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Posts posted by mcpaz

  1. Hi!

    I'll try to answer some of the questions I've read:

    * I used excel. Nothing more. Just a couple of mods since my first version, but that's it.

    * I'll try to include more members in the next issue, but, well, maybe should be more interesting to integrate SQL and PHP togheter to make the 'data harvest', so you'll be able to update your data as well. Yep, that should be fine... We could even add more data about each user: age, sex (not amount of it, nor strange meltrandi advanced techniques, you perverts!), country... It's going to take some time, and that's what I don't have now...

    * Graham: Patience. The same happened to my daughter. And to me... well, what happened to me has no name: 10 months!!! But believe me, my mother loves me at all (well, I guess so... mommy! :( )

    As for the profits, I do agree with RHTT, and with a couple of appointements: 180K is the amount of money factured, not profits; the profits may be around 25% of that quantity (45K $). That isn't much money at all. We have to think in a lot of money spent: marketing, salaries, design, computers, CAD software licenses...

    Thanks for viewing.

    Kind regards to everyone, specially to Graham and Amy,


  2. Hi all!

    Welcome to the valkaholic-statistics version 2.0, here @ MacrossWorld. First of all, my best wishes to Amy, Graham for their family's newest member. From the deep of my heart, congratulations!

    Well, let's go straight to the stats.

    The first thing I realized is that there hasn't been any major changes in the percentages, so the version 1.0 wasn't that bad at all. Right now, I have stats for 350 users, and as someone stated before, they may not be updated at all. For example, our master, sithlord, didn't update his collection at all. We have to respect, above all, his privacy, even I'm pretty curious abuot his real numbers. Yes, guys, PURE envy. S, I officially hate you. BTW, what we all got is:

    1/72 valks: 964

    1/60 valks: 2147

    1/48 valks: 1131

    total valks: 4242 (nice number!)

    1.- First thing to consider: the 1/72 valks were sold to a smaller crowd (yamato was not that popular by the year 2000, and its popularity may have grown with macrossworld as well). The 1/72 line sold well, but it was the worst until now (even with the yf-21FP and the vf-11B FP re-issues). Taking for reference a average cost of 65USD per 1/72 yammie, we have a total of 62660$ (not bad :huh: ).

    2.- number of 1/60s: it's more than the sum of the other two. We may think that this has been the most successful valk in quantity terms, and was something like 'the way to success' for Yamato. The average 1/60's yamatos per user is almost the double of the rest! (6.13) The 1/60 amount, taking 65$ as a average cost is near 140,000$ (it gets better :o )

    3.- Oh, our beloved 1/48. Their numbers: 3.23 yammies per MW user (but 70% of us have less than 3.23; so there are a 30% of us who are REAL 1/48 freaks!!!), and the money spent... near 170,000$!! :( simply WOW. So, what can we conclude? That we aren't typical customers: we CARE more for quality than money, and 1/48 are just beauties for all of us. In fact, only the 18.5% of us has not already bought one!! (and again, look at the price!).

    Well, let's continue:

    Averages by type:

    1/48 - 1/60 - 1/72 - total

    3.23 6.13 2.75 12.12

    Average money spent. (assuming average costs of 150, 65 and 65 USD for 1/48, 1/60 and 1/72 respectively)

    1/48: 484.71$

    1/60: 398.73$

    1/72: 179.03$

    total: 1062.47$ :o

    And the masters are...

    1/48: 34 Godzilla

    1/60: 42 s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d

    1/72: 31 s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d

    total: 89 s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d


    For the 1/48 line, we got:

    34: Godzilla

    24: SkullFighter

    23: kensei

    For the 1/60 line,

    42: s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d

    33: valkyrie-exchange.com (congrats, Kevin!)

    27: trueblueeyes (I'm sorry, but I'm no longer single... :lol: )

    And finally, for the 1/72,

    31: s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d

    23: valkyrie-exchange.com (congrats again!)

    19: SkullFighter


    89: sithlord (mmm... again, I hate/envy you sooo much.)

    68: valkyrie-exchange.com

    66: SkullFighter

    As you can check, distances with S have decreased... :p

    Percentages under the average

    1/48 line: the 70% of us have 3 or less 1/48 valks.

