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Posts posted by BlueMax

  1. Just got the following items for myself and on behalf of a friend... wallets gonna be very dry... :ph34r:

    KDK15319 Macross The First #01 1 560

    KDK15527 Macross The First #02 1 560

    YMT00185 VF-1S No Paint Kit 1 4060

    YMT00195 VF-1S TV Version Transfor 1 5880

    YMT00208 VF-1A Kakizaki w/ Super & 1 7680

    YMT00209 VF-1A M. Jenius w/ Super & 1 7680

    I have a friend in HK right now, hopefully the recent re-run of the Super and Strike packs are available there and at a good price! :)

  2. As above. Just thought i share this in the toy forum, since there is way more traffic here than the "correct" where-to-buy-Macross sub-forum

    HLJ Yamato SALE!!

    Some items are going at good prices, like the Roy VF-1S TV edition, all the VF-22s at 50% and slightly OT: the 1/24 Ingram Alphonse is at 50% and the CLAT version is an amazing 65% off.

    Happy buying!

  3. Quick answer. Future floor wax. Should fill up and scratches that causes clouding (not if the plastic is inherently clouded) It should also seal the rainbow tint and prevent it from cracking (if your canopy has it)

    Please do use the appropriate thread for similar queries though.

  4. You won your money back you say?

    If so, get another one. you have nothing to lose but everything to gain suppossing that unit in dispute actually turns up.

    If you are concerned about the cost of the renewal version, maybe you can get the Double nuts or BOP at a pretty cheap price right now at Toy-wave, at less than 116 US each, before shipping and before 5% dsicount. Maybe the HLJ BF sale taht will start in less than 3 hours might toss up some great deals. You never know

    If/ When the actual unit actually turns up, you sell it (or the one you had to "rebuy" at a good discount to people here. You get a little something, and another can get a YF-19 at a good price.

    Sounds like a win-win situation for you.

  5. Thats too bad. One could safely then assume there will be no Spartan either. :(

    Since the CAD was already done for it, maybe we can hope for it to be revisited... if/when there is renewed interest in the era of the the riginal Macross TV series (in-universe 2008 - 2012)

    No Spartan... well, it was pretty much made clear that there was little possibility, if any of it being made, since day 1 of the announcement of the Destroids, largely due to the inability to share part of the mould (waist and below) with the other Destroids.

  6. After 10 years since the release of the 1/60 version 1 Hikaru VF-1A, the Yamato VF-1 line has more or less officially come to a close with the retail release of the VF-1S TV versions. Not a bad way to conclude the VF-1 series, given the fact that the TV Roy pilot figure makes its debut in the VF-1 toy history.

    I am definitely looking forward to the VF-19 series, including all variants listed above, and maybe some non-canon, but real world schemes.

    Excited to hear the VF-**, and I hope we will see it released alternately between it and the VF-19 variants.

    Good to hear that there are also more projects with regard to Macross an I definitely hope that they will be VF related, or at least in 1/60 scale , for consistency's sake. Hopefully something for the 30th Anniversary of Macross.

  7. After doing a bit of reading, yes, only the releases after the VF-11C featured no tinited canopies, and for the new VF-1 Hip lock mechanism, the VT-1 was the 1st to start the trend(for the chronology of releases, please see pinned thread above)

    However, it did not automatically mean that ALL VF-1s released after the VT-1 had the new hips. According to Jenius, the improvements did not apply to the anniversary edition 1S valks, and a couple of others, which I cannot remember at this point right now..

    I think we need an addendum to the pinned thread for this, or a totally new thread altogether, just to let people know what they are in for.

  8. I'm gonna assume that these are not going to be colored or assembled?

    It would be nice to have a full set of pictures here, as the original thread has pictures kinda scattered all over the place, and definitely preferable to have some them posed next to the 1/60 valks/ destroids. Thanks!

  9. Since I have just been to HK just a few days ago, maybe I can just share a little bit (best to have the locals to give views thogh). Basically of all the places in the list, I though that only Inn's point (right above Yau Ma Tei MTR station) and Richmond Centre near intersection pf Argyle street and Fa Yuen Street (Mongkok station) are worth going. Some of the valks can be really cheap.

    I did not really see valks for sale at CTMA centre and Sino centre.

  10. Are those vents really carved into the back? Does it still transform?

    The vents are painted on. It can still transform, since it is based on the transformable VF-1 mould, with the VF-X specific parts removed (the VF-X isn't transformable as far as the fiction goes)

  11. The head should also split from the radar array. So new main guns, new head, new shoulders, and obviously the Daedalus and Prometheus.

    FYI - giving this thing a Prometheus and Daedalus with a TV paint scheme was the rumor I mentioned earlier :)

    Personally I can accept the head not splitting from the radar array, as somehow I thought it makes more sense for it not to split actually. Furthermore, the storm attacher mode is the mode I would personally display it, so not much of a biggie.

  12. A large TV version SDF-1 is my grail macross toy, hope we see one. The difference between TV vs movie versions are big, a repaint and just slapping the D and P on the arms aint gonna cut it.





    From what I read, some people actually think that the TV SDF-1 toy will look anything like the lineart in terms of proportion. I feel compelled to speak about this: I hate to say this, but the fact is that the PROPORTIONS wil be very much similar to the DYRL line art, which is closer to what the actual thing will look like (see 1/2000 or 1/3000 SDF-1)

    The TV lineart's bow is way too wide, basically as if it is from a forced perspective that makes the bow look almost as wide as the stern, when in fact the bow is only as wide as what is presented in the DYRL lineart, and for even more accurate indication, the 1/2000 or 1/3000 DYRL SDF-1

    However, having said that, the fact is that slapping the Prometheus and Daedalus in place of the Armds ain't gonna cut it. I can accept the torso bit, but the shoulders, specifically how the cannons are attached (Swivel internal versus swivel external of shoulder) need to be addressed, alongside the main gun (the TV version has an arc indent on each side of the main gun). Only with these few changes (shoulders, maingun and of course with the P and D) I can accept a "repaint"

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