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Posts posted by veffidas

  1. Out of curiousity, what's the gamma set to on your Mac? Contrast might just be showing up as lighter since standard Mac gamma is 1.8; NTSC is 2.2 I think. Is your DVD set to R2 or region free btw? Trying to find firmware to kill the region lock on my Mac is a pain...

    Either way, it looks like they went all out on line enhancement for the remaster. I kind of like how soft everything looks where the main gun is firing. Still kind of on the fence about picking it up though. How are the extras?

    The screenshots I posted were from the Quantum-Raws DVD-rip I mentioned, since I won't be able to get the DVDs themselves on hand for a while; so, I unfortunately can't really tell you about the extras. You'll have to ask TheLoneWolf for his opinion. Nonetheless, the gamma is set to 1.8 on my Mac.

    As for the DVD region lock issue, my drive firmware has been flashed to RPC-1 (region-free) with Region X used for switching. If your Mac has a Matshita drive, headway was made not too long ago for a fair number of them, so you may be in luck: http://forum.rpc1.org/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=43082 .

    (Dangard Ace, the left side is from the R2 discs, as the right side has some of the AnimEigo split-screen comparisons: http://www.animeigo.com/images/macross.t .)

  2. I've just secured the 25th anniversary set for roughly $250 myself, but I probably won't be able to review it for a while. Nonetheless, Quantum-Raws did release some of the extras from the set including the combined episode 1 and 2 initial broadcast. While I'm uncertain if that extra itself was remastered, here are a few screenshots from the file alongside the official AnimEigo remastering images.






  3. To be fair, it's one of those rarer articles for a Robotech item, likely harder to find than a Gold Book and probably closer to the collectibility of the Sky Angels doujinshi. While the content of the item probably isn't as rich as either of the books listed, I'd imagine those who actually know about it would pay a pretty penny.

    Crystal Dreams was a game to be released for the N64 before the return of the rise of Harmony Gold (and Robotech.com), but the producer went out of business first. You can read about it's history from one of the developers here: http://www.opusgames.com/games/rcd/rcd.html.

  4. Admittedly, I don't buy many anime DVDs these days (my last purchase being the Macross Zero R2 disks), but I've never heard of a TV series anime having the animation redrawn for the DVD release. Has this actually happened before? Anybody know any examples of anime TV series where this has happened for the DVD release?

    To correct episode 6, is not just a minor touch-up. IMO they would completely reanimate the character parts of episode 6.


    Where did the complaints come from? the fanbase or was it more of a unanimous opinion of critics/reviewers? Just curious as to what kind of impact a request from the fanbase can have on the actual release of the DVD's, if this is something the fans are willing to pursue, now would be a good time to let them know our concerns, before the discs go into production, we have to keep in mind, that the first volume comes out late July, which is literally around the corner. If the fanbase had nothing to do with it, then we'll just have to wait, and see what happens.

    Judging from the replies here, it seems fairly common and fanbase complaints likely don't have much to do with it. A couple of other series that were retouched for DVD were Yomigaeru Sora - RESCUE WINGS - and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

  5. Yeah, then there's this. I wish these people would make up their mind. Or at least higher someone to make sure it's consistent, they use so much English in anime nowadays. =|


    I'd use Nome; Big West/Victor is selling the CD single rather than just advertising it. Plus, a Google search for "Sheryl Nome" yields 17 times more hits than "Sheryl Norm."

  6. I don't know how possible this is but can't the macross F website have an english page as well? Telling us it's updated in Japanese really doesn't help those of us who aren't fluent :)

    Well, the translation tools that azrael has listed in the News Thread do a good enough job for small things like character summaries, in particular Nifty and Excite for ease of use. Google's own Language Tools isn't bad, either.

  7. She may be ground crew, or is there something like a "pit-boss" in these situations?

    Ep1, after the pilots get their V-3 code, Ozma shouts "Canalia (sp?) we're coming!"

    Ep3 early, still in reg clothes, she indicates the VB-6 is ready for launch.

    Ep3 late, she seems to be in charge of keeping an eye on Ozma, talking to the doctors, calling the nurses after his wounds reopen.

    She seems to be in charge, in some capacity.

    She's the Monster's pilot and a lieutenant, part of Ozma's Skull Squadron. She's also trained as a medic and doctor, with a proper medical license.

    The official Macross F website has been updated today, for everyone's information.