    1/60 line: the 62% of us have 6 or less 1/60 valks.

    1/72 line: the 58% of us have 2 or less 1/72 valks.

    Totals: the 65% of us have 12 or less Yamato valks.

    Probability distribution graphs

    1/48 Line:


    1/60 Line:


    1/72 Line:




    Final Conclusions:

    1.- Yamato really needs to say thanks to G-man and S-man for their work. Amounts of money are in Yamato's pocket thanks to them! (how was yamato's macross line gonna reach anywhere but japan? Any answer, Mr. Yamato? Plz, forgive Graham for any sins we all might have commited and return talking to him... Yep, we hate when he begins with that 'I know, but I'm not sure if I can tell' stuff, but we love to hear that from him!!! We need reasons to speculate!! We need it as air to breathe!

    2.- We all have a problem. A valkaholic problem. We need therapy. Really, believe me.

    3.- We need to stop lurking MW. Doing so gives us the wrong feeling that having more than one single valk of each variant is... normal. Guys, come on, it isn't normal!

    4.- Sithlord can't be our hero. Believe me, he can't. He... mustn't! :(

    5.- We need a salary increase. This basically throws arguments 2, 3 and 4 to hell. Well, I'm a valkaholic and... I love it! :p And yes, I would like to have as many yammies as S. Or even more... :(

    Well, it's too late and I'm not too inspired... please post your comments. Thanks guys for sharing, and let's say all together...

    Thanks Yamato!


    We all hate you sithlord, kevin and skullfighter! :ph34r:


    mcpaz (I'm going to bed, too tired...)

  3. I have 4.


    4 grapes?

    4 girlfriends?

    4 billion $?


    Plz, try to specify just a little bit, since my guessing abilities are... how may I say... inexistent. :p

    Thanks, BTW.


  4. Hi all!!

    It's been a long time since the first version of these stats, and well, all I have now is almost the double of users and a lot of numbers. :o

    Well, what I can say is that there are not many surprises, and you'll see them in a couple of days. <_<

    I would like you to ask for a final input: I have post in my webspace (chek My Webpage) the current stats. I'll wait until next saturday or so to correct them or to add new users if you don't find yourself in them. They are listed alphabetically.

    As always, feel free to make any suggestions you may have. ;)

    Thanks for your input.

    PS: I'm very depressed... I have to ask my boss for a salary increase... OMG... So many yammies, so little money... :(

  5. Damn you guys! :lol:

    You're seriusly making me put hands at work!!

    If I have time, I'll do a complete search in the next days. Yep, as someone stated before, someone has to make the dirty work... :(

    Excel will do it for me ^_^

    PS: it's true, trueblueeyes hasn't respond to my marriage proposal :( . Maybe I wasn't romantic enough (damn, we spanish use to be so, don't we?), or maybe I wasn't serious enough, or maybe she is already married with a intelligent guy, smarter and faster than we are. ;)

  6. Toy Story NOTHING... that looks like a photo from off a shelf!! O_O!!!

    I really should use Rhino for more than polygon modeling... How on earth do you get those complex surfaces so smooth??? I always end up with ridiculous distortions.

    I would go even further! I would say this is one of the photo album for the Meltran Q-Rau propaganda!!!

    (Put a slogan under your Q-Rau and all meltrans will buy it for sure! :p )

  7. Hi, all!

    First of all, thanks Graham for the pics and info. ;)

    And well, in second place, I would like to say:

    -- The VF-0 does not look bad at all <_<

    -- But it's too expensive for the look&feel it has... :angry:

    Don't you guys think that this 1/100 is TOO similar to a 500yen banpresto? Yeah, it has the Yamato brand and all that... but under my opinion it doesn't worth 4K yen, nor 4.4K yen. Not even under severe ethilic effects.

    It's the first Yammie I'm not even thinking on purchase (and I like the VF-0 a lot, believe me!). Too Crappy. :(

    I do expect Yamato to make a damn good yf-19. That's my only wish right now.


  8. I would like to make a suggestion: to build a demilitarized zone, you know, a first-level barrier based on transformers. And then, the more expensive the toys are, the higher the shelves must be. That way, you may minimize their curiosity. <_<

    My display cabinet has 4 shelves (yep, a glass-based IKEA's), and I keep the lower two full of tf's, and my yamatos and MPC prime are on the higher. My daughter is only 14 months old, but I have seen her looking my collection with THAT kind of expression (yes, 1st step. You guys MUST know what I'm talking about). But her curiosity goes more for the TF group. ;) Might be the more colours they have, I don't know.

    Definately, all I can tell is to have PATIENCE. And teach them NOT to even touch our treasssure!

    (for all tf fans, hey, I'm too, but yamatos are cooler!). :ph34r:


  9. Hi all,

    first of all, merry christmas everyone. And second, as the title stated, I would like to know if someone knows about any single new on this question. I use to read everything G-man posts, but his lips are sealed ( :angry: ) now, and no news at all (no news from magazines, web...). Damn, even google doesn't say anything at all!!!

    All I know is yamato's newsletter says that the 2004 releases are only Q-rau and monster.

    Can anybody pleeeeease throw some light over my perpetual darkness??

    Any help is deeply appreciated. Even if it's a lie, it will help. I'll kill you as soon as i notice it, but it will help.

    Thanks everyone!

  10. The same happened to me the very first time I tried to install the missiles on -exactly- the same point (same wing, same piece pop-off).

    As sithlord stated, glue it again. No problem since then, and I use to play with my 1/48 as much as I can... (yep, since I don't have any macross enemy, starscream is always a victim in my dogfights... :lol: ).

    No mercy!!! ;) Decep**** will be defeated!!!

    (yamato, please, release the q-rau! My mental health is under serius risk!!)

  11. Mock battles here, mock battles there... bah! <_<

    C'mon, guys, you have to recognize that what we REALLY like, what really turns us on (...) is to make Isamu and Guld fight!!! :lol:

    I'm pretty sure that every 1/72's owner does... (I do :p )

    mcpaz :lol:

  12. Guys, I'm pretty sure this is just the GBP armor sold by itself without the Valk.

    The HLJ blurb about paint, is just a screw up on HLJ's part.


    This leads to a question:

    if I have a 1/60 valk without FP... will I be able to install the GBP over my old VF-1A Hikaru v1.0? Which 1/60 version is needed? does it only fit on the VF-1J's?

    Thanks in advance,


  13. Hi, Dimebug!

    First of all, welcome to MW forums. Well, as you, I was a happy hlj customer, but if you are looking for alternative sources, I personally recommend you to check TMP Anime and Valkyrie-Exchange. Either Tamim (TMP) or Kevin (V-E) are very polite, efficient and kind persons to deal with.

    For any further question, please do not hesitate to write down a line. I'll be glad to answer.

    Kind regards,


  14. boquepassa!!

    bienvenido al forum de MW, colega! A lo mejor sí sería interesante averiguar cuántos españoles (hispanohablantes, mejor) hay por el foro. Seguro que somos más de media docena... pero efectivamente, el idioma oficial aquí es el inglés. De cualquier forma, aprovecha para mejorar tu inglés... siempre ayuda. A mí al menos me ayuda un montón.

    Un saludo



    welcome to MW forums, man! Maybe it would be interesting to find out how many spanish-speakers friends we got around the forums. I'm sure we are more than half a dozen... but it's true, official language here is english. Anyway, you can improve your english skills... it always helps. At last, it helps me a lot.



  15. :p It took me about 15 minutes. I wanted to be a little more productive by adding some shading to it. Yes, it's a Yammee YF-19 v1.0 :lol:! You have one, too, I suppose? Not a bad toy for version 1.0. I think Yamato is regressing after reading recent news on the new Hiky VF-1S.

    Well, in fact the only 19 I have is the VF. I identified it was a YF by looking on its knee-joints, and the version was guessed due to the tailfins, which rotate outwards (the other versions rotate inside-the-legs direction).


  16. check it out yourself:

    That's a lot of hardware being pointed at your face. :o

    Is it just me, or does that look like a big nut sack behind him?

    Mmmmmm weeeell.... :(

    I also thought that minmay was smaller than the vf-1... bu-bu-but... well, back there, you can see a pair of... err... gloves... (!?) :blink:


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