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Posts posted by mcpaz

  1. In fact, in every new version, they are improving and improving (well, yf-21FP aka purple eater is the exception).

    The YF-21FP *IS* an improvement over the earlier YF-21, even if it's only in the leg folding area and in the addition of the FP, of course!.

    Well, I agree, but not 100%. <_<

    I have both versions of yf-21, and I have to say (it's a personal opinion, of course) that I deeply love B)) my older version, much more than the newer. In fact, it's so damn hard (in terms of physical force) to transform it to another thing than fighter that I have decided to leave it in that mode forever. And the hip joints are so loose... I can't pose it without a lot of effort (and I know that the feet are redesigned, and all that).

    So, the 'disagree percent' go to the part related to the effectiveness of the improvemens. I mean, yes, the have really improved the original yf design, but, did it worth the cost?

    1.- Yes, no 'leg gap' in fighter mode - > HARD to transform (not good improvement).

    2.- Hip redesign - > Loose joints, you can't pose your robot (not good improvement).

    3.- Front landing gear - > the old one was better (by my criteria)

    4.- Color: well, I like more, much more, the old one.

    More variations, like feet redesign (VERY good!!), shoulders, FP addition... are eclipsed mainly by the 3 things stated above.

    Of course, Uxi, redesign and improvements are there. But at what price? I still think it's not worthy. Please don't get me wrong, I still like it very much (after all, it's the 2nd best yf-21 in the market, isn't it?).



  2. It's coming, but the YF-19 is one of the most difficult VFs to design a really good, accurate toy of. Those of you who have really thought about this and studied the issue will know what I mean. The groin/front landing gear area and back of the legs/shoulder areas are real challenges. Pictures will be released as soon as Yamato is happy with the design. I trust you all want a good toy, so just be patient. Give them time to get it right rather than rush the design.

    Of course something like the Q-Rau which does not transform and is a much simpler design will be finished quicker.


    I concure to that Graham! :) Anyway, I think Yamato wants to spend most of their effort in perfecting this toy, due to the fact that their previous releases were a bust.

    well, I'm sorry, but I do not agree with you, fury. B))

    I have a vf-19 and a very close friend of mine has a yf-19 (v2). Well, I know that we can't compare the quality of a 1/48 or even a 1/60 vf-1 with our yf-vf/19 ;) . We have to think that the 19 was yamato's first attempt in doing a macross-line product. And, even though it was NOT perfect, and was not absent of QC issues, there wasn't anything in the market that could be compared with it. In fact, it received the 'toy of the year' award.

    BTW, Yamato made a public... how can I say... declaration of the type: "we're sorry; yes, the damn tab B is a QC issue, we'll correct it" :( and they did. And then came versions 1.2 and 2 of the yf, and finally, the vf version. How many companies (not only toy companies, but software, food...) do you know that did something like this? With just a few exceptions, every one of them tries to justify themselves, not to make public 'we made a mistake'. :angry:

    Yep, I like yamato. But I'm not a 'yamato fan' or whatever. I just like the way they focus and solution their problems. And, no one should ever question their innovative energy. And no one should ever forget that there is no perfect toy. In fact, in every new version, they are improving and improving (well, yf-21FP aka purple eater is the exception).


  3. Try getting the AMV 'Information High' in www.unspacy.de

    And tell us what do you think about the end in the 'movie' version. ;)

    BTW, no much differences between the OVAs and the movie; in the movie you can see Lucy naked and a couple of valk-animations that don't appear in the OVAs.

    It's cool, anyway. :blink:

  4. Please, Graham,

    if you get a second, please take a couple of pics of your brand new vf-1s Hikaru valks... since it's going to be my first 1/48... I wanna see!!! Pleaaaseeee!!! Mercy, master!! ;)

    My promise to make all .xls files you need! My promise do dirty work! :lol:

    Damn... I don't believe I can stand the wait... Tammin, please, don't make me wait too much!!! :(

    a (somehow) desperate mcpaz

    PD: I have just lost my last nail. I'm beggining to eat my fingers. In fact, I'm writing with my ears, but that's just because I can't reach them with my teeth. Damn wait... :(

  5. Mmmmm....

    1.- A copy? Since Graham said so, yep, might be. <_<

    2.- Original? Well, not too much. <_<

    3.- Cool? Well, it's cool enough ;)

    But, since it's going to (at last!) my first 1/48 yammie, it's simply...




    (a very happy mcpaz. Thanks, Tammin!!!!)

  6. Hi all!

    First of all, please be kind to me, because I haven't played any macross game before... but this is gonna change!

    I have a pc platform, and a nice joystick. I would like to know if there's any simulator/arcade like those form star wars based on macross (specially plus). And where can I get 'em.

    Thanks in advance,


  7. MSth08, are you listening...?

    come to the dark side :angry:  :lol:

    the dark side is lurking me..... :lol:

    C'mon, the dark side is cool!!!

    Didn't you ever hear: "good boys go to heaven. Bad guys go to the funny places" ;)

    Dark side forever!!!! :ph34r:

    mcpaz :lol:

  8. you call that MODEST?? it's like 3 times the size of my collection!

    Yep, I do agree... some ppl have a somehow 'strange' concept of modesty... <_<

    My collection is modest (only 4 1/60's, 4 1/72's).

    But I will get my 1/48!!! :lol:


    Yeah I call it modest. I'm certain many MW members have large collections but do not want to show it off, do not want to display it because of "MISB" syndrome :p , do not have a display case or do not have any room to display, and other personal reasons.

    Hi, 1 VF-1 2NV,

    modesty is a relative concept, for sure. Anyway, my comments are pure envy, nothing more, nothing less. BTW, its envy in the good sense (it's the 'I wish I could have as many as you...' or 'how cool you have so many...' kind of envy).

    But this christmas.... yamatos a-tutiplen for everyone!!!!



  9. Damn Sony and its playstation!!!

    I thought that Graham in holidays, with familiar compromises or outer space, since we didn't hear anything new about yamato and its upcoming toys (1/72 line, yf-19 FP, 1/60 line, 1/48....), or anything!

    And the reason was... that game! :(

    Well, maese Graham, I'm going to forget your birthday (too much busy @ work), so... happy birthday!! B)) I hope your wife and relatives give you a big bunch of Yamatos!!! :lol:



  10. Hi all,

    Am I the only one who believes that, if we look in a dictionary the word 'skills', or in mighty google "modelling skills", wm-cheng's face is going to appear? :lol:

    Two words: simply brilliant. I do agree with all mw'ers: yf-19 close to yf-21... are a must. B)

    Thanks very much for your lessons, really. You're making real fans here! :huh:

    I'll look forward your next project too. Even if it's made of thootpicks. I don't care, I would have a photo of it as a wallpaper. Sure. :lol:


  11. Just one thing... take good care of your brand new computer heat dissipation. :(

    In the company where I work, Toshiba has been... how can I say, excomulgated. We have lost more than 9000$ in PCs these last year, with Satellite Pros... :angry:

    Anyway, good luck.


  12. mmmm....

    I can't see the point... <_<

    "gritty functionality of a battleship and futuristic aerospace aesthetics". Yep. Didn't ya see the HUGE aircraft ship? WTH does that kind of ship in space? :blink:

    I think that sarcasm is not the word. Only two chances for me: or the guy at charge of the text wrote it with its ass, or he has under some kind of curse, spell or whatever. :unsure:

    (a ship in space?? futuristic?? Sorry guys, such a strange incongruity in my mind is destroing my only neuron left...) :(


  13. Posted on Sep 30 2003, 01:29 AM


    Don't worry, you will see the new YF-19 before the end of next year, although even I don't know exactly when.

    As for a redesigned YF-21 or VF-11B, anything is possible.


    Hey Graham,

    didn't you seriously think to dedicate your life to politics? You have a strange ability to speak without saying anything... :blink:

    We're sooo excited waiting for the upcoming news... please, show mercy!!! Can't you at least say something like "what I have seen is by far the best vf-19 ever" or "the upcoming yf is very very cool..." something, pleeeeaseee!!! Mercy, master, mercy!! :(



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