadow Beta, or just the Blue, Green, and Red? Thanks.
  8. While the Beagle MOSPEADA does look like it's going to be pretty good, the issue for me isn't so much the fact that it's $200 for one toy... it's that it will be $600 for Stig/Scott + Yellow/Lancer + Shinobu/Sue. Sadly, I know myself well enough to know I will want all three. And if they do Ray/Rand and Fuke/Rook one... $1000.
  9. Here's another one off the same site: http://basil0619.hp.infoseek.co.jp/taurus.htm
  10. That's pretty cool. I like it. Thanks for adding that. Do you know if that's for sale anywhere? BTW, stuff that is not from anime is 100% fine. I'm not trying to restrict this to anime, but rather have it be any variable bikes from anywhere out there at all. Thanks again.
  11. Is Aoshima still another company making Legioss/Alphas?
  12. I thought Beagle was the maker of the new Masterpiece Cyclone, which is a much larger scale than any of the others?
  13. Ok, so CM and Megahouse and Beagle all make MOSPEADAs, and CM and Toynami both make Legioss and Tleads?
  14. Are CM and Megahouse the same company, or do we have 4 separate companies making MOSPEADA items: CM, Megahouse, Toynami, and Beagle? Sorry, I'm a little new to this side of things.
  15. Thanks for the info... though I think I'm better informed and much more confused now...
  16. Along the same lines, I'm thinking about getting a Dark Legioss/Shadow Alpha. The one on Robotech.com is $59.99. Not sure which company makes that. I'm assuming Toynami? The Brave Gohkin (is that made by CM?) which I see other places seems to sell for around $130-140. Does anyone what is different between these two, justifying such a huge price difference? Thanks.
  17. Not to mention that toy on my shelf would just be a constant reminder of a crappy movie, with a terrible script, awful dialogue, abysmal directing, mediocre integration of CG with hand anmation... and no real new mecha.
  18. Yeah, except 4 years ago at least it was a toy from a shows that many of us cared about. Now, it's just a recolor, from a horribly disappointed lazy self-serving movie.
  19. I have to admit, the white ones are much cooler, in my opinion. Unfortunately, no friends in Singapore. The ones I saw for sale on eBay were from Singapore, Hong Kong, and I forget the third, maybe Japan... all three are around $140-$150, plus $45 or so for shipping.
  20. That, as I understand it, is one of the add-on kits. So, you buy a generic figure, and then that kit include the weapons and armor for her, and a special head for her, which is why it doesn't include a figure, but doesn't match any figures as shown from any other kits either.
  21. Those are the exact 2 units that I'm talking about. So far I've only been able to find them on eBay. $190-200, once you add in shipping.
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