  8. Amazon JP has preorders up for new Macross items from Frontier. So far I have been able to order from them with no problems using their english interface. Right now I have Macross Frontier vol 1 and2 and Macross Zero preordered on Blu-ray disc but would also like to order any frontier music CDS and the collections of the two frontier mangas. But I am unable to read enogh of the item listings to find the exact items. can anyone here post links to the preorders for the mangas and the music cds. I think i found two music CDs but can tell what exactly they are, one looks like the OSt and the other possibly a single?



    Yes, the first is the OST, and the second is the ending theme single. The following is the single for opening theme, Triangler:

    Amazon JP - Triangler

  9. :huh:

    So that's what happened to Pizza Hut. ^_^ Heh. its been two episodes already in Code Geass R2 and I haven't seen the Pizza Hut shameless plug. :p I guess Pizza Hut ain't supporting the Rebellion this time around. :lol:

    Anyways, azrael are we gonna be seeing Pizza Hut within MF itself like what happened to Season 1 of Code Geass? I'm already ROFL-ing at the prospect of Captain Klan Klein ordering a super-sized pizza. :ph34r:

    I think you just missed the subtle plugs that Pizza Hut does in that series. Read the paragraph before the comments at this post from Random Curiosity for a screenshot in the series and a link to a Pizza Hut Japan page that features Code Geass R2.

    Pizza Hut is simply playing both sides and getting the best of both worlds.

  10. I take it that you're joking. Cathy is NUNS President's daughter, and she doesn't seem the type can be forced. She definitely loves Leon.

    Are you saying that she was NOT trying to resist him. For some reason what he did was at least inconvenient for her. Certainly not rape, but still......

    It certainly wasn't a "no means yes" situation.


    I would think she'd take Ozma over the guy with the foo-foo haircut any day, but oh well, such is life...

    Anyway...looks like we have the makings of a second love triangle here... :ph34r:

    I think some might be missing out on some of the situation. Her first protest was something to the extent of "If Father were to find out..." It's quite obvious that they have some relationship from that context, and, while Cathy may not have been prepared to have sex right then and there, she certainly wasn't unwilling, especially with how she repeated his name before the end of the scene. The context fits herbert's statement more than anything else anyone else has said.

    Just putting a guess out there, but Ozma, if anything, might have been an old boyfriend, a la more Isamu-ish.

    Besides, we really don't know much about Leon from the anime, yet. Other than his hairstyle, he seems to be extremely competent at his job.

  11. Have you figured out a way around this?

    Short of asking fansub encoders to either encode using a smaller resolution or different codec, there probably isn't a solution.

    You'll note that from Apple's recommendations a G4 is good enough for a 480p H.264, but once the resolution bumps up to 780p, only a G5 or higher is recommended. (Dio, sorry I didn't get back to you but it's the resolution bump that's causing the most problems rather than the 24 fps, since most things are encoded using at least 24 frames per second.)

    An alternative maybe Shinsen-Subs' releases since they've recently argued that the "HD" (780p) raws out there aren't true HD and are just upscaled encodes, so they may be releasing in lower resolutions. They've just released the broadcast version of episode 1 in XviD, 704x396. (I see Shouta made the same comment concerning the non-HD quality a couple pages back.)

  12. It definitely plays, the video just lags like hell on VLC and Mplayer. I am trying to watch this on a g4 iMac. Xvids, avis, work, from what I remember, mkvs worked like a charm on Mplayer as well. Mp4 is just a pain to play on a mac.

    MPEG-4 is simply a container like Matroska (mkv). What you're having problems with is most likely H.264 decoding (what AiA's release uses); unfortunately, a lot of guys with older computers are having the same problem.

    Afterall, you can read Apple's blurb on MP4: http://www.apple.com/quicktime/technologies/mpeg4/.

    And Apple's comments on H.264 decoding with further elaboration here: http://www.apple.com/quicktime/guide/hd/recommendations.html

    Does H.264 require special hardware?

    While H.264 is a computationally advanced codec, it runs on today’s shipping computers with no additional hardware required. For example, a full HD movie (1920x1080, 8 Mbps, 24 fps) encoded with H.264 plays back beautifully on a dual Power Mac G5. Internet-sized content (40kbps - 300kbps) will run on the most basic of processors, like those in mobile phones and consumer-level computers.

  13. Shinsen-Subs has finally released Episode 1 (Broadcast) in XviD, 704x396. This will be beneficial for those who've been having playback problems with the h.264 files released by Gattai and AiA I-Z.

    (Note to mods: The link was to Shinsen-Subs' news post regarding their release, not the file itself. Please verify content before applying universal edits.)

